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OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club - 2024 RQE (07/11/2024) / Total Dog Saturday

July 13, 2024

Hosted By: All American Bulldog Club

Location: Shipshewana, Indiana

July 13, 2024
DASH RACEA DGCH Phoenix Romyldale Flash O'insight, Shetland Sheepdog, Pamela Moore, Kathy Belville
UJJ RUSH RACES NWGC MHD URO2 EGCH Kokopelli's Pardon My French SPOT, Australian Cattle Dog, Lisa Ambrose, Heather Warn
DASH CH Hails Grim Reaper, American Bully, Hailey Hedberg
DASH GUN DGCH K Star Hope Pour Belle, Brittany, Mary K Shannon
DASH GRCH Kissmeksp Pretty Little Demon, Standard Poodle, Stacie Walton
DASH CH Jellybeans Little Brown Eyed Girl, Pug, Wendy Miller
URO1 CH Jellybeans Cubbie Bear, Pug, Wendy Miller
DASH UWP CH RACEN Juju's Spicy Honey Of Zbz, Jagdterrier, Jamie Dannels
AI ACD NN RACEM RUSH UCD BN ROM GRCH Caralot Glenraven True Courage SPOT-ON, Poodle, Tamerra Groene
DASH CH Larosa Dachs Dash Away Dancer Ss, Dachshund, Amanda Fulton
RACEN DASH EGCH Crystal Creek's Prudence SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Jennifer Morgan
IA ALGRCH SPRINT URO1 Aurora Jane, Cavalier Kng.chas.spaniel, Brittany Lehn
CH URO2 IA Treasure Tyme 90 Proof SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Beth Anglemyer
CA SC NNCH RUSH RACEM AN SI SGCH Sweet Carolina Good Bones SPOT-ON, Carolina Dog, Raluca Williams
GRCH Reign Von Starr SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Alyssa Mannon
DASH NV BN UWP RACEM PN URO3 EGCH Dawson Hollow's Bookworm SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Covington
AP VPN UWP UNJ EGCH Jemm's Walkin The Line SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson
DASH RACEN AP VPA UJJ UWPCH EGCH Jemm's All In Good Time SPOT-ON, American Bulldog, Jamie Robinson
AI AE NT RUSH BN NN BA SC ROM RGCH Wintercreek I Am The Storm SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Deborah Jones
PN URO1 UJJ SGCH Kennelwood Unchained Melody SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Victoria Jensen
NC DASH RACEA URO1 RGCH Cosmic Calibers All About Moi SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Jordan Burns
DASH EGCH Cosmic Calibers Little Spark, Standard Poodle, Amy Stanfield
DASH CA RACEA GRCH Cosmic Calibers Dark Mistress SPOT, Standard Poodle, Jordan Burns
UWPO AP VPA RATN RUSH URO1 UWPCH NBOB RGCH'PR'Ice's She's So Prim & Proper SP, Alaskan Klee Kai, Sarah Proper
NBIS RUSH RACES DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile, Smooth Fox Terrier, Linda Reece, Jane Nolan
DASH NV NE NI PN UWP RMC AEGCH Wolfsongs Bodacious Amtrax SPOT-ON, Alaskan Malamute, Kasha Strathman
NN FLY URO2 EGCH'PR'Thurisia's Rooted In Victory SPOT-ON, Alaskan Klee Kai, Jennifer Hsia
URO1 CH'PR'Nordic's Music Of The Night, Alaskan Klee Kai, Jennifer Hsia, Cheryl Simpson
RUSH GRCH'PR'Nordics Neika Silver Flare, Alaskan Klee Kai, Brenda Tobin, Lori Robson
UWPV VPE AP3 UWPCHX EGCH Snobiz Northern Pursuit, Samoyed, Robin Clark
DASH URO1 NV UWP AC AI EGCH Snobiz A Journey Thru Time, Samoyed, Robin Clark
DASH URO1 Walnutgroves Runnin Like The Wind, Boxer, Elisa Jones
Listed Entry
NC RUSH CA RACES UWP ROM UCD RGCH Cosmic Calibers Zero To Hero SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Jacquelyn Rudisill
DASH RGCH Kiss' Always & Forever SPOT-ON, Great Dane, Alyssa Mannon
ME MI MC URX DASH USJ UJJCH SN NHD NT NHE Treasure Tyme Stiletto SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Ellen Davis, Beth L Anglemyer
RACEN DASH NN GRCH Jems Marvelous Miss Maisel, Doberman Pinscher, Jennifer Miller

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