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OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club - 2024 RQE (07/11/2024) / Weight Pull Thursday

July 11, 2024

Hosted By: All American Bulldog Club

Location: Shipshewana, Indiana

July 11, 2024
Pull 1
Wheels-natural Div: A, 10 entries
JUDGES: Jamie M Robinson, Robin Clark

MWPPBP: DASH RACEN AP VPA UJJ UWPCH EGCH Jemm's All In Good Time SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 10.32

60 pound
1st: DASH RACEN AP VPA UJJ UWPCH EGCH Jemm's All In Good Time SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 10.32

80 pound
1st: AP VPN UWP UNJ EGCH Jemm's Walkin The Line SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 8.65

UNL Pound
1st: AP VPA URO1 UWPCH GRCH Lek's I Am Iron Man Of Eliana SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Elizabeth Robinson, 10.08

Wheels-natural Div: B, 10 entries
JUDGES: Jamie M Robinson, Robin Clark

MWPPBP: AP2 VPA UWPO UGWPCH Cb Mighty Minnie, Rat Terrier, Carol Quinn, 23.63

20 pound
1st: AP2 VPA UWPO UGWPCH Cb Mighty Minnie, Rat Terrier, Carol Quinn, 23.63

40 pound
1st: UWPCH Lija's Holy Toledo, Spanish Water Dog, Liz Gaulke, Linda Kardonis, 12.33

July 11, 2024

Pull 2
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 34 entries
JUDGES: Jamie M Robinson, Robin Clark

MWPPBP: DASH RACEN AP VPA UJJ UWPCH EGCH Jemm's All In Good Time SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 25.24
MWPPBP Vet: UWPV VPE AP3 UWPCHX EGCH Snobiz Northern Pursuit, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 21.43

10 pound
NE NI NC AP VPA UWPCH Bt Manhatten Piabwlha, Poodle, Karen Ryder, 13

20 pound
1st: UWPO AP VPA RATN RUSH URO1 UWPCH NBOB RGCH'PR'Ice's She's So Prim & Proper SP, Alaskan Klee Kai, Sarah Proper, 26.68
2nd: DASH UWP CH RACEN Juju's Spicy Honey Of Zbz, Jagdterrier, Jamie Dannels, 10.5
3rd: UWP RUSH GRCH'PR'Ice's/Proper Air Is Of Silver, Alaskan Klee Kai, Chelsea Watson, 8.54

50 pound
1st: VPN AP UWP CH Bedlamacres I'm Not A Killer, Dalmatian, Heather Parsons, 20.81
2nd: UWP Blackdawgs Joker, Bull Terrier, Alisha Graham, 18.95
3rd: UWP Bedlamacres Bit Part Demon, Dalmatian, Heather Parsons, 16.21
4th: CA NC URO1 RUSH GRCH RACEM Full Circle Meant To Bee SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Courtney Trares, 9.98
DASH AC UWP AI AE RACEA URO1 NN Xcel's Dona Isabel SPOT-ON, Xoloitzcuintli, Karen K Ryder, 9.52

60 pound
1st: DASH RACEN AP VPA UJJ UWPCH EGCH Jemm's All In Good Time SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 25.24
2nd: AP2 VPE AC NI UWPCH CH Rockstar's Perilous Adventure, Dalmatian, Heather Parsons, 25.31
3rd: UWPV VPE AP3 UWPCHX EGCH Snobiz Northern Pursuit, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 21.43

70 pound
1st: DASH UWPV VPN AP2 RACEM UWPCHX UNJ URO1 GR Dawson Hollow's Manganiello SPOT-O, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Covington, 25.21
2nd: Listed Entry, 9.34

80 pound
1st: AN FLY NHD UWPV NNCH AEGCH URO1 PN AP3 VPA Mischievous Nymph SPOT, Alaskan Malamute, Colleen Lack, Darrinn Fulghum, 18.61
2nd: RACEA NN UWP RUSH AC Loki The Loyal, Unrecognized, Colleen Lack, 15.48
3rd: AP VPN UWP UNJ EGCH Jemm's Walkin The Line SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 15.28
4th: RACES AC UWP FLY AI NN Trailbound's Bringer Of Treasure, Alaskan Malamute, Colleen Lack, Darrin Fulghum, 13.66
BN ALGRCH VPN PN AP SE USJ AHD AN SC RATO Bnj Ordinary Hero SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Deanna Glasgow, 11.19

90 pound
1st: UWP'PR'Lykaios No Justice On Sunday, Perro De Presa Canario, Jordan Nathaniel, 10.53
100 pound
1st: UWP Stringer Kennels Aset, Perro De Presa Canario, Jamycia Martin, 25.78
2nd: AP VPN DASH CA UWP DGCH Eliana's The Man In Black SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Elizabeth Robinson, 15.35

UNL Pound
1st: AP VPA URO1 UWPCH GRCH Lek's I Am Iron Man Of Eliana SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Elizabeth Robinson, 25.03

Wheels-artificial Div: B, 34 entries
JUDGES: Jamie M Robinson, Robin Clark

MWPPBP: AP2 VPA UWPO UGWPCH Cb Mighty Minnie, Rat Terrier, Carol Quinn, 35.81
MWPPBP Vet: UWPS AP5 VPE UEWPCH'PR'Chohan's Legacy Of The Fallen, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Watkins, Bruce Watkins, 24.84

20 pound
1st: AP2 VPA UWPO UGWPCH Cb Mighty Minnie, Rat Terrier, Carol Quinn, 35.81

40 pound
1st: UWPCH Lija's Holy Toledo, Spanish Water Dog, Liz Gaulke, Linda Kardonis, 27.61

50 pound
1st: UWPS AP5 VPE UEWPCH'PR'Chohan's Legacy Of The Fallen, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Watkins, Bruce Watkins, 24.84

60 pound
1st: UWPO AP2 VPE MN AHD UWPCHX SN EV URO2 CH Rockstar's Haphazard SPOT, Dalmatian, Heather Parsons, 32.44

70 pound
1st: UWPO VPE AP4 UWPCHX CH Bdk's Time Torn Asunder, American Bully, Amanda Watkins, David Witherspoon, Tonya Schrock, Bruce Watkins, 27.06
2nd: UWPS VPU AP4 URX4 UGWPCH CH UROG Maskaraidnluvsno's Drksdo'mdnite SPOT-ON, Alaskan Malamute, Jane Palinkas, 22.56

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