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OFFICIAL: Companion Dog Club Of Tulsa Inc (11/15/2024) / SATURDAY AGILITY

November 16, 2024

Hosted By: Companion Dog Club Of Tulsa Inc

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma

November 16, 2024, Trial 1, 123 Entries

High in Trial: UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200

Beginner Agility - Susan A Keller
Division T - A
1st) Listed Entry, 182.91
Division T - B
1st) UACH Strudel The German Noodle, Dachshund, Amber Boatwright, 200
2nd) EE NH UACH MN EC Wildfire Sand In My Shoes, Papillon, Judy Mcbay, 183
Division 1 - B
1st) UACHX UAGI Toppen Gaius Arthur Pendragon, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
2nd) UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200
3rd) NH UGRACH Iv Karat Life In The Fast Lane, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Dana Bull, 200
4th) UGRACH4 Svedala Charlie Cello, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
Division 2 - A
1st) BA UCD BN URO3 Loki Duke Hay, Unrecognized, Lonnette Hay, 200
Division 2 - B
1st) UGRACH2 Turveys Carnival In Rio, Australian Shepherd, Pamela S Maxey, 200
2nd) NC NV IA Alpine Big Bend Brewery, Pumi, Cathy Simon, 200
3rd) UGRACH2 UAGII Oklahoma Red Dirt Ruby, Unrecognized, Laura Crawford, 200
4th) NH UACH Flagtree's Believe It or Not, Min American Shepherd, Denise Hendrickson, 200
Division 3 - A
1st) BA Ryder, Unrecognized, Steve Wall, 200
2nd) BA Cooper, Unrecognized, Mindy Phillips, 199
3rd) NE AC BA Ganderhills kendi SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Jeri Hajek, 197
4th) Listed Entry, 196
Division 3 - B
1st) AI IA AV MC UCD NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 200
2nd) NH UGRACH4 IA Puck's Tux 'n Tails SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200
3rd) MV EH SN AHD NH EI EC UCD URO2 UGRACH5 H&m's Springlake Red Thunder, Australian Shepherd, Thomas Kotch, 200
4th) Listed Entry, 200

Intermediate Agility - W. Diann O'neal
Division T - B
1st) UACH Strudel The German Noodle, Dachshund, Amber Boatwright, 190
Division 1 - B
1st) UACHX UAGI Toppen Gaius Arthur Pendragon, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
2nd) UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200
3rd) UGRACH4 Svedala Charlie Cello, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
4th) NH UGRACH Iv Karat Life In The Fast Lane, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Dana Bull, 200
Division 2 - A
1st) Lht Out Of The Blue, Australian Shepherd, Angela Bauer, 193
2nd) IA Sir Louis, Unrecognized, Leslie Armstrong, 192
Division 2 - B
1st) UGRACH2 Turveys Carnival In Rio, Australian Shepherd, Pamela S Maxey, 200
2nd) UACHX Justindeavors Willow, Australian Shepherd, Shaughnessy Morris, 200
3rd) NH UACH Flagtree's Believe It or Not, Min American Shepherd, Denise Hendrickson, 200
4th) IA Ozzy, Unrecognized, Deb Carroll, 200
Division 3 - A
1st) IA Sky, Unrecognized, Mindy Phillips, 200
Division 3 - B
1st) AI IA AV MC UCD NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 200
2nd) UACHX Kls Mischief Managed, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Larissa Poage, 200
3rd) MV EH SN AHD NH EI EC UCD URO2 UGRACH5 H&m's Springlake Red Thunder, Australian Shepherd, Thomas Kotch, 200
4th) NHE UGRACH5 IA Oberon's Top Hat 'n Magic SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200

