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OFFICIAL: National American Eskimo Dog Association / Conformation - Saturday, Show 1

October 22, 2016

Location: Whitmore Lake, Michigan

Guardian Dogs

Boxer, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Jr. Female BF BOB CH URO1 Boxnen's Open Opportunity, Kristina Ryan

Cane Corso Italiano
Judge Tim Parr
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
GRCH BOB GRCH Bel-mar's Wanted, Marcy Nichols

Great Dane, 2 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
Int. Female BF BOB CH Kiss' Thue Bippy Bobbity Boo, Elizabeth Irvine-van Aken
CH Invalid Entry
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Kiss' Dressed Thue The Nines, Elizabeth Irvine

Leonberger, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Male Puppy BM BOB CH Tsavo's I'll Stand By You, Angela Mozeleski

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Doberman Pinscher, GRCH Bel-mar's Wanted
2nd) Great Dane, CH Kiss' Thue Bippy Bobbity Boo
3rd) Boxer, CH URO1 Boxnen's Open Opportunity
4th) Leonberger, CH Tsavo's I'll Stand By You


Basset Fauve De Bretagne, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Int. Male BM BOB CH Blevwils Garcon, Shirley Darnell

Beagle, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
GRCH BOB CGRCH Till's First Lady Of Song, Tricia Till
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Dachshund, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB CH Bomar's Our Gal Sal, Mary K Huebner

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Beagle, CGRCH Till's First Lady Of Song
2nd) Dachshund, CH Bomar's Our Gal Sal
3rd) Basset Fauve De Bretagne, CH Blevwils Garcon

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Basenji, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
GRCH BOB UWP PTE URO1 GRCH Kiroja Home Run Tiger, Kelli Harmon

Borzoi, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Highgarden Sherlock Hound Story, Lee Warden

Greyhound, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Male Puppy BM BOB CH Lakilanni Turn The Page Story, Lee M Warden

Whippet, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB CH Dunes View Braided Sweet Grass, Susan M Bell And Beth Borgman

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Basenji, UWP PTE URO1 GRCH Kiroja Home Run Tiger
2nd) Borzoi, CH Highgarden Sherlock Hound Story
3rd) Whippet, CH Dunes View Braided Sweet Grass
4th) Greyhound, CH Lakilanni Turn The Page Story

Gun Dogs

Bracco Italiano, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Int. Female BF BOB Listed Entry
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Listed Entry

English Springer Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB CH Casmir's Candy Man, Tami Morris

Field Spaniel, 4 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB NC PTS GRCH Wyldkatz Rival Of Kings, Megan Marshall, Daphne Stover
RCH URO1 UAGI CH PTS Wyldkatz Intrepid Night Panther, Daphne Stover
GRCH URO1 PTS UAGI GRCH Wyldkatz Hear Me Roar, Daphne Stover
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

German Shorthaired Pntr, 3 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Hotwired's Tip The Balance, Cassaundra L Frabutt
BHM RBM CH High Cal's Levi Von Strauss, Lynn Taylor

Golden Retriever, 5 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
Int. Female BF CH Gazebo's Best Kept Secret, Megan White
CH CH Micin's Broxden Talkofthetown, Peggy C O'keeffe
RCH CH Windmere's Reality, Jennifer Boucher
GRCH BOB GRCH Windmere's Play It Again, Jennifer Boucher

Labrador Retriever, 2 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB GRCH Red Birch's Keepin The Faith, Barbara Christman
RCH CH Red Birch's Doin' It My Way, Barbara Christman

Welsh Springer Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB CH Brehaven's Rhythm Of T' River, Brenda Landers And Jennifer Landers
RCH CH Brehaven's Cowgirls Don't Cry, Brenda Landers And Arthur Landers

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Golden Retriever, GRCH Windmere's Play It Again
2nd) German Shorthaired Pntr, CH Hotwired's Tip The Balance
3rd) English Springer Spaniel, CH Casmir's Candy Man
4th) Welsh Springer Spaniel, CH Brehaven's Rhythm Of T' River

Northern Breeds

Alaskan Malamute, 2 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB CH Spiritruns Ohmygosh Evvys Here, Janette Slusher
RCH CH Vykon Sticks Like Glue, Janette Slusher
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Listed Entry

