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OFFICIAL: Tuscarawas County Coonhunters Club Inc. (06/22/2024) / Sunday Conformation

June 23, 2024

Hosted By: Tuscarawas County Coonhunters Club Inc.

Location: New Philadelphia, Ohio

June 23, 2024, Show 1

Guardian Dogs

Cane Corso Italiano, 2 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
BHM BM BOW BOB NBOB Stonehearts Oklahoma Breakdown, Christy Six, Brandy Barbour
Jr. Female BF Dracone's Esmeralda, Ilonia Mayiras

Doberman Pinscher, 3 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH BOB RACEA CH L and L's I Cant Drive Fifty-five, Anna Harbaugh
GRCH GRCH Arete's Man On The Prowl, Kitten Stapel
RGRCH DGCH Thunderstruck Hail To The Victor, Victoria T Bankowski, Marcy Nichols, Brenda Blanchard, Taylor Wylie

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Diana Brumbaugh
1st) Doberman Pinscher, RACEA CH L and L's I Cant Drive Fifty-five
2nd) Cane Corso Italiano, NBOB Stonehearts Oklahoma Breakdown


American B & T Coonhound, 2 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Adult Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB CH CCH Bayaway Thunderrocks Amer. Anthem, Jarrod Ball, Debra Rezendes

Beagle, 3 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Jr. Male BM CCH Lil Bit Moore Of Super Sport, Jackie Carpenter
BHF BF BOW Revelrys Hop'n Polka Party, Brittanney Dagan
CH BOB CCH Hare-raiser Storm Of Touchstone, Daniel Mazalic, Hazel D Bechtol

Bluetick Coonhound, 2 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Adult Female BF CCH GRCH'PR'Blue Power Rockin Ruby, Diann Stine, Wes Stine
CH Invalid Entry

Dachshund, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH BOB CH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee Ms, Rita Kepner

Treeing Walker Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH BOB CCH GRCH(5)'PR'Olinger's Cornerstone Scout, Bryan Olinger

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Diana Brumbaugh
1st) American B & T Coonhound, CH CCH Bayaway Thunderrocks Amer. Anthem
2nd) Dachshund, CH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee Ms
3rd) Beagle, CCH Hare-raiser Storm Of Touchstone
4th) Treeing Walker Coonhound, CCH GRCH(5)'PR'Olinger's Cornerstone Scout

Gun Dogs

Brittany, 3 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
GRCH BOB GUN DGCH K Star Hope Pour Belle, Mary K Shannon
RGRCH GRCH K Star Hope Pour Brewella TAN, Mary K Shannon

English Cocker Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH CH Winfree's Take It By Storm, Nancy Wuest
GRCH BOB RACEN RGCH Sugar Creek Riding On A Venture SPOT-ON, Annette David Balkevitch

English Pointer, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Jr. Male BM BOB Southernoldtown Gldn Oportunit, Olivia Blatt

Standard Poodle, 6 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH CH NI NC Price's Sweet Sixteenth, Lisa Kelly, Kaivon Assani
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Rchilds Frozen Legacy At Ability, Jessica Haering
RGRCH URO1 PN GRCH Legacy's Sing To Your Spirit SPOT-ON, Amanda Broderick

Standard Poodle M/C, 5 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH BOB CH Crystalcreeks Drizzle O Celana, Bonnie Winings, Tori Evans
RCH CH Mytymes They Made Me Do It, Shania Greenwood, Kim Huling
GRCH NN PN AP VPA RUSH UWPCH URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Wendy Coffee
RGRCH URO1 GRCH Forest Lakes Work Of Art, Michele Harvey

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Diana Brumbaugh
1st) English Cocker Spaniel, RACEN RGCH Sugar Creek Riding On A Venture SPOT-ON
2nd) Standard Poodle, GRCH Rchilds Frozen Legacy At Ability
3rd) Standard Poodle M/C, CH Crystalcreeks Drizzle O Celana
4th) English Pointer, Southernoldtown Gldn Oportunit

