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OFFICIAL: K-9 Sports Club (11/16/2024) / SUNDAY NOSEWORK

November 17, 2024

Hosted By: K-9 Sports Club

Location: Berwick, Iowa

November 17, 2024, Trial: 1
Judge: Renee Dirks

Container Novice A
1st NN Can't Brush Me Off, Ronda Kendall, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
2nd NV NI NC Solheima Ella Gullthufa Skrymirs, Aryn Ping, Icelandic Sheepdog, Nov Cnt P
3rd NI NE URO1 CH Wishingstar Lyra Of Tanglewood, Victoria Peterson Laird, Golden Retriever, Nov Cnt P
4th 'PR'Nimh's Live Long N Prosper, Jordan Clark, Rat Terrier, Nov Cnt P

Container Novice B
1st EC MN Dr Mangosteens Monster, Amanda Pollard, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
2nd MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Nov Cnt P
3rd SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Nov Cnt P
4th NN Ambricks Something To Read Wilane, Pat Herrick, Manchester Terrier, Nov Cnt P
SN GSJCH AEGCH MC EI EE LEAP FLY ACH RMX44 Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, Tracie L Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Cnt P
AI AV AC NN Shadynook U Got A Friend In Me, Mary Beth Haley, Beagle, Nov Cnt P
NN Adairs Jamboree, Susan Swink, Shetland Sheepdog, Nov Cnt P
NNCH AN SI Varka Yazmyn Von Der Alte Baum, Teri Mabon, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Cnt P

Container Advanced A
1st AN Bizzy Bee, Sara Moeller, Unrecognized, Adv Cnt P
2nd NN Naz, Zeynep Inanc, Unrecognized, Adv Cnt P
3rd NV NE AC Meadowlake Wish Upon A Lucky Star, Deborah Tootle, Border Terrier, Adv Cnt P

Container Advanced B
1st MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Adv Cnt P
2nd NN UCD BN AC Rolyarts Chasing A Dream, Cheryl Clark, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Adv Cnt P
3rd NN AI SC Cole Magerko's Bella, Lori Cole Magerko, Unrecognized, Adv Cnt P

Container Superior A
1st SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Sup Cnt P
2nd SV SI SC AN Jamo, Michael Kreemer, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Cnt P
3rd SC SE SI AN O Solo Mio, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
4th AN Admiral Remington P Benelli, Dawn Zwart, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
AN Winsome Angel Gabriel Of Chevanne, Deirdre Farr, Poodle, Sup Cnt P

Container Superior B
1st MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
2nd AGC NGC NWCH URO2 Max A Miracle, Paige Mc Donald, Unrecognized, Sup Cnt P
3rd ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Sup Cnt P
4th SV SE SC AN Azzaro's Hoodoos Of Bryce Canyon, Cheryl L Clark, Golden Retriever, Sup Cnt P

Container Master B
1st ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Mst Cnt P
2nd NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Mst Cnt P
3rd NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Mst Cnt P
4th SI SE AN MC Samilyns I Want The Truth, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Mst Cnt P
SN ME Bosworth's What Happens At Anz, Mary Healey, Australian Cattle Dog, Mst Cnt P

Container Elite B
1st MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Elt Cnt P
2nd NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Cnt P
3rd AN SI ME EC Samilyn Substantive Irrationality, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Elt Cnt P
4th ME NHD SN MI EC Haustens Action Jackson, Anna Austin, Min American Shepherd, Elt Cnt P

Interior Novice A
1st NV NI NC Solheima Ella Gullthufa Skrymirs, Aryn Ping, Icelandic Sheepdog, Nov Int P
2nd NN Can't Brush Me Off, Ronda Kendall, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
3rd 'PR'Nimh's Live Long N Prosper, Jordan Clark, Rat Terrier, Nov Int P
4th NC Cyrberus, Lisa Hill, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Int P

