Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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OFFICIAL: United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc. (02/24/2024) / Weight Pull Saturday

February 24, 2024

Hosted By: United Dog Sports Of Northern New England, Inc.

Location: Gorham, Maine

February 24, 2024
Pull 1
Snow Div: A, 23 entries
JUDGES: Danielle Lynne Cyr, Stephen C Palinkas

MWPPBP: AP VPA RACEN UWPCH CH Bear Country's Louhi Kuparivuori, Karelian Bear Dog, Alli Mc Keen, 11.78
MWPPBP Vet: UWPO AP2 VPA UWPCH Caibor Farmers Little Angel, Australian Shepherd, Deborah J King, 8.12

10 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 10.1

20 pound
1st: UWP Seadog Dino Dna, Jack Russell Terrier, Amanda Wrobel, 7.68
2nd: UWP Summerfalls Lorax, Unrecognized, Amanda Wrobel, 5.67

30 pound
1st: UWP URO1 RACEA Destroyer Devourerofhumankind, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Naomi Smith, 5.96

40 pound
1st: UWPV RACEA AP2 VPA UWPCH URO1 Summerfalls Noisycottageofluck, Unrecognized, Amanda Wrobel, 6.66

50 pound
1st: AP VPA RACEN UWPCH CH Bear Country's Louhi Kuparivuori, Karelian Bear Dog, Alli Mc Keen, 11.78
UWPO AP2 VPA UWPCH Caibor Farmers Little Angel, Australian Shepherd, Deborah J King, 8.12

60 pound
1st: AP VPN RACEN GRCH UWPCH Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns, 10.24
2nd: UWP CH Northstar's Oh Henrietta!, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever, 3.09

70 pound
1st: AP RACEN CH UJJ URO2 UWPCH Michl R Talk Southern To Me Y'all SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Dalana Bewley Huss, 7.25
2nd: UWP CH Avalon The Pirate King, Bearded Collie, Valerie Maloney, 6.52

80 pound
1st: RACEN UWPO AP3 VPU CA UWPCHX GRCH NBOB Triple D's Semi-sweet Mocha, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever, 10.01
2nd: UWP UJJ CH NV NI UNJ URO2 Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 3.24

90 pound
1st: UWP Powells Intoxicated Nights In Rva, Cane Corso Italiano, Brina Powell, 3.13

UNL Pound
1st: UWP Oak Views Bull'et In A China Shop, South African Boerboel, Christina Elmazi, 3.71

Snow Div: B, 23 entries
JUDGES: Danielle Lynne Cyr, Stephen C Palinkas

MWPPBP: RACEA UWPS URO2 AP2 VPU UWPCHX Heaven's Sinful Halo Of Light SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, April Walker, 15.49
MWPPBP Vet: NV NC RUSH VPE UWPO AP3 RACES URO1 UWPCHX Cady Falls Eros SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 11.78

20 pound
1st: AP4 VPU UWPU UGWPCH Teaberrys One Night Stand, Unrecognized, Christopher Baby, 14.29

50 pound
1st: RACEA UWPS URO2 AP2 VPU UWPCHX Heaven's Sinful Halo Of Light SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, April Walker, 15.49

60 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPN UJJ UWPCH Smalltown's Bulletproof, American Pit Bull Terrier, Danielle Cyr, 15.09
2nd: BA SC MI SV UWPS AN AP4 VPU RACEM EHD UWPC Koon's La Drama SPOT, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Joanne Martone, 5.86

70 pound
1st: UWPS ALCH AP4 VPU UWPCHX URO3 Maskaraidnluvsno's Atertak SPOT-ON, Alaskan Malamute, Stephen Palinkas, Jane Palinkas, 7.79
2nd: GJJCH AV DASH AC RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG UWPO Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 5.77

80 pound
1st: NV NC RUSH VPE UWPO AP3 RACES URO1 UWPCHX Cady Falls Eros SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 11.78

February 24, 2024
Pull 2
Snow Div: A, 22 entries
JUDGES: Stephen C Palinkas, Danielle Lynne Cyr

MWPPBP: AP VPA RACEN UWPCH CH Bear Country's Louhi Kuparivuori, Karelian Bear Dog, Alli Mc Keen, 11.78
MWPPBP Vet: UWPO AP2 VPA UWPCH Caibor Farmers Little Angel, Australian Shepherd, Deborah J King, 9.47

10 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 10.1

20 pound
1st: UWP Summerfalls Lorax, Unrecognized, Amanda Wrobel, 5.67
2nd: UWP Seadog Dino Dna, Jack Russell Terrier, Amanda Wrobel, 4.68

40 pound
1st: UWPV RACEA AP2 VPA UWPCH URO1 Summerfalls Noisycottageofluck, Unrecognized, Amanda Wrobel, 9.01

50 pound
1st: AP VPA RACEN UWPCH CH Bear Country's Louhi Kuparivuori, Karelian Bear Dog, Alli Mc Keen, 11.78
2nd: UWPO AP2 VPA UWPCH Caibor Farmers Little Angel, Australian Shepherd, Deborah J King, 9.47

60 pound
1st: AP VPN RACEN GRCH UWPCH Snowdancer's Ur Captain Speaking, Siberian Husky, Melissa Mount, Laura Mount, Dominic Stearns, 7.24
2nd: UWP CH Northstar's Oh Henrietta!, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever, 3.09

70 pound
1st: UWP CH Avalon The Pirate King, Bearded Collie, Valerie Maloney, 7.61
2nd: AP RACEN CH UJJ URO2 UWPCH Michl R Talk Southern To Me Y'all SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Dalana Bewley Huss, 6.22

80 pound
1st: RACEN UWPO AP3 VPU CA UWPCHX GRCH NBOB Triple D's Semi-sweet Mocha, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Lucy Cheever, 10.01
2nd: UWP UJJ CH NV NI UNJ URO2 Jetoca's Call Me Friend SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian Huss, 3.24

UNL Pound
1st: UWP Oak Views Bull'et In A China Shop, South African Boerboel, Christina Elmazi, 5.09

Snow Div: B, 22 entries
JUDGES: Stephen C Palinkas, Danielle Lynne Cyr

MWPPBP: RACEA UWPS URO2 AP2 VPU UWPCHX Heaven's Sinful Halo Of Light SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, April Walker, 21.11
MWPPBP Vet: NV NC RUSH VPE UWPO AP3 RACES URO1 UWPCHX Cady Falls Eros SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 16.3

20 pound
1st: AP4 VPU UWPU UGWPCH Teaberrys One Night Stand, Unrecognized, Christopher Baby, 11.93

30 pound
1st: UWP URO1 RACEA Destroyer Devourerofhumankind, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Naomi Smith, 10.68

50 pound
1st: RACEA UWPS URO2 AP2 VPU UWPCHX Heaven's Sinful Halo Of Light SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, April Walker, 21.11

60 pound
1st: Rod Abraham, Perro De Presa Canario, Rod Abraham, 10.46
2nd: BA SC MI SV UWPS AN AP4 VPU RACEM EHD UWPC Koon's La Drama SPOT, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Joanne Martone, 3.92

70 pound
1st: GJJCH AV DASH AC RMX2 URX2 RACEM UROG UWPO Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 7.68

80 pound
1st: NV NC RUSH VPE UWPO AP3 RACES URO1 UWPCHX Cady Falls Eros SPOT, German Shorthaired Pntr, Samantha Geis, 16.3

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