Herding Dogs

Australian Cattle Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
BHM BM BOB Redstart's Don't Fear The Reaper, Karacel Hayman
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Female Veteran: Best Veteran CH Cobbers Something To Fear, Karacel Hayman

Collie, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Smooth Adult Female BFV BF BOB Listed Entry

Shetland Sheepdog, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Jr. Female BF BOB Listed Entry
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran CH Whiteoaklaurelen Catching Fire SPOT, Kendra N Allison, Laverne Shapley

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Diana Brumbaugh
1st) Australian Cattle Dog, Redstart's Don't Fear The Reaper
2nd) Shetland Sheepdog, Listed Entry
3rd) Collie, Listed Entry


Smooth Fox Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
GRCH BOB NBIS RUSH RACEA DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile, Linda Reece, Jane Nolan

Staffordshire Bullterrier, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Diana Brumbaugh
1st) Smooth Fox Terrier, NBIS RUSH RACEA DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile
2nd) Staffordshire Bullterrier, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

Chinese Crested, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Jr. Male BM BOB C-cruz's Secret Obsession, Breanna Dean

Miniature Pinscher, 4 Entries
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Sun Reh Shadowhawk, Martha Wojtaszek
RCH CH Circle W Diamondsr4ever @ Witzend, Christine Bixler, David Bixler
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Female Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH Ked N Witzend On The Rocks, Christine Bixler or Kari Dannemiller

Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Diana Brumbaugh
CH BOB CH Modfs-awmcp Spicy Cup O' Joe, Cindy Lacy

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Diana Brumbaugh
1st) Miniature Pinscher, CH Sun Reh Shadowhawk
2nd) Poodle, CH Modfs-awmcp Spicy Cup O' Joe
3rd) Chinese Crested, C-cruz's Secret Obsession

BIS Smooth Fox Terrier, NBIS RUSH RACEA DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile, Linda Reece, Jane Nolan
RBIS American B & T Coonhound, CH CCH Bayaway Thunderrocks Amer. Anthem, Jarrod Ball, Debra Rezendes

June 23, 2024, Show 2

Guardian Dogs

Cane Corso Italiano, 2 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
BHM BM BOW BOB NBOB Stonehearts Oklahoma Breakdown, Christy Six, Brandy Barbour
Jr. Female BF Dracone's Esmeralda, Ilonia Mayiras

Doberman Pinscher, 2 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
CH RACEA CH L and L's I Cant Drive Fifty-five, Anna Harbaugh
GRCH BOB GRCH Arete's Man On The Prowl, Kitten Stapel

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lora Luce
1st) Cane Corso Italiano, NBOB Stonehearts Oklahoma Breakdown
2nd) Doberman Pinscher, GRCH Arete's Man On The Prowl


American B & T Coonhound, 2 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
Adult Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB CH CCH Bayaway Thunderrocks Amer. Anthem, Jarrod Ball, Debra Rezendes

Beagle, 2 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
Jr. Male BM BOB CCH Lil Bit Moore Of Super Sport, Jackie Carpenter
CH CCH Hare-raiser Storm Of Touchstone, Daniel Mazalic, Hazel D Bechtol

Bluetick Coonhound, 2 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
Adult Female BF CCH GRCH'PR'Blue Power Rockin Ruby, Diann Stine, Wes Stine
CH Invalid Entry

Dachshund, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
CH BOB CH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee Ms, Rita Kepner

Treeing Walker Coonhound, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
CH BOB CCH GRCH(5)'PR'Olinger's Cornerstone Scout, Bryan Olinger

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Lora Luce
1st) Bluetick Coonhound, Invalid Entry
2nd) American B & T Coonhound, CH CCH Bayaway Thunderrocks Amer. Anthem
3rd) Dachshund, CH Petalpusher Bizzy Red Bee Ms
4th) Treeing Walker Coonhound, CCH GRCH(5)'PR'Olinger's Cornerstone Scout

