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OFFICIAL: Finger Lakes American Eskimo Dog Association / Conformation - Saturday, Show 2

November 5, 2016

Location: Locke, New York

Guardian Dogs

Cane Corso Italiano, 3 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB GRCH Casanova's Rendezvous, Jessica Caster
RCH GRCH Casanova's Bite The Bullet SPOT-ON, Jessica Caster

Central Asian Shepherddog, 2 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH URO1 CH Bossar Bauer Chorasan, Susan Lindquist
GRCH BOB URO2 GRCH Fergie Chacalkiz Chenekel, Susan Lindquist

Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB CH Phillmar Xena Warrior Princess, Tamara A Cushing, Mika T Cushing, Cheryl Green

Rottweiler, 4 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
Int. Female RBF Redyre High Road, Leslie Muhlhahn
BHF BF BOB CH Legacy's Keepsake, Evelyn Pfeiffer
CH CH Legacy's Krimson And Klover, Laura Putnam
RCH Listed Entry

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Margaret L Doster
1st) Cane Corso Italiano, GRCH Casanova's Rendezvous
2nd) Central Asian Shepherddog, URO2 GRCH Fergie Chacalkiz Chenekel
3rd) Rottweiler, CH Legacy's Keepsake
4th) Doberman Pinscher, CH Phillmar Xena Warrior Princess


Beagle, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB CCH Angelwick Living On A Prayer, Barbara Drake

Redbone Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB CCH CH'PR'Tnt's&rimfire Thunder Rd Gunny, Tammy Rogers

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Margaret L Doster
1st) Redbone Coonhound, CCH CH'PR'Tnt's&rimfire Thunder Rd Gunny
2nd) Beagle, CCH Angelwick Living On A Prayer

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Afghan Hound, 3 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
Int. Female BF CH Charsada Reach Beyond The Star, Kathleen O'brien
CH BOB CH Her Name Is Lola, Kathleen O'brien
RCH CH Charsada Go Above And Beyond, Kathleen O'brien

Saluki, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
GRCH Invalid Entry

Whippet, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB CH Kindred's Pretty Woman, Maryann Barrett

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Margaret L Doster
1st) Saluki, Invalid Entry
2nd) Afghan Hound, CH Her Name Is Lola
3rd) Whippet, CH Kindred's Pretty Woman

Gun Dogs

English Springer Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB CH Chelsae N Jason's Chick Magnet SPOT, Suzanne Y Benton, Richard C Benton

Labrador Retriever, 5 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
Adult Female RBF Rimfires June Bug, Danielle Madore
BHF BF CH Best Kept Labs Spring Rayne SPOT, Viola M Foresman
CH BOB GRCH Adventure's Kendall Galore SPOT-ON, Nancy A Stockdale
RCH CH Mc Cabe Creek Gust Over Rimfire, Danielle Madore

Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, 2 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB Cayuga's Hayley's Comet, Hayley Brown
Female Puppy BF CH URO1 Saranac Journey Into Imagination, Joy Annunziato

Standard Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
Female Puppy BF BOB CH Alaman's I'm Accounting On You, Chrystal Striegel

Standard Poodle M/C, 1 Entry
Judge Margaret L Doster
CH BOB CH Rodnac's Walker Du Dubois, Lauri Whatley

Weimaraner, 2 Entries
Judge Margaret L Doster
Jr. Male BM Sir Duke Of Naboo, Elizabeth L Silfer
CH BOB RATN CH Platinum Ultimate Renaissance Man, Tanya K Rowan

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Margaret L Doster
1st) Labrador Retriever, GRCH Adventure's Kendall Galore SPOT-ON
2nd) Weimaraner, RATN CH Platinum Ultimate Renaissance Man
3rd) Standard Poodle M/C, CH Rodnac's Walker Du Dubois
4th) Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Cayuga's Hayley's Comet

Northern Breeds

American Eskimo, 9 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Male Puppy BMV BM 'PR'Miracle Pats Irish It Ain't Ez, Amanda E Innerst, Carol J Innerst
BHF BFV BF BOW CH'PR'Pats Irish Miracle Reflection, Suzanne O'donnell, Renee Strong, Amanda E Innerst
CH CH'PR'Alaksa's Vision Of Gold, Linda Graham And Elizabeth Graham
RCH GRCH'PR'Meglyn's Gray's Anatomy SPOT, Megan Coriston Or Linda Coriston
GRCH BOB NBOB NGRCH GRCH'PR'Pat's Irish Miracle Ncis Agent, Suzanne Odonnell, Renee Strong