Interior Novice B
1st SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Nov Int P
2nd MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
3rd NN Ambricks Something To Read Wilane, Pat Herrick, Manchester Terrier, Nov Int P
4th SN GSJCH AEGCH MC EI EE LEAP FLY ACH RMX44 Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, Tracie L Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Int P
NNCH AN SI Varka Yazmyn Von Der Alte Baum, Teri Mabon, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Int P
SI SE SV AN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Nov Int P
SN NNCH ACH Dirks' Cinnamon, Renee Dirks, Dalmatian, Nov Int P
NN Adairs Jamboree, Susan Swink, Shetland Sheepdog, Nov Int P
NNCH SN Meyer's Sugar, Gretchen Meyer, Treeing Feist, Nov Int P
NI NE URO1 CH Wishingstar Lyra Of Tanglewood, Victoria Peterson Laird, Golden Retriever, Nov Int P

Interior Advanced A
1st NN Naz, Zeynep Inanc, Unrecognized, Adv Int P
2nd AI AC NN Jetoca's Who Ya Gonna Call?, Theresa Finken, Roger Finken, Golden Retriever, Adv Int P

Interior Advanced B
1st AGC NGC NWCH URO2 Max A Miracle, Paige Mc Donald, Unrecognized, Adv Int P
2nd SN NNCH ACH Dirks' Cinnamon, Renee Dirks, Dalmatian, Adv Int P
3rd AV AI AE NN PTS URO1 GRCH Atlas' A Bit Beyond Daybreake SPOT, David Fisher, Dawn Fisher, Tracie Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Adv Int P
4th MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Adv Int P
AI AV AC NN Shadynook U Got A Friend In Me, Mary Beth Haley, Beagle, Adv Int P

Interior Superior A
1st SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Sup Int P
2nd SV SI SC AN Jamo, Michael Kreemer, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Int P
3rd SI SE SV AN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
4th SI SE AN Dani, Craig Jillson, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Int P
AN Bizzy Bee, Sara Moeller, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
AN Admiral Remington P Benelli, Dawn Zwart, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
AN Winsome Angel Gabriel Of Chevanne, Deirdre Farr, Poodle, Sup Int P

Interior Superior B
1st ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Sup Int P
2nd NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Sup Int P
3rd MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
4th EC SCH MN NGC UNJ AGC Mugz, Catherine Gray, Unrecognized, Sup Int P
MC SN Kbp's Pour Decisons, Beth Mc Donald, Labrador Retriever, Sup Int P
SV SE SC AN Azzaro's Hoodoos Of Bryce Canyon, Cheryl L Clark, Golden Retriever, Sup Int P
SI SE AN MC Samilyns I Want The Truth, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Sup Int P

Interior Master B
1st NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Mst Int P
2nd ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Mst Int P
3rd AGC NGC NWCH URO2 Max A Miracle, Paige Mc Donald, Unrecognized, Mst Int P
4th AN SI ME EC Samilyn Substantive Irrationality, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Mst Int P
NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Mst Int P

Interior Elite A
1st EC SCH MN NGC UNJ AGC Mugz, Catherine Gray, Unrecognized, Elt Int P
2nd EI EV NNCH MN Stella Combs, Nicole Combs, Unrecognized, Elt Int P
3rd SN GSJCH AEGCH MC EI EE LEAP FLY ACH RMX44 Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, Tracie L Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Elt Int P

Interior Elite B
1st NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Int P
2nd EI EC EE MN River Mitchell, Tiffany Mitchell, Unrecognized, Elt Int P

Exterior Novice A
1st NN Can't Brush Me Off, Ronda Kendall, Unrecognized, Nov Ext P

