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OFFICIAL: Hairless Dog Club of America / Conformation - Sunday, Show 2

October 16, 2016

Location: Bloomington, California

Guardian Dogs

Black Russian Terrier
Judge Helayne Parker
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Cane Corso Italiano, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Doberman Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Dk Kronos Di Canis Maximus, Michael E Dominguez

Dogo Argentino, 3 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Female BF BOB CH Debonair's She's Got Moxie, Carla A Ghilardi, Michael S Ghilardi
Int. Female RBF Luna Diana De Debonair, Carla A Ghilardi, Michael S Ghilardi

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Cane Corso Italiano, Listed Entry
2nd) Doberman Pinscher, CH Dk Kronos Di Canis Maximus
3rd) Dogo Argentino, CH Debonair's She's Got Moxie


Bluetick Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Adult Female BF BOB CCH'PR'Razor Ridge Dixie Fleur De Lis, Christina Petersen Or Jordan Petersen

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Bluetick Coonhound, CCH'PR'Razor Ridge Dixie Fleur De Lis

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Basenji, 2 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
BHM BM Starfyre's Sun Day Trip, Denise Searcy
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB CH Arubmec-bajoran Adel Sumr Rain, Lori J Baxter

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Basenji, CH Arubmec-bajoran Adel Sumr Rain

Gun Dogs

Barbet, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Female BF BOB CH Neigenuveaux's Kalifornia Kiss, Michael Brown

Labrador Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Adult Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Standard Poodle, 2 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Male BM Show-me The Highway To Symplee, Deborah Kiper, Megan St Sure
GRCH BOB GRCH Brienwoods Leaptohighstandards, Sharlene Craig
PUPPIES, 2 Entries
NMP BP Brienwoods Reach For The Stars, Sharlene Craig
NFP BP Listed Entry, Sharlene Craig

Standard Poodle M/C, 3 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Male BM Te-awa's Ezra Of Hidden Meadows, Rebecca Meadows, Michael Meadows
Jr. Female BF BOW BOB Starrie Night Of Hidden Meadows, Rebecca Meadows
RBF Te-awa's Phinding Phavor Rebecca Meadows, Michael Meadows
PUPPIES, 2 Entries
NMP BP Brienwoods Reach For The Stars, Sharlene Craig
NFP BP Listed Entry, Sharlene Craig

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Standard Poodle, GRCH Brienwoods Leaptohighstandards
2nd) Labrador Retriever, Listed Entry
3rd) Barbet, CH Neigenuveaux's Kalifornia Kiss
4th) Standard Poodle M/C, Starrie Night Of Hidden Meadows

Northern Breeds

Alaskan Klee Kai, 2 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Adult Female BFV BF BOB CH'PR'Howlin' Madison @ Utakk, Anthony Gomez
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Del Mar's Shogun, Sandra Del Rio

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Alaskan Klee Kai, CH'PR'Howlin' Madison @ Utakk

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd, 7 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Male Puppy BM CH Medalion Special Edition Making, Diane May
Adult Male RBM CH Blessedhope Cruisin For A Bruisin, Nicholas P Halapoff
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB CH Blessedhope Wildest Dreams, Susan Rowley
Jr. Female RBF CH Blessedhope Gotsumsplainintodo, Susan Rowley

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 2 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
CH BOB CH Glasshouse Once Upon A Dream, Audrey Hanson
RCH CH Glasshouse Naples Only For Me, Audrey Hanson

German Shepherd Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Australian Shepherd, CH Blessedhope Wildest Dreams
2nd) German Shepherd Dog, Listed Entry
3rd) Cardigan Welsh Corgi, CH Glasshouse Once Upon A Dream


American Hairless Terrier, 7 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Jr. Female BFV BF 'PR'Liberty's Kalon Enchantress, Lynn K Poston
Int. Female RBFV RBF 'PR'Kalon's Wildest Dreams, Lynn K Poston
CH CH'PR'Kalon's Fast And Furious, Lynn K Poston, Debbie L Wolfenbarger
RCH CH'PR'Kalon's Starlight Contessa, Lynn K Poston
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Kalon's Starlight Dancer, Lynn K Poston

American Pit Bull Terrier, 3 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
CH BOB CH'PR'Bornofsin And Justice For All, Steven M Carpenter
GRCH UFA USA GRCH Wye-dean Chavez Precious Jemma, Carlos Perez, Jose Perez, Benny Chavez, Michelle Blackowl-chavez
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Listed Entry

Miniature Schnauzer, 2 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB CH Abelard Von Rose Lane, Vanessa Lane
Jr. Female BF Trinity Von Rose Lane, Vanessa Lane

Rat Terrier, 7 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Int. Female BFV RBF K2's Pistol Packin Lass, Kacye Yates
Jr. Female BFV BF Cal Val Lily Luna Of Sugarloaf, Barbara Lancaster-jordan, Donald Jordan
RBFV Cal Val Now Watch Me Whip Kacye Yates
CH BOB CH'PR'Rnb's Shootout @ Blkwd Corral, Jackie Ader
RCH CH'PR'Blackwoods True Grit, Jackie Ader

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Rat Terrier, CH'PR'Rnb's Shootout @ Blkwd Corral
2nd) American Pit Bull Terrier, CH'PR'Bornofsin And Justice For All
3rd) American Hairless Terrier, GRCH'PR'Kalon's Starlight Dancer

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 4 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
CH CH Rojolosbullyz King Dub, Jose S Perez, Susan Cobb
RCH GRCH FS Lov A Bullz Amaya, Alexander Juanillas
GRCH BOB GRCH Rojolos Rowdy Ronda Rousey, Carlos Perez, Rose Fairbanks-perez, Jose Perez

Chinese Crested, 2 Entries
Judge Helayne Parker
Adult Male BM BOW BOB CH Kulana's Shake, Rattle, N' Roll, Gina M Rector
Adult Female BF Pentastar's N Les-lee's Joyride, Gina Rector

Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Helayne Parker
Male Puppy BMV BM BOB Listed Entry

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Helayne Parker
1st) Chinese Crested, CH Kulana's Shake, Rattle, N' Roll
2nd) Poodle, Listed Entry
3rd) American Bully, GRCH Rojolos Rowdy Ronda Rousey

BIMBS Chinese Crested, CH Kulana's Shake, Rattle, N' Roll, Gina M Rector
RBIMBS Bluetick Coonhound, CCH'PR'Razor Ridge Dixie Fleur De Lis, Christina Petersen Or Jordan Petersen