Finnish Spitz, 2 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
Adult Female RBF CH Dv9k9's Hypnotic Knight, Joe Walawander, Linda E Walawander

Shiba, 1 Entry
Judge Deborah J Allen
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Deborah J Allen
1st) Shiba, Listed Entry
2nd) American Eskimo, NBOB NGRCH GRCH'PR'Pat's Irish Miracle Ncis Agent
3rd) Finnish Spitz, Listed Entry

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd, 3 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
CH CH Willowdale Shes All That SPOT-ON, Laurie J Shepard, Susan Thompson
RCH URO1 CH Kinnamans Isis D Pessoa SPOT-ON, Laurie J Shepard And Susan Thompson
GRCH BOB URO1 GRCH Ninebark Call To Glory, Kay M Marks

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Deborah J Allen
Adult Female BFV BF BOB CH URO1 CA Red Star I'toska SPOT-ON, Chris Crawford, Brian Crawford

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 2 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
CH BOB CH Kts Icing On The Cake @ Benever, Carol Kasabian, Richard Kasabian
GRCH GRCH Markris Benever Best Kept Secret, Carol Kasabian

Collie, 5 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Female Puppy Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBFV RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female BFV BF CH Clarion Imagine That, Jolynne Abdallah
CH BOB CH Thistlebrae's Come Dance With Us, Janine Brock
RCH URO1 CH Omega's Party Favor, Linda J Garrett, Kathryn Hughes

German Shepherd Dog, 5 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Jr. Female BF CH Shylo's Gypsy Dream Come True, Cherie Beckwith
CH URO2 CH Victorious Wings Of Faith SPOT-ON, Lynne J Anguish
GRCH BOB UCD URO3 GRCH Victorious Joyful Star Sophia SPOT-ON, Cynthia L Goss
RBF Listed Entry

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 3 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
CH CH Benevers In The Bullpen, Carol Kasabian
RCH URO1 CH Benevers In The Park Homerun SPOT-ON, Carol Kasabian
GRCH BOB GRCH Benevers In A Triple Play, Carol Kasabian

Shetland Sheepdog, 4 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Int. Female BF Jolie Can't Hurry Love, Leslie Muhlhahn
GRCH BOB GRCH Jolie Love Potion Number Nine SPOT, Peggy J Davidson, Leslie Muhlhahn

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Deborah J Allen
1st) Collie, CH Thistlebrae's Come Dance With Us
2nd) Australian Shepherd, URO1 GRCH Ninebark Call To Glory
3rd) German Shepherd Dog, UCD URO3 GRCH Victorious Joyful Star Sophia SPOT-ON
4th) Belgian Shepherd Dog, CH URO1 CA Red Star I'toska SPOT-ON


American Pit Bull Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
BHM BM CH'PR'Bossi's Colby Guinness Stout, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn
BHF BF BOW CH'PR'Bossi's Colby Leprechaun Dlite, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn
GRCH BOB UWPV UAGI URO1 UWPCH GRCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Ruby SPOT-ON, Belynda J Crick And Anthony J Flynn

Jack Russell Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Female Puppy BF Foxfield Fighting The Fight, Kim E Gibbs
CH BOB CH High Meadow Place Your Bet, Tamelea R Lopes, Kasie Jo Lopes

Toy Fox Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Deborah J Allen
Male Puppy BM BOB Listed Entry

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Deborah J Allen
1st) American Pit Bull Terrier, UWPV UAGI URO1 UWPCH GRCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Ruby SPOT-ON
2nd) Toy Fox Terrier, Listed Entry
3rd) Jack Russell Terrier, CH High Meadow Place Your Bet

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 2 Entries
Judge Deborah J Allen
Jr. Female BF CH Hkb Sapphire Aka Showtyme, Holly Tillman, Nicholas Dowd
GRCH BOB GRCH Soul Shocker Bullies Social D, Holly Tillman, Nicholas Dowd

Dalmatian, 1 Entry
Judge Deborah J Allen
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry

Italian Greyhound, 1 Entry
Judge Deborah J Allen
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Tibetan Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Deborah J Allen
CH BOB CH Shenanwood Enduring Legacy, Caroline G Pyle, Colleen Bias Chaffee

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Deborah J Allen
1st) Dalmatian, Listed Entry
2nd) Tibetan Spaniel, CH Shenanwood Enduring Legacy
3rd) Italian Greyhound, Listed Entry
4th) American Bully, GRCH Soul Shocker Bullies Social D

BIS Cane Corso Italiano, GRCH Casanova's Rendezvous, Jessica Caster
RBIS Labrador Retriever, GRCH Adventure's Kendall Galore SPOT-ON, Nancy A Stockdale