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OFFICIAL: Rock Valley Kennel Federation (10/23/2016) / Conformation - Sunday, Show 2

October 23, 2016

Location: Rockford, Illinois

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
CH BOB CH Eliana's Finishing Touch SPOT, Rick A Gawronski

Doberman Pinscher
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) American Bulldog, CH Eliana's Finishing Touch SPOT


Otterhound, 2 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Jr. Female BF BOB CH 4pillars Roadtrip Tocharleston, Leona Totosz, Michael Cowdrill
RBF Porsche: There Is No Substitute Anna C Schafer

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) Otterhound, CH 4pillars Roadtrip Tocharleston

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Afghan Hound, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Adult Male BM BOB URO2 Xzotika's Rik-o-shay, Mikki Razor And Jarnell Carter

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) Afghan Hound, URO2 Xzotika's Rik-o-shay

Gun Dogs

Boykin Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Adult Male BM BOB URO2 HR Brandywines Pickin' N Grinnin', Sandy Czarnowski And Bob Czarnowski

English Pointer, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Int. Male BM BOB CH Gunnery's The Almighty Buc, Yvonne Ochab

German Shorthaired Pntr, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
CH BOB URO1 CH Whitervr Whisper Buylo Sell Hi, Lisa Dziedzina

Golden Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Int. Female BF BOB Shyla Viento Dorado Del Este, Miriam Zarate, Miguelina Zarate, Franco Zarate

Labrador Retriever, 5 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Jr. Female RBF CH Pj's Jet Black, Sheila Holcomb
Adult Female BF BOB CH Pj's Just Charge It, Sheila Holcomb, Juanita Mullins
CH CH Pj's Shot Of Rum Chata, Sheila Holcomb
RCH CH Breakwater Pjs Oneshot Onekill, Sheila Holcomb
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Pj's Keep On Truckin', Kate Gille

Standard Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Jr. Female BF BOB Van Zuiden's Ravishing Ruby, Sara Van Zuiden

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) German Shorthaired Pntr, URO1 CH Whitervr Whisper Buylo Sell Hi
2nd) Labrador Retriever, CH Pj's Just Charge It
3rd) English Pointer, CH Gunnery's The Almighty Buc
4th) Golden Retriever, Shyla Viento Dorado Del Este

Herding Dogs

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Adult Female BFV BF BOB CH Gemstone Tericka's Meridian, Terry Byerly And Erika Koehn

Shetland Sheepdog, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
CH BOB CH Lynnlea's Fire Brigade, Ellen Bloomfield

Swedish Vallhund, 2 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Int. Female RBF Optimist Snowood Aurora, Meg Ispas-hennessey, Laura Kiedaisch
BHF BF BOB Optimist On The Road Again, Meg Ispas-hennessey, Laura S Kiedaisch

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) Belgian Shepherd Dog, CH Gemstone Tericka's Meridian
2nd) Swedish Vallhund, Optimist On The Road Again
3rd) Shetland Sheepdog, CH Lynnlea's Fire Brigade


Staffordshire Bullterrier, 3 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Female Puppy BF BOB CH Bellisa Forest Prncess Belu S, Eva Andelova, Lubos Andel
RBF Becky Dragon Black Lake Belu S Willie Hearn Iv

Toy Fox Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Int. Female BF BOB CH Lillys One Of A Kind, Richard Lilly
CH GRCH'PR'Trackside Miss Lilly Summertym, Sharon Bruckschen
GRCH NGRCH GRCH'PR'Trackside's My Rowdy Spirit, Sharon Bruckschen Or Lori King

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) Toy Fox Terrier, CH Lillys One Of A Kind
2nd) Staffordshire Bullterrier, CH Bellisa Forest Prncess Belu S

Companion Dogs

Cavalier Kng.Chas.Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Adult Male BM BOB Lynwood Cajun Moon Over Snowood, Meg Ispas-hennessey, Linda Baird, Woody Goode

Dalmatian, 2 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Int. Female BF BOB Snowooddakota When Stars Come Out, Meg Ispas-hennessey, Kris Benoit, John Benoit, Michael Q Hennessey
CH CH Harry Spotter Of Hillcreek Oaks, Janice Burkitt

Papillon, 6 Entries
Judge Polly A Dake-jones
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBF Bravo Copper Penny, Jill Victoria Van Dorpe
CH BOB GRCH Winghaven Bravo Dancing Queen, Jill Victoria Van Dorpe
RCH CH Bravo Besame Mucho, Jill Victoria Van Dorpe
GRCH GRCH Emerald Garden Le Corsaire, Jill Van Dorpe, Erin Matern, Terin Matern

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Polly A Dake-jones
1st) Dalmatian, Snowooddakota When Stars Come Out
2nd) Papillon, GRCH Winghaven Bravo Dancing Queen
3rd) Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Lynwood Cajun Moon Over Snowood

BIMBS Toy Fox Terrier, CH Lillys One Of A Kind, Richard Lilly
RBIMBS Otterhound, CH 4pillars Roadtrip Tocharleston, Leona Totosz, Michael Cowdrill