Hunting Beagle World Championship
October 10 - 12, 2025
Zanesville, Ohio
Friendly Hills Camp and Conference Center
5880 Friendly Hills Road
Zanesville, OH
2025 Event Info
- All dogs must have qualified at a World Qualifying Event to be eligible for entry.
- A substitute may replace a dog that was entered if the dog has died, come in season, or declared to be ill and not able to participate in the hunt. The dog may only be replaced by a substitute dog that is registered in the same registrants name and was also qualified in the current year.
- Refunds may be issued for deceased or a female in season if officially notified before the time of the hunt. Otherwise, refunds are not issued for any reason.
- All dogs hunting in Round 1a must be confirmed at the entry table by 7:00 AM local time on the morning of the hunt (Friday).
All dogs hunting in Round 1b must be confirmed at the entry table by 3:00 PM local time on the afternoon of the hunt (Friday).
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About Hunting Beagle World
This event offers three days of world-class competition. Participants compete for prizes provided by the event sponsors, as well as prestige; the World Hunt Champion and World Bench Show Champion are crowned.
Competitors in this annual competition start as part of a group of World Champion hopefuls, representing entries from all over the U.S. and Canada.
The field of hopefuls is narrowed to the best-of-the-best Beagles and handlers during the World Qualifying Events that take place across the country throughout the year.
2024 Prize Sponsors

Official Partners