Excellent Agility - W. Diann O'neal
Division T
1st) NE AC NI UACHX Kiamichi Ruff N Tuff Kyfomanor, Chihuahua, Barbara Jeleski, 200
Division 1
1st) UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200
2nd) UGRACH4 Svedala Charlie Cello, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
3rd) UACHX UAGI Toppen Gaius Arthur Pendragon, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 199
4th) NH UGRACH Iv Karat Life In The Fast Lane, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Dana Bull, 198
Division 2
1st) EHE UCD URO1 BN NH NHD SN EC UGRACH6 Honeyhill Sweet Sir Galahad SPOT, Shetland Sheepdog, Debi D Foster, 200
2nd) UACHX UAGI URO1 Teddy Hardesty, Unrecognized, Ed Hardesty, 200
3rd) UGRACH2 UAGII Oklahoma Red Dirt Ruby, Unrecognized, Laura Crawford, 197
4th) NH NWCH MHD UACH Bart, Unrecognized, Susan Holman, 197
Division 3
1st) SI SV MC AHD UCD NN BA UACHX URO1 Pennies From Heaven Copper, German Shorthaired Pntr, Johnnie L Hart, 200
2nd) NH UGRACH4 IA Puck's Tux 'n Tails SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200
3rd) NHE UGRACH5 IA Oberon's Top Hat 'n Magic SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200
4th) NNCH AHD UACHX URO1 BN EN Ganderhills Keiko SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Jeri Hajek, 200

November 16, 2024, Trial 2, 111 Entries

High in Trial: UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200

Beginner Agility - W. Diann O'neal
Division T - A
1st) Listed Entry, 200
Division T - B
1st) NH UGRACH16 Elan Honey Bear, Bichon Frise, Susan A Keller, 200
2nd) UACH Strudel The German Noodle, Dachshund, Amber Boatwright, 195
Division 1 - B
1st) UACHX UAGI Toppen Gaius Arthur Pendragon, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
2nd) UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200
3rd) UGRACH4 Svedala Charlie Cello, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
4th) IA Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs, French Bulldog, Susan Christian, 200
4th) NH UGRACH Iv Karat Life In The Fast Lane, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Dana Bull, 200
Division 2 - A
1st) BA UCD BN URO3 Loki Duke Hay, Unrecognized, Lonnette Hay, 191
Division 2 - B
1st) UACHX Justindeavors Willow, Australian Shepherd, Shaughnessy Morris, 200
2nd) UGRACH2 Turveys Carnival In Rio, Australian Shepherd, Pamela S Maxey, 200
3rd) UGRACH2 UAGII Oklahoma Red Dirt Ruby, Unrecognized, Laura Crawford, 200
4th) NH UACH Flagtree's Believe It or Not, Min American Shepherd, Denise Hendrickson, 200
Division 3 - A
1st) BA Cooper, Unrecognized, Mindy Phillips, 200
2nd) BA Ryder, Unrecognized, Steve Wall, 200
3rd) NE BA NV NC Maggie Pumpkin Bird, Golden Retriever, Carol Bird, 199
4th) BA Gracie Mae Freeman, Unrecognized, Rhonda Freeman, 198
Division 3 - B
1st) UACHX Kls Mischief Managed, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Larissa Poage, 200
1st) IA CH Pinecrest's Make It Better, German Shorthaired Pntr, Becky Ensz, 200
2nd) UAGII Levi Carr, Unrecognized, Sherrie Carr, 200
3rd) AI IA AV MC UCD NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 200
3rd) MV EH SN AHD NH EI EC UCD URO2 UGRACH5 H&m's Springlake Red Thunder, Australian Shepherd, Thomas Kotch, 200
4th) NH UGRACH4 IA Puck's Tux 'n Tails SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200
4th) NNCH EC EV MN UACHX Blackgold Freki Stands By Us SPOT, Australian Shepherd, Bonnie De Lyons, Daithi De Lyons, 200