Exterior Novice B
1st MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Nov Ext P
2nd SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Nov Ext P
3rd NN Ambricks Something To Read Wilane, Pat Herrick, Manchester Terrier, Nov Ext P
4th NI NE URO1 CH Wishingstar Lyra Of Tanglewood, Victoria Peterson Laird, Golden Retriever, Nov Ext P
NN Adairs Jamboree, Susan Swink, Shetland Sheepdog, Nov Ext P
NNCH AN SI Varka Yazmyn Von Der Alte Baum, Teri Mabon, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Ext P
NN UCD BN AC Rolyarts Chasing A Dream, Cheryl Clark, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Nov Ext P

Exterior Advanced A
1st SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Adv Ext P
2nd NN Naz, Zeynep Inanc, Unrecognized, Adv Ext P
3rd AI AC NN Jetoca's Who Ya Gonna Call?, Theresa Finken, Roger Finken, Golden Retriever, Adv Ext P

Exterior Advanced B
1st MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Adv Ext P
2nd ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Adv Ext P
3rd AV AI AE NN PTS URO1 GRCH Atlas' A Bit Beyond Daybreake SPOT, David Fisher, Dawn Fisher, Tracie Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Adv Ext P
4th MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Adv Ext P

Exterior Superior A
1st SI SE SV AN Hey Lady You Call Him Doctor Bone, Kelli Anderson, Unrecognized, Sup Ext P
2nd SI SE AN Dani, Craig Jillson, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Ext P
3rd SV SI SC AN Jamo, Michael Kreemer, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Ext P
4th AN Winsome Angel Gabriel Of Chevanne, Deirdre Farr, Poodle, Sup Ext P
AN Admiral Remington P Benelli, Dawn Zwart, Unrecognized, Sup Ext P

Exterior Superior B
1st SV SE SC AN Azzaro's Hoodoos Of Bryce Canyon, Cheryl L Clark, Golden Retriever, Sup Ext P
2nd NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Sup Ext P
3rd AGC NGC NWCH URO2 Max A Miracle, Paige Mc Donald, Unrecognized, Sup Ext P
4th SI SE AN MC Samilyns I Want The Truth, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Sup Ext P
EC SCH MN NGC UNJ AGC Mugz, Catherine Gray, Unrecognized, Sup Ext P
ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Sup Ext P
MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Sup Ext P

Exterior Master A
1st EI EV NNCH MN Stella Combs, Nicole Combs, Unrecognized, Mst Ext P

Exterior Master B
1st ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Mst Ext P
2nd MC SN Kbp's Pour Decisons, Beth Mc Donald, Labrador Retriever, Mst Ext P
3rd SN ME Bosworth's What Happens At Anz, Mary Healey, Australian Cattle Dog, Mst Ext P
4th NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Mst Ext P
ME NHD SN MI EC Haustens Action Jackson, Anna Austin, Min American Shepherd, Mst Ext P
EV EI EC MN Nala Hope Wirth, Suzanne Wirth, Unrecognized, Mst Ext P

Exterior Elite A
1st SN GSJCH AEGCH MC EI EE LEAP FLY ACH RMX44 Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, Tracie L Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Elt Ext P

Exterior Elite B
1st NWGC Freya Dirks, Renee Dirks, Unrecognized, Elt Ext P
2nd EC MN Orry, Tiffany Mitchell, Unrecognized, Elt Ext P
3rd NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Ext P
4th MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Elt Ext P
EV EC NHD EI MN Wenfrei's Sweet Bell Pepper, Pat Herrick, Smooth Fox Terrier, Elt Ext P

Vehicle Novice A
1st 'PR'Nimh's Live Long N Prosper, Jordan Clark, Rat Terrier, Nov Veh P
2nd NN Can't Brush Me Off, Ronda Kendall, Unrecognized, Nov Veh P
3rd NV NI NC Solheima Ella Gullthufa Skrymirs, Aryn Ping, Icelandic Sheepdog, Nov Veh P
4th NC Cyrberus, Lisa Hill, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Veh P