Gun Dogs

Brittany, 3 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
GRCH BOB GUN DGCH K Star Hope Pour Belle, Mary K Shannon
RGRCH GRCH K Star Hope Pour Brewella TAN, Mary K Shannon

English Cocker Spaniel, 2 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
CH CH Winfree's Take It By Storm, Nancy Wuest
GRCH BOB RACEN RGCH Sugar Creek Riding On A Venture SPOT-ON, Annette David Balkevitch

English Pointer, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
Jr. Male BM BOB Southernoldtown Gldn Oportunit, Olivia Blatt

Standard Poodle, 6 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
CH CH NI NC Price's Sweet Sixteenth, Lisa Kelly, Kaivon Assani
RCH RACEN CH Teampinks Good Golly Miss Molly, Lynda Dudley Britt, Andria Dudley
GRCH BOB GRCH Rchilds Frozen Legacy At Ability, Jessica Haering
RGRCH DASH SGCH Rchil Aglow Ability's Love Me, Shawn Proksch, Jessica Haering

Standard Poodle M/C, 5 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
CH CH Mytymes They Made Me Do It, Shania Greenwood, Kim Huling
RCH CH Crystalcreeks Drizzle O Celana, Bonnie Winings, Tori Evans
GRCH BOB NN PN AP VPA RUSH UWPCH URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Wendy Coffee
RGRCH RUSH UWP GRCH Sapphires Moonlight Sonata, Wendy Coffey, Cindy Lacy

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lora Luce
1st) English Cocker Spaniel, RACEN RGCH Sugar Creek Riding On A Venture SPOT-ON
2nd) Standard Poodle, GRCH Rchilds Frozen Legacy At Ability
3rd) Standard Poodle M/C, NN PN AP VPA RUSH UWPCH URO1 SGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON
4th) English Pointer, Southernoldtown Gldn Oportunit

Herding Dogs

Australian Cattle Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
BHM BM BOB Redstart's Don't Fear The Reaper, Karacel Hayman
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Female Veteran: Best Veteran CH Cobbers Something To Fear, Karacel Hayman

Collie, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
Smooth Adult Female BFV BF BOB Listed Entry

Shetland Sheepdog, 1 Entry
Judge Lynette Rutz
Jr. Female BF BOB Listed Entry
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran CH Whiteoaklaurelen Catching Fire SPOT, Kendra N Allison, Laverne Shapley

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lynette Rutz
1st) Australian Cattle Dog, Redstart's Don't Fear The Reaper
2nd) Shetland Sheepdog, Listed Entry
3rd) Collie, Listed Entry


Smooth Fox Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
GRCH BOB NBIS RUSH RACEA DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile, Linda Reece, Jane Nolan

Staffordshire Bullterrier, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Lora Luce
1st) Smooth Fox Terrier, NBIS RUSH RACEA DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile
2nd) Staffordshire Bullterrier, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

Chinese Crested, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
Jr. Male BM BOB C-cruz's Secret Obsession, Breanna Dean

Miniature Pinscher, 4 Entries
Judge Lora Luce
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry
CH CH Circle W Diamondsr4ever @ Witzend, Christine Bixler, David Bixler
RCH Invalid Entry
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Female Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH Ked N Witzend On The Rocks, Christine Bixler or Kari Dannemiller

Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Lora Luce
CH BOB CH Modfs-awmcp Spicy Cup O' Joe, Cindy Lacy

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lora Luce
1st) Chinese Crested, C-cruz's Secret Obsession
2nd) Poodle, CH Modfs-awmcp Spicy Cup O' Joe
3rd) Miniature Pinscher, Listed Entry

BIS Smooth Fox Terrier, NBIS RUSH RACEA DGCH Springhill A Reason To Smile, Linda Reece, Jane Nolan
RBIS Bluetick Coonhound, Invalid Entry

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