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OFFICIAL: Minnesota Mixed Breed Club (05/11/2024) / Weight Pull Sunday

May 12, 2024

Hosted By: Minnesota Mixed Breed Club

Location: Cokato, Minnesota

May 12, 2024
Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 28 entries
JUDGES: Denise Johnson, Robin Clark

MWPPBP: AP2 UWPCHX CH URO3 Winterstarz Power Of Astraea, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25
MWPPBP Vet: AP2 UWPCHX CH URO3 Winterstarz Power Of Astraea, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25

30 pound
1st: HOP DASH MC UCD NNCH URO3 AP VPN UNSR UWPC Horskis Ups and Downs SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Kathryn Horski, 16.09
2nd: RACEN'PR'Hiding In The Moonlight@spirit, Silken Windhound, Jennifer Anderson, Jon Stacey Jr, Hannah Bentsen, 13.33

40 pound
1st: UWP IA The Relentless Pursuit Of Prefect, Siberian Husky, Morgan Cain, 23.5
2nd: ME ARGCH MI MC AP2 SN UAGII UWPCH PTE CA G Dbl Hlx Rising Star At Snobiz SPOT, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 16.11

50 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 25.74
2nd: HOP DASH UWP Skamfers Northern Exposure, Unrecognized, Ryan Skamfer, 26
3rd: UWPV VPA AP3 UWPCH EGCH Snobiz Northern Pursuit, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 25.21
4th: UWPV DASH RACEA AP VPN UWPCH UEJCH UMJCH N Chevy 2 Much Supernova SPOT-ON, Australian Shepherd, Morgan Wersal, 21.36
Listed Entry, 10.65
UWPV NC AP2 VPA UWPCH RGCH Snobiz N Dblhlx Got My Game On, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 15.83

60 pound
1st: USJ UWP Whispering Echos Squirrel, Golden Retriever, Paul Dragovich, 11.17
2nd: UWP Delphi's On The Wings Of Victory, Alaskan Malamute, Julia Berquist, 9.67
3rd: UJJ The Last Solar Flare, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Hannah Caswell, 8.17

70 pound
1st: AP2 UWPCHX CH URO3 Winterstarz Power Of Astraea, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25
2nd: UWP Sno Quest's Forever Beloved, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 23.79
3rd: UWP Winterstarz Dutch Treat Poffer, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy Obrien, Katherina Burger, 22.77
4th: UWP Winterstarz Joyous Day, Alaskan Malamute, Kristin Berg Thompson, Will Thompson, 14.71
UWP CH Delphi's Go Big or Go Rome, Alaskan Malamute, Julia Berquist, 9.06
UWP Farons Courage, Unrecognized, Katherine Vedros, 8.92

80 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 26.08
2nd: UWP Altan Dabayaans Zero To Hero, Unrecognized, Stephanie See, 16.46
3rd: UWP UCD UEJ BN Whispering Echos The Red Pill, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Melissa Lamere, 10.56

90 pound
1st: NV Rivercross Dressed In Gold, Shetland Sheepdog, Glenda Harris, 20.83
2nd: HOP DASH URO1 PN GNJCH AN AP2 VPN CH UWPCH Dahlgren's She's A Hot Grandma, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Tim Aalto, 20

Wheels-artificial Div: B, 28 entries
JUDGES: Denise Johnson, Robin Clark

MWPPBP: UWPV AP2 VPN UWPCH Anua's High Hopes, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 30.56
MWPPBP Vet: UWPV VPN AP3 UWPCHX Powderhound's Winds Of Change, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 30.12

60 pound
1st: AP VPA NV NE NC EFI UWPCH GEJCH Horskis Loco-motive, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Kathryn Horski, 22.81

70 pound
1st: AP VPN UWPCH Cauldersongs Eithne Padraigin, Unrecognized, Stephanie See, 20.31

80 pound
1st: UWPV AP2 VPN UWPCH Anua's High Hopes, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 30.56

90 pound
1st: UWPV VPN AP3 UWPCHX Powderhound's Winds Of Change, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 30.12

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