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OFFICIAL: Kickapoo Kreek K9 Klub (11/15/2024) / SATURDAY AGILITY

November 16, 2024

Hosted By: Kickapoo Kreek K9 Klub

Location: Peoria, Illinois

November 16, 2024, Trial 1, 65 Entries

High in Trial: UGRACH Celtic Brae True Indigo Spice, Australian Shepherd, Meriann Munn, 200

Beginner Agility - Don Shiffer
Division T - B
1st) UGRACH7 Bria Brillon, Poodle, Linda L Brillon, 200
2nd) UGRACH5 Anubis Nevermore Now Raven, Poodle, Melinda Doerfler, Brian Doerfler, 200
Division 1 - B
1st) UACH Raine Heather SPOT SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Kylee Ried, Neisha Ried, 200
2nd) NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii, 200
3rd) CH Oono No Makihime Yamamayaa, Kai, Alexia Walters, Stephanie Siu, 200
4th) IA Bella Rose Gordon, Poodle, Vickie Gordon, 200
Division 2 - A
1st) BA Reach For The Heavens Celeste, Australian Cattle Dog, Maira Peters, 191.51
Division 2 - B
1st) URX UROC UCD UNJ UGRACH6 RMC High Voltage Jolting Jordan, Labrador Retriever, Diane Bader, 200
3rd) AE URO3 ETE E3K3 NN USJ NH NT AC UGRACH SP Norwood Drwill Bwith Eweinamoment, Border Collie, Lyndsay Klemens, 200
4th) UGRACH UAGII URO2 Celestes Starry Night, Border Collie, Cheryl Walters, 200
Division 3 - A
1st) BA Bolt, Unrecognized, Kathleen Griffith, 200
2nd) Listed Entry, 195
Division 3 - B
1st) UNJ RACEN UACHX UAGI Sir Easton On The Chase, Labrador Retriever, Katie Middleton, 200
2nd) IA One Of Mayberry's Finest, Border Collie, Tamera Prestin, Rodney Prestin, 200

Intermediate Agility - Don Shiffer
Division T - B
1st) UGRACH7 Bria Brillon, Poodle, Linda L Brillon, 200
2nd) UGRACH5 Anubis Nevermore Now Raven, Poodle, Melinda Doerfler, Brian Doerfler, 195
Division 1 - B
1st) NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii, 200
2nd) IA Bella Rose Gordon, Poodle, Vickie Gordon, 200
3rd) NT UGRACH2 Brody's Gaff SPOT, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jill Pitylak, 196
4th) UACH Raine Heather SPOT SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Kylee Ried, Neisha Ried, 195
Division 2 - B
1st) UGRACH Celtic Brae True Indigo Spice, Australian Shepherd, Meriann Munn, 200
2nd) Listed Entry, 200
3rd) UGRACH UAGII URO2 Celestes Starry Night, Border Collie, Cheryl Walters, 200
4th) UACH Willowbends Capt Benj F Pierce, Australian Cattle Dog, Deb Wolf, 198
Division 3 - B
1st) UNJ RACEN UACHX UAGI Sir Easton On The Chase, Labrador Retriever, Katie Middleton, 200
2nd) UACH UAGII Temperance, Unrecognized, Kathleen Griffith, 200
3rd) IA One Of Mayberry's Finest, Border Collie, Tamera Prestin, Rodney Prestin, 200
4th) Listed Entry, 1865

Excellent Agility - Don Shiffer
Division T
1st) UGRACH7 Bria Brillon, Poodle, Linda L Brillon, 200
2nd) UACH Laux's Sonic Boomer, Poodle, Shelly Laux, 200
Division 2
1st) UGRACH UAGII URO2 Celestes Starry Night, Border Collie, Cheryl Walters, 200
2nd) URX UROC UCD UNJ UGRACH6 RMC High Voltage Jolting Jordan, Labrador Retriever, Diane Bader, 197
Division 3
1st) UNJ RACEN UACHX UAGI Sir Easton On The Chase, Labrador Retriever, Katie Middleton, 200
2nd) UACH UAGII Temperance, Unrecognized, Kathleen Griffith, 200