American Eskimo, 22 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
Male Puppy BMV BM BOW CH'PR'Debonair's Like A Rock, Debra Mitchell
Jr. Male CH'PR'Anana's American Pharaoh, Bonnie M Hammond Brown
BHM RBMV RBM Listed Entry
BHF BFV BF 'PR'Anana's Farmer's Daughter, Bonnie M Hammond Brown
CH CH'PR'Anana's Caught The Hail Mary, Stephanie Strunk, Kathleen Strunk
RCH CH'PR'Smokey Mtn Midst Of The Storm, Susan M Bell
GRCH BOB NBOB NGRCH GRCH'PR'Pat's Irish Miracle Ncis Agent, Suzanne Odonnell, Renee Strong
BRACE, 1 Entry
Brace: GRCH'PR'Anana's Rhinestone Cowboy SPOT, Susan B Caltrider, Larry F Caltrider
Listed Entry, Susan B Caltrider, Larry F Caltrider
VETERAN, 2 Entries
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH'PR'Kiva's Siriusdrms Kajin Breeze, Denise Randall Miller Or Robert A Miller
Female Veteran: GRCH'PR'Heavenly New Beginning, Tarianne Weaver

Samoyed, 3 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
BHM BM BOW BOB CH Snowchiens Chasing The Dream 2, Mary J Hancock
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
GRCH GRCH Snowchien Olympic Gold N Sochi, Mary Hancock

Siberian Husky, 10 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
Male Puppy RBM CH Freedom's Us Airborne Ranger, Kelsey Little
Int. Male BM BOW BOB CH Liberty's Stride With Pride, Kelsey Little
Female Puppy RBF CH Glenn's Lady Gabriella, Margie Glenn
Jr. Female BF CH Liberty's I Got You Babe, Bonnie Schaeffel
CH CH Sally Touch Of Gray, Mary Jane Haan
RCH CH Nl Courtesy O'th Red White Blue, Kelsey Little

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Siberian Husky, CH Liberty's Stride With Pride
2nd) American Eskimo, NBOB NGRCH GRCH'PR'Pat's Irish Miracle Ncis Agent
3rd) Alaskan Malamute, CH Spiritruns Ohmygosh Evvys Here
4th) Samoyed, CH Snowchiens Chasing The Dream 2

Herding Dogs

Old English Sheepdog, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Female Puppy BF BOB Wigglebottoms W Lotzofluv Halee, Shari Story, Beth Ginther

Puli, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Adult Male BM BOB CH Moonshadow Mind Games, Stacy Gail Czekaj

White Shepherd, 4 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH GRCH Loujuan All In White Worrywort, Linda Lipford
RCH GRCH Worrywort Pass It Along, Linda Lipford
GRCH BOB GRCH Child White Goddess, Linda Lipford

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) White Shepherd, GRCH Child White Goddess
2nd) Puli, CH Moonshadow Mind Games
3rd) Old English Sheepdog, Wigglebottoms W Lotzofluv Halee


Border Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
Int. Male BM BOB Wicklow Devilknockingonyourdoor, Paula Pavlik-douglas

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Border Terrier, Wicklow Devilknockingonyourdoor

Companion Dogs

Chinese Crested, 2 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH GRCH Just A Spoonful Of Sugar, Jane Ward
GRCH BOB GRCH Pardon Me, Jane Ward

French Bulldog, 1 Entry
Judge Tim Parr
CH BOB CH C And D's Boss Mon Spanky, Pat Kurth

Pug, 4 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
CH CH Exquisite Tucked In At San-su, Susan L Wade, Sandra L Wade
GRCH BOB GRCH Exquisite My Real Mc Coy, Jeffrey Greer, Jessica Di Perna, Mary Di Perna

Yorkshire Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Tim Parr
GRCH BOB GRCH Wexford's Moonlight Finale, Cheryl Hill

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Tim Parr
1st) Pug, GRCH Exquisite My Real Mc Coy
2nd) French Bulldog, CH C And D's Boss Mon Spanky
3rd) Yorkshire Terrier, GRCH Wexford's Moonlight Finale
4th) Chinese Crested, GRCH Pardon Me

BIS Pug, GRCH Exquisite My Real Mc Coy, Jeffrey Greer, Jessica Di Perna, Mary Di Perna
RBIS Siberian Husky, CH Liberty's Stride With Pride, Kelsey Little