Intermediate Agility - W. Diann O'neal
Division T - B
1st) UACH Strudel The German Noodle, Dachshund, Amber Boatwright, 200
2nd) NH UGRACH16 Elan Honey Bear, Bichon Frise, Susan A Keller, 200
3rd) EE NH UACH MN EC Wildfire Sand In My Shoes, Papillon, Judy Mcbay, 182
Division 1 - A
1st) IA River Blessed Boy, Poodle, Denise Aikman, 190
Division 1 - B
1st) UACHX UAGI Toppen Gaius Arthur Pendragon, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
1st) ACH NH NNCH UCD ROM UGRACH EN MHD Hideaways Charming Mess SPOT, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Lee Blankenship, 200
2nd) UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200
2nd) UGRACH UAGII Hideaways Dust Of The Chase, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Stepfanie Shaulis, 200
3rd) UGRACH4 Svedala Charlie Cello, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
4th) NH BN IA Light Of The Silvery Moon, Shetland Sheepdog, Jane Tyson, 200
4th) UGRACH21 Joans Precious Olympic Ice Star, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 195.77
Division 2 - A
1st) IA Sir Louis, Unrecognized, Leslie Armstrong, 200
2nd) Lht Out Of The Blue, Australian Shepherd, Angela Bauer, 190
Division 2 - B
1st) UGRACH2 Turveys Carnival In Rio, Australian Shepherd, Pamela S Maxey, 200
1st) NC NV IA Alpine Big Bend Brewery, Pumi, Cathy Simon, 200
2nd) EH NH UGRACH14 Joansprecious Penchant Of Kalein, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 200
3rd) NH UACH Flagtree's Believe It or Not, Min American Shepherd, Denise Hendrickson, 200
3rd) EHE UCD URO1 BN NH NHD SN EC UGRACH6 Honeyhill Sweet Sir Galahad SPOT, Shetland Sheepdog, Debi D Foster, 200
4th) IA Ozzy, Unrecognized, Deb Carroll, 200
Division 3 - A
1st) IA Sky, Unrecognized, Mindy Phillips, 200
2nd) NNCH EHDS BA ACDX CH UCDX EN RMC MHD Duet's The Longest Time, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Janet Cairns, 198
Division 3 - B
1st) AI IA AV MC UCD NN NHD URO3 Alouettes Havinfun At Duqwd SPOT, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Gail Brown, 200
2nd) Listed Entry, 200
2nd) MV EH SN AHD NH EI EC UCD URO2 UGRACH5 H&m's Springlake Red Thunder, Australian Shepherd, Thomas Kotch, 200
3rd) MI NN ME EHD IA MC Cooper, Unrecognized, Cindy Swanson, 200
4th) UACH NH URO1 Blackrock Believe In Aristology, Bernese Mountain Dog, Carol Minden, 200
4th) NNCH AHD UACHX URO1 BN EN Ganderhills Keiko SPOT, Labrador Retriever, Jeri Hajek, 200

Excellent Agility - W. Diann O'neal
Division T
1st) NH UGRACH16 Elan Honey Bear, Bichon Frise, Susan A Keller, 200
Division 1
1st) UGRACH Pilot's Pot Of Gold, Papillon, Lenore Dubaldo, 200
2nd) UGRACH4 Svedala Charlie Cello, Swedish Vallhund, Michael Singleton, 200
3rd) ACH NNCH NH MHD EN UACH Sandee's Sugar Plum, Coton De Tulear, Anita J Greiner, 199
Division 2
1st) EH NH UGRACH2 Sally May, Border Collie, Mary Larson, 200
2nd) EH NH UGRACH14 Joansprecious Penchant Of Kalein, Poodle, Joan C Davis, 200
2nd) NH NWCH MHD UACH Bart, Unrecognized, Susan Holman, 200
3rd) UGRACH2 Turveys Carnival In Rio, Australian Shepherd, Pamela S Maxey, 195
3rd) UGRACH Mosaic Ruby Slippers, Australian Shepherd, Angela Bauer, 200
4th) EHE UCD URO1 BN NH NHD SN EC UGRACH6 Honeyhill Sweet Sir Galahad SPOT, Shetland Sheepdog, Debi D Foster, 199
Division 3
1st) NH UGRACH4 IA Puck's Tux 'n Tails SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200
1st) NNCH EC EV MN UACHX Blackgold Freki Stands By Us SPOT, Australian Shepherd, Bonnie De Lyons, Daithi De Lyons, 200
2nd) NHE UGRACH5 IA Oberon's Top Hat 'n Magic SPOT, Standard Poodle, Kevin Hurst, Chandler Hurst, 200
3rd) NH UACH URO1 BN PN Winnifred Lady Bird SPOT-ON, English Setter, Jessica Hardy, 197
3rd) MV EH SN AHD NH EI EC UCD URO2 UGRACH5 H&m's Springlake Red Thunder, Australian Shepherd, Thomas Kotch, 200
4th) SI SV MC AHD UCD NN BA UACHX URO1 Pennies From Heaven Copper, German Shorthaired Pntr, Johnnie L Hart, 197

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