Vehicle Novice B
1st SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Nov Veh P
2nd NN Ambricks Something To Read Wilane, Pat Herrick, Manchester Terrier, Nov Veh P
3rd MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Nov Veh P
4th AI AV AC NN Shadynook U Got A Friend In Me, Mary Beth Haley, Beagle, Nov Veh P
NN Adairs Jamboree, Susan Swink, Shetland Sheepdog, Nov Veh P
NN UCD BN AC Rolyarts Chasing A Dream, Cheryl Clark, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Nov Veh P
SN NNCH ACH Dirks' Cinnamon, Renee Dirks, Dalmatian, Nov Veh P
NNCH AN SI Varka Yazmyn Von Der Alte Baum, Teri Mabon, German Shepherd Dog, Nov Veh P

Vehicle Advanced A
1st NN Naz, Zeynep Inanc, Unrecognized, Adv Veh P

Vehicle Advanced B
1st MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Adv Veh P
2nd NNCH SN Meyer's Sugar, Gretchen Meyer, Treeing Feist, Adv Veh P
3rd MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Adv Veh P
4th SN NNCH ACH Dirks' Cinnamon, Renee Dirks, Dalmatian, Adv Veh P
EI EV NNCH MN Stella Combs, Nicole Combs, Unrecognized, Adv Veh P
SN GSJCH AEGCH MC EI EE LEAP FLY ACH RMX44 Atlas' Blissful Feeling SPOT-ON, Tracie L Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Adv Veh P
AV AI AE NN PTS URO1 GRCH Atlas' A Bit Beyond Daybreake SPOT, David Fisher, Dawn Fisher, Tracie Karsjens, German Shepherd Dog, Adv Veh P

Vehicle Superior A
1st SI AN Bdng Whoa Nelli, Bailey Decker, Australian Shepherd, Sup Veh P
2nd AN Winsome Angel Gabriel Of Chevanne, Deirdre Farr, Poodle, Sup Veh P
3rd AN Bizzy Bee, Sara Moeller, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
4th NNCH SN Meyer's Sugar, Gretchen Meyer, Treeing Feist, Sup Veh P
SV SI SC AN Jamo, Michael Kreemer, German Shepherd Dog, Sup Veh P

Vehicle Superior B
1st MCH SCH EN Somethin' To Talk About Caption, Suzanne Tomlinson, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
2nd MI ME ACH NGC NHD SCH URO2 Black Farms Zarah, Dahna Huddleson, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
3rd EC SCH MN NGC UNJ AGC Mugz, Catherine Gray, Unrecognized, Sup Veh P
4th AN SI ME EC Samilyn Substantive Irrationality, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Sup Veh P
SI SE AN MC Samilyns I Want The Truth, Angelic Alcorn, Australian Shepherd, Sup Veh P
ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Sup Veh P
SV SE SC AN Azzaro's Hoodoos Of Bryce Canyon, Cheryl L Clark, Golden Retriever, Sup Veh P
SN ME Bosworth's What Happens At Anz, Mary Healey, Australian Cattle Dog, Sup Veh P
MC SN Kbp's Pour Decisons, Beth Mc Donald, Labrador Retriever, Sup Veh P
NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Sup Veh P

Vehicle Master B
1st ACH NNCH UCD URO1 MN Water's Edge Blazin Firestorm, Chris Eblen, Ns Duck Tolling Retriever, Mst Veh P
2nd NNCH URO1 EN The Storm Through Hazels Eyes, Paige Mcdonald, Labrador Retriever, Mst Veh P
3rd Listed Entry, Mst Veh P
4th NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Mst Veh P

Vehicle Elite A
1st EC MN Dr Mangosteens Monster, Amanda Pollard, Unrecognized, Elt Veh P

Vehicle Elite B
1st EV EI EC MN Nala Hope Wirth, Suzanne Wirth, Unrecognized, Elt Veh P
2nd NWCH UCDX URO3 Goodwins Muckin Geordies Byre SPOT-ON, Susan Mikel, Parson Russell Terrier, Elt Veh P

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