Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club (05/03/2024) / Weight Pull Saturday

May 4, 2024

Hosted By: Hampton Roads Kennel Club

Location: Courtland, Virginia

May 4, 2024
Pull 1
Rails Div: A, 32 entries
JUDGES: Rachel E Richards, Theresa Thomas
MWPPBP: NI NE AP VPA RUSH UWPCH URO1 RGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 45.53
MWPPBP Vet: PN VPE AP2 URO3 UWPCH CH'PR'Csb Agent Three Blind Mice Dna SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 26.38

40 pound
1st: NI NE AP VPA RUSH UWPCH URO1 RGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 45.53
2nd: PN VPE AP2 URO3 UWPCH CH'PR'Csb Agent Three Blind Mice Dna SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 26.38

50 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 45.2
2nd: NC UWPV AP VPN URO1 UWPCH GRCH Storytime Five String Serenade SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Ruth Teeter, 35.66
3rd: CH RUSH UWP Sapphires Belladonic Haze, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 28.59
4th: UWP GRCH'PR'Shaw's Country Boy Can Survive, American Pit Bull Terrier, Warren Shaw, Britney Billingsley, 18.69
UWP CH Kalina Ableaim Nocoffee Notalkie, Whippet, Genevieve Laferriere, 11.09
Listed Entry, 10.37
AP VPE UWPCH The Beauty Of Change, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 15.36
AP VPA CH RATCH UWPCH Reaction Des Crocs De Camargue, Dutch Shepherd, Amanda Janicki, 15.51

60 pound
1st: NV AP VPN UWP PN URO3 Bluebirdhill's Indiana Jones SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Jax Burns, 13.02
2nd: UWP GRCH Genghis Khan, American Bully, Michael Harris, Kerry Achatz, 10.93
3rd: NC UWP CH BA Blackice Spicy Siren, German Shepherd Dog, Linda Andersen-garretson, 10.93
4th: Listed Entry, 10.02

70 pound
1st: UWP CH Novamals Glazed and Confused, Alaskan Malamute, Kei-lani Asper, 46.24

90 pound
1st: URO1 UWP Von Sederhaus' Silver Lining SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Lisa Ridley, 10.31
100 pound
1st: AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, William Chrzanowski, 12.45

UNL Pound
1st: UWP Ski Countrys Day At The Beach, Alaskan Malamute, Kei-lani Asper, 10.91

Rails Div: B, 32 entries
JUDGES: Rachel E Richards, Theresa Thomas
MWPPBP: NC VPE UWPS AP2 ROM UGWPCH GRCH Wlm Banking On A Beat SPOT, Carolina Dog, Ace Mattocks, 58.76
MWPPBP Vet: HOP RUSH RACES UWPS AP9 VPE UEWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.33

40 pound
1st: RACEA AP4 VPU CA UWPU USA UFA UEWPCH UNJ Laferriere's Disturbing The Peace, American Pit Bull Terrier, Genevieve Laferriere, 45.71
2nd: UWPS VPE AP3 UGWPCH CH Blumombo N Kayo's Native Dancer, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristina Browne, 19.7

50 pound
1st: NC VPE UWPS AP2 ROM UGWPCH GRCH Wlm Banking On A Beat SPOT, Carolina Dog, Ace Mattocks, 58.76
2nd: AP VPA UWPS UWPCH Shepherd Of The Dioses, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 57.36
3rd: URO1 UWPS AP4 VPE UGWPCH RACEN GRCH'PR'Gorhams Shaws Sterling Archer SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Warren Shaw, Britney Billingsley, 44.82

60 pound
1st: AP VPA UWPO UWPCHX Experiment 626, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nicole Paoline, 53.94
2nd: HOP RUSH UWPS AP4 VPE RACES UGWPCH GRCH Sapphires See You In The Stars SPOT-O, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.33
3rd: UWPS AP6 VPE UGWPCH Blitz SPOT, Unrecognized, Theresa L Thomas, 25.94

70 pound
1st: AP2 VPE UWPO UWPCHX URO2'PR'Ogp Tales2astonish 4 Lilachill SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Connor Richards, 37.35

90 pound
1st: HOP RUSH RACES UWPS AP9 VPE UEWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.33

