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OFFICIAL: United Nosework / Nosework - Friday, Trial 1

November 11, 2016

Location: Blossom, Texas

Judge: Karen A Shivers

High in Trial: MI SN PTE Chase Morgan Home, Labrador Retriever, Kathleen Mc Cullough

Handler Novice A
1st NC NHD PTS Abydos Wicked Razzberry, Connie Haschke, Frank Haschke, Unrecognized, Nov P
2nd EE AHD EI EC MN CH CT'PR'Allagante Windspirit Kokomo, Karen Johnson Or Glen Johnson, Silken Windhound, Nov P
3rd AHD PTE SI MC AN UCD URO1 Kaiser Von Bungarz, Horst S Bungarz Or Beverly Jane Bungarz, German Shepherd Dog, Nov P
4th NI NV AC PTE Kelly Kozmo, Jan Bajovich, Miniature Schnauzer, Nov P

Handler Novice B
1st MI SN PTE Chase Morgan Home, Kathleen Mc Cullough, Labrador Retriever, Nov P HIT
2nd NHD MC NN AV SI Terminus Wotan V Anlaufstelle SPOT-ON, Becky Slanker, German Shepherd Dog, Nov P
3rd NHD EV EC EI SN URO3 UCDX Hershey Kiss, Edward Oldham And Caroline Oldham, Labrador Retriever, Nov P
4th NN SV SI MC PTE Glory Halleujah Borras, Victor A Borras, Unrecognized, Nov P
AHD EN CH Bar Lo's Wendi From Heartthrobs, Nancy K Anderson, Schipperke, Nov P
EE EI EC MN UCDX URO3 CH Smith Picasso's Pretty Picture, Brenda J Osborn, Standard Poodle, Nov P

Handler Advanced B
1st SI NHD SV AN EC URO2 CH Duncan Of Poodle Lane, Mary Weigandt, Poodle, Adv P
2nd UCD EHD MI UAGII EC SN URO2 Darboshea Special Request, Richard Beezley And Vicki Kelley, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv P
3rd EI AHD EC AN CH URO3 UCDX UACH Darboshea Wanna Talk About Me, Liz Beezley, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Adv P