November 16, 2024, Trial 2, 71 Entries

Beginner Agility - Don Shiffer
Division T - B
1st) UGRACH7 Bria Brillon, Poodle, Linda L Brillon, 200
Division 1 - B
1st) ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH3 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jackie Foldenauer, 200
2nd) UACH Raine Heather SPOT SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Kylee Ried, Neisha Ried, 200
3rd) UACHX Miss Ella Mae, Australian Shepherd, Jessica Marlewski, 200
4th) UGRACH UAGII Princess Nan, Unrecognized, Tina Kolesar, 200
Division 2 - A
1st) BA Reach For The Heavens Celeste, Australian Cattle Dog, Maira Peters, 194
Division 2 - B
1st) AE URO3 ETE E3K3 NN USJ NH NT AC UGRACH SP Norwood Drwill Bwith Eweinamoment, Border Collie, Lyndsay Klemens, 200
2nd) UGRACH Celtic Brae True Indigo Spice, Australian Shepherd, Meriann Munn, 200
3rd) URX UROC UCD UNJ UGRACH6 RMC High Voltage Jolting Jordan, Labrador Retriever, Diane Bader, 200
4th) Listed Entry, 200
Division 3 - A
1st) BA Bolt, Unrecognized, Kathleen Griffith, 195
2nd) Listed Entry, 194
Division 3 - B
1st) Mcdaniels Own Lupe Fiasco, Rat Terrier, Erin Mc Daniel, 200
2nd) UNJ RACEN UACHX UAGI Sir Easton On The Chase, Labrador Retriever, Katie Middleton, 200
3rd) IA One Of Mayberry's Finest, Border Collie, Tamera Prestin, Rodney Prestin, 200
4th) IA Texas Tayen Joyce, Unrecognized, Marlene Hunt, 192

Intermediate Agility - Don Shiffer
Division T - B
1st) UGRACH7 Bria Brillon, Poodle, Linda L Brillon, 199
Division 1 - B
1st) ET EH NH NT EE MN EC UGRACH3 EI Benson Bear SPOT, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Jackie Foldenauer, 200
2nd) NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii, 200
3rd) IA Bella Rose Gordon, Poodle, Vickie Gordon, 200
4th) Cmj Fireball Rouge, Standard Poodle, Chelsea Jarrett, 200
Division 2 - B
1st) URX UROC UCD UNJ UGRACH6 RMC High Voltage Jolting Jordan, Labrador Retriever, Diane Bader, 200
2nd) UGRACH Celtic Brae True Indigo Spice, Australian Shepherd, Meriann Munn, 200
3rd) UGRACH UAGII URO2 Celestes Starry Night, Border Collie, Cheryl Walters, 200
4th) UACH Willowbends Capt Benj F Pierce, Australian Cattle Dog, Deb Wolf, 197
53rd) Listed Entry, 192
Division 3 - B
1st) IA Texas Tayen Joyce, Unrecognized, Marlene Hunt, 200
2nd) UNJ RACEN UACHX UAGI Sir Easton On The Chase, Labrador Retriever, Katie Middleton, 195
3rd) UACH UAGII Temperance, Unrecognized, Kathleen Griffith, 195
4th) IA One Of Mayberry's Finest, Border Collie, Tamera Prestin, Rodney Prestin, 195

Excellent Agility - Don Shiffer
Division T
1st) UGRACH7 Bria Brillon, Poodle, Linda L Brillon, 200
Division 1
1st) NT UGRACH Peaches Pumpkin N' Spice, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, William Pitylak Iii, 197
Division 2
1st) UGRACH Celtic Brae True Indigo Spice, Australian Shepherd, Meriann Munn, 200
2nd) UGRACH UAGII URO2 Celestes Starry Night, Border Collie, Cheryl Walters, 199
Division 3
1st) UNJ RACEN UACHX UAGI Sir Easton On The Chase, Labrador Retriever, Katie Middleton, 200

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