May 4, 2024
Pull 2
Rails Div: A, 33 entries
JUDGES: Rachel E Richards, Theresa Thomas
MWPPBP: HOP RUSH RACES UWPS AP9 VPE UEWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.33
MWPPBP Vet: NC UWPV AP VPN URO1 UWPCH GRCH Storytime Five String Serenade SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Ruth Teeter, 45.2

40 pound
1st: NI NE AP VPA RUSH UWPCH URO1 RGCH Sapphires Crazy Love Of Mine SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffee, 45.53
2nd: PN VPE AP2 URO3 UWPCH CH'PR'Csb Agent Three Blind Mice Dna SPOT-ON, Silken Windhound, Stephanie Balser, 21.44

50 pound
1st: NC UWPV AP VPN URO1 UWPCH GRCH Storytime Five String Serenade SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Ruth Teeter, 45.2
2nd: Listed Entry, 45.2
3rd: CH RUSH UWP Sapphires Belladonic Haze, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 25.16
4th: UWP GRCH'PR'Shaw's Country Boy Can Survive, American Pit Bull Terrier, Warren Shaw, Britney Billingsley, 18.69
UWP CH Kalina Ableaim Nocoffee Notalkie, Whippet, Genevieve Laferriere, 11.09
Listed Entry, 12.2
AP VPE UWPCH The Beauty Of Change, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 15.36
AP VPA CH RATCH UWPCH Reaction Des Crocs De Camargue, Dutch Shepherd, Amanda Janicki, 15.51

60 pound
1st: UWP GRCH Genghis Khan, American Bully, Michael Harris, Kerry Achatz, 19.47
2nd: NV AP VPN UWP PN URO3 Bluebirdhill's Indiana Jones SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Jax Burns, 11.52
3rd: NC UWP CH BA Blackice Spicy Siren, German Shepherd Dog, Linda Andersen-garretson, 10.93
4th: Listed Entry, 10.79
Listed Entry, 10.02

70 pound
1st: UWP CH Novamals Glazed and Confused, Alaskan Malamute, Kei-lani Asper, 46.24

90 pound
1st: UWP URO3 CH Von Sederhaus Abbey Road SPOT-ON, Rottweiler, Susan Heidemann, 10.68
100 pound
1st: AP VPA RUSH GSJCH UWP EGCH Cowboy Casanova Baarvon Boylan, Rottweiler, Jennifer Bianchini, William Chrzanowski, 18.39

UNL Pound
1st: UWP Ski Countrys Day At The Beach, Alaskan Malamute, Kei-lani Asper, 10.91

Rails Div: B, 33 entries
JUDGES: Rachel E Richards, Theresa Thomas
MWPPBP: AP VPA UWPS UWPCH Shepherd Of The Dioses, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 65.36
MWPPBP Vet: HOP RUSH RACES UWPS AP9 VPE UEWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.36

40 pound
1st: RACEA AP4 VPU CA UWPU USA UFA UEWPCH UNJ Laferriere's Disturbing The Peace, American Pit Bull Terrier, Genevieve Laferriere, 45.71
2nd: UWPS VPE AP3 UGWPCH CH Blumombo N Kayo's Native Dancer, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristina Browne, 19.7

50 pound
1st: AP VPA UWPS UWPCH Shepherd Of The Dioses, Siberian Husky, Lauren Bour, 65.36
2nd: NC VPE UWPS AP2 ROM UGWPCH GRCH Wlm Banking On A Beat SPOT, Carolina Dog, Ace Mattocks, 58.76
3rd: URO1 UWPS AP4 VPE UGWPCH RACEN GRCH'PR'Gorhams Shaws Sterling Archer SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Warren Shaw, Britney Billingsley, 51.54

60 pound
1st: AP VPA UWPO UWPCHX Experiment 626, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nicole Paoline, 57.06
2nd: HOP RUSH UWPS AP4 VPE RACES UGWPCH GRCH Sapphires See You In The Stars SPOT-O, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.33
3rd: UWPS AP6 VPE UGWPCH Blitz SPOT, Unrecognized, Theresa L Thomas, 35.28

70 pound
1st: AP2 VPE UWPO UWPCHX URO2'PR'Ogp Tales2astonish 4 Lilachill SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Connor Richards, 37.35

90 pound
1st: HOP RUSH RACES UWPS AP9 VPE UEWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 46.36

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