Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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November 14, 2024

Location: Lexington, Kentucky

November 14, 2024, Trial 1, 87 Entries

RO 1A - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
URO1 UWP CH Evolutions Embrace Sweet Babboo SPOT-ON, Miniature Bull Terrier, Paula Spangler, 84
NTD UWP RACEN CH Hk's Zigzag Man Brayken Hearts SPOT-ON, Min American Shepherd, Debbie Suttmiller, Hallie Kate Boduch, Rachel Boduch, 93

RO 1B - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
URO1 LEAP RUSH UWPS AP3 VPE RACEA RGCH UWP Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking S, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns, 85

Rally Obedience Class 1 C - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
NTD URO1 ALCH Brkn Limits In Sweethearts Tesla SPOT-ON, Min American Shepherd, Debbie Suttmiller, 96
NTD2 UNJ PN DASH NC NI ADGCH RATN URO1 RAC Pendachs-jack's-curl-royal-dilly S, Dachshund, Aimee Phillips, Kevin Phillips, 97
NTD URO1 ALCGRCH CH'PR'Hughitt's Delta House Otter, Redbone Coonhound, Carol Hughitt, Jay Hughitt, 93
URO1 CH UWP Action Jackson Dragonfire Returns SPOT-ON, Bull Terrier, Reachal Reed, 89
HOP NTD RUSH URO1 UWPS AP4 VPE SPRINT UGWP'PR'Bossi's Transforming History SP, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, Joy L'ecuyer, 89
NTD2 NE NC DASH UWPO CA WSD UCD AP4 UJJ RO Von Der Kings J'ai Tes Six SPOT-ON, Dutch Shepherd, Sandy Williams, 96
NHD MI ACH UJJCH NNCH EC RACES HOP DASH UR Dyson Vom Royale SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Morgan Stanley, 94
URO1 CH Jordan's King Jeger SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Jordan Taylor, 82
NTD HOP RUSH URO1 GRCH Casabellas Cant Help Fall N In Lo, Papillon, Carol Lauren-schmidt, 95
NTD NC RUSH RACEA URO2 DGCH Cosmic Calibers All About Moi SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Jordan Burns, 91
NTD CH URO1 Wanderlust@pk's Knotty or Nice, Standard Poodle, Paula Cearley, 78

RO 2B - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
HOP RACEA RUSH AI NN AC URO3 GRCH Arian Farms Gandalf The Grey SPOT, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Beth Ann Rizzi, 91
NTD URO2 AP3 VPE UWPS CH UGWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle SPOT-ON, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe, 94
NTD4 RMX RMC URX3 ACD AEGCH CHSD UCDX BN P Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-, Curly-coated Retriever, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers, 89
NTD AI AV URO2 RUSH EGCH NN AC Neahm's White Diamonds N Pearls SPOT-ON, Pomeranian, Deborah Jones, 90
NTD SC SV CA LEAP RUSH URO1 SE GRCH AN A2z Just Do It Wigglebutt, Min American Shepherd, Natalee Yates, Constance Bleecker, 85
NTD HOP ALGRCH RUSH PN EN URO2 CH USR UFR Dynestar Malaia Garden Party SPOT-O, Shetland Sheepdog, Natalee Yates, Kenneth Rushing, Wendy Dynes, 83
SI MC SE GJJCH RUSH RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG U Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 98
NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 99
UROC RMC ALGRCH Pikatti Midnaetursol Eldrbersi, Icelandic Sheepdog, Shepard Thompson, Bethany Thompson, Max Thompson, 95
NTD2 NE NC DASH UWPO CA WSD UCD AP4 UJJ RO Von Der Kings J'ai Tes Six SPOT-ON, Dutch Shepherd, Sandy Williams, 82
DASH HOP ACH NNCH AP2 VPE NT IA URO1 EN UW Hopes Carry Me Back SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Natalee Yates, Kenneth Rushing, 70
SC PN UWP IA ALGRCH NHD RACEA RUSH AN CAS C/Cross Kismet SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Brinklow, 82
PN HOP DASH SN URO2 CH Lakebound's Life Without Limits, Golden Retriever, Mandi Smith, 85
WSD UWP SFCH UMJ URO2 CH EI MN USJCH Mds Goodfella Griffin SPOT-ON, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Jackie Stephenson, 90
NE NTD UCD NI NHD BN AEGCH PN MC UACHX RAT'PR'Blue Star's Regal Lady Portia S, American Eskimo, Tari M Ernst, Steve Ioerger, 97

RO 3B - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
EV USJCH ET N3K NTD2 URX DASH UJJCH MN AHD Treasure Tyme Stiletto SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Ellen Davis, Beth L Anglemyer, 70
RMC UWP URX PN UROC EGCH Tangaloor Whole Nine Yards SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 81
NTD4 RMX RMC URX3 ACD AEGCH CHSD UCDX BN P Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-, Curly-coated Retriever, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers, 92
SI MC SE GJJCH RUSH RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG U Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 99
NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 98
UROC RMC ALGRCH Pikatti Midnaetursol Eldrbersi, Icelandic Sheepdog, Shepard Thompson, Bethany Thompson, Max Thompson, 93
NTD2 URX LEAP FLY BA UROC PN BN UCD USR UF Casabellas Set The World On Fire S, Papillon, Carol R Lauren-schmidt, Linda Shedd, 96
NE NTD UCD NI NHD BN AEGCH PN MC UACHX RAT'PR'Blue Star's Regal Lady Portia S, American Eskimo, Tari M Ernst, Steve Ioerger, 88

Rally Obedience Class Master A - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
SC PN UWP IA ALGRCH NHD RACEA RUSH AN CAS C/Cross Kismet SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Brinklow, 75

Rally Obedience Class Master B - Judge: Kim Alexander-thomson
NN NTD2 AI MC NH UCD BN UGRACH PN RMX URX Bamboo Run's Benny & The Jets SPOT-, Australian Shepherd, Terri Rein, Harry Owens, 97
NTD AP VPA NI UROC RMX URX NC RUSH CA RACE Cosmic Calibers Zero To Hero SPOT-, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill, 99
NTD4 RMX RMC URX3 ACD AEGCH CHSD UCDX BN P Ayershire She's One Hot Mess SPOT-, Curly-coated Retriever, Stephanie Ayers, Jim Ayers, 94
NTD3 NT RUSH BN AN BA SC ROM RGCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Deborah Jones, 77
NTD AP VPA NC NI NE UROC RMX URX RUSH RACE Cosmic Caliber Galactic Knight SPO, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill, 97
SI MC SE GJJCH RUSH RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG U Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 98
NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 99
RMX NTD3 NC DASH URX UROC HOP UCD CA BN RA Pk's Dun Run Outta Ink SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Paula L Cearley, Kennedy May, 81
UROC RMC ALGRCH Pikatti Midnaetursol Eldrbersi, Icelandic Sheepdog, Shepard Thompson, Bethany Thompson, Max Thompson, 86
URX NC UWPV NI NV RMC VPE AP2 UCD UROC UWP Betos Weekend Warrior SPOT, American Bully, Melissa Anne Streater, 94
NE NTD UCD NI NHD BN AEGCH PN MC UACHX RAT'PR'Blue Star's Regal Lady Portia S, American Eskimo, Tari M Ernst, Steve Ioerger, 86