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OFFICIAL: UKC Eastern Classic (11/01/2024) / FRIDAY WEIGHT PULL

November 1, 2024

Location: Lebanon, Pennsylvania

November 1, 2024
Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 29 entries
Judge: Anthony J Flynn
MWPPBP: UWPO NN PN AP2 VPE RUSH UWPCHX URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 25.58

20 pound
1st: AP VPN UWPCH GRCH Crown's Walnut Jam, Border Terrier, Christopher Baby, Linda Baby, Renee Wagner, 23.29
2nd: NI UWPS AP2 VPE UJJCH USJCH GRCH UWPCHX RA Bonum Et Malum Chance SPOT, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi, 16.5

30 pound
1st: UWP UJJ RACEN DASH UNJ GRCH Bonum Et Malum Hurka, Mudi, Yvette Piantadosi, 13.75

40 pound
1st: UWPO NN PN AP2 VPE RUSH UWPCHX URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 25.58

50 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 15.78
2nd: NI NE AP VPA UWP CH Kalina Ableaim Nocoffee Notalkie, Whippet, Genevieve Laferriere, 10.27

60 pound
1st: UWP Daesyns Devourer Of Suns and Gods SPOT-ON, Irish Setter, Alayna Husley, 8.39

70 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPA GRCH RACEN UWPCH Sr Loki, American Bully, Sergio A Rodriguez, 22.66

80 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPA RUSH UWPCH EGCH Sapphires Moonlight Sonata, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, Cindy Lacy, 25.56
2nd: NTD AP VPN UCDX RUSH RACEA AC UWPCH UJJ GR Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 15.8
3rd: NV UWP NC RACEA RUSH URO1 CAS GRCH C Cross Khyber, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Brinklow, 8.25

90 pound
1st: SV SC AP2 VPN USJCH NBOB NTD3 NGC LEAP UWP'PR'Hd's Zenful Zigmund SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones, 15.35
2nd: UWP NN AC NBOB AI UCD UACH BN GRCH URO2 Tumblingrun's S. Mountain King, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Suzanne White, Steve Blair, 8.85

Wheels-artificial Div: B, 29 entries
Judge: Anthony J Flynn
MWPPBP: AP5 VPU UWPU UEWPCH Teaberrys One Night Stand, Unrecognized, Christopher Baby, 35.36
MWPPBP Vet: SI MC SE GJJCH RUSH RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG U Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 17.09

20 pound
1st: AP5 VPU UWPU UEWPCH Teaberrys One Night Stand, Unrecognized, Christopher Baby, 35.36
2nd: SE VPE UWPS AP3 MV MC AN UGWPCH CA URO1 RA Oakleaf's Hellcat Maggie, Patterdale Terrier, Chelsea Shafer, 36

50 pound
1st: NC HOP DASH NTD URO1 RACEN CA AP5 VPU UWPU Smalltown Classic Revolver SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Danielle Cyr, 35.75

60 pound
1st: AP3 VPE UWPS UGWPCH Bold Bay's Planetary Motion, Labrador Retriever, Tamar Kiewe, 35.8
2nd: HOP NTD RUSH URO1 UWPS AP4 VPE SPRINT UGWP'PR'Bossi's Transforming History SP, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, Joy L'ecuyer, 31.2
3rd: NI RACEN UWPO AP2 VPA UJJ UGWPCH Smalltown's Bulletproof, American Pit Bull Terrier, Danielle Cyr, 30.11
4th: HOP NTD2 RUSH UWPS UJJ AP4 VPE RATN SPRINT Ohanas Hello From The Darkside, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony Flynn, 29.59
URO1 LEAP RUSH UWPO AP3 VPE RACEA RGCH UWP Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking S, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns, 24.91

70 pound
1st: AI AE NN HOP PN AC RUSH VPU UWPU AP6 RACES Cady Falls Eros SPOT-ON, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 35.83
2nd: SI MC SE GJJCH RUSH RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG U Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 17.09

UNL Pound
1st: NTD URO2 AP3 VPE UWPS CH UGWPCH Dahlgren's Leon Sandcastle SPOT-ON, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tamar Kiewe, 30.56

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