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OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club 2024 RQE (09/01/2023) / Weight Pull Sunday

September 3, 2023

Hosted By: Middle Georgia Kennel Club

Location: Perry, Georgia

September 3, 2023
Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 28 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: Listed Entry, 25.08
MWPPBP Vet: AP VPA UWPCH Uzliks Selkie Smooth SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Joscelyn Uzlik, 18

40 pound
1st: UWPCH CH URO2 Crystalcreek Only Way 2 B Sure, Standard Poodle, Genny Anderson, Bonnie Winings, 21.32

50 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 17.14
3rd: UWP RACEN Sb Happy Anywhere, American Bully, Teri Moore, 10.71
UWP Bernstein's Tequila On The Rocks, Standard Schnauzer, Heidi Kluess, 16.36

60 pound
1st: UWPO URO1 NGRCH NBOB AP2 VPA UWPCH SGCH'PR'Morghem's Bullitt SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Caden Morghem, 20.89
2nd: UWP URO1 GRCH'PR'Alpha's Morghem Barrett M107a1, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Harold Griffin Jr, Caden T Morghem, 20.17
3rd: AP VPA UWPCH Uzliks Selkie Smooth SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Joscelyn Uzlik, 18
4th: DASH UWP USJ CA RACEM UJJ EGCH Primetime's Best Kept Secret, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Jean C Rothe, 18
CH UWP'PR'Bartin's This Is The Way, American Pit Bull Terrier, Erin Tinsley, 15.58
UWPV AP VPA USJCH RACEN UWPCH URO2 WSD CH Esoteric's Foretold In Bones SPOT-O, American Pit Bull Terrier, Joscelyn Uzlik, 17.68
URO1 CH Ivieleag's Fearless Voice, American Pit Bull Terrier, Paige Messer, Corey Messer, 10.5
UWP GRCH Sb Partner In Crime, American Bully, Brittany Holcomb, 13.58

70 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 25.08
2nd: CH UWP'PR'Bartin's This Is Why Im Hot, American Pit Bull Terrier, Erin Tinsley, 25.08
3rd: UWPV VPN AP RACEM UWPCH UNJ URO1 GRCH Dawson Hollow's Manganiello, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Covington, 26.13
4th: UWP URO1 EGCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque, 23.48
UWP DASH NE NHD CA CH RACEN Cutlass Z Oceanov Domu, German Shepherd Dog, Quin Sweeney, 21.09
AP VPN RACEN CA UWP SGCH Thrutheeyesof Toddiusvongriseo SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Krystal Cliver, 11.57

80 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 25.38
2nd: Listed Entry, 22.5

UNL Pound
1st: UWPCH Rybo's Hercules Of Dsxlb, American Bully, David Lagos, Barry Lagos, Alex Lagos, 28.6

Wheels-artificial Div: B, 28 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: UJJ ROM UCD UROC VPE UWPS AP7 UEWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 36.73
MWPPBP Vet: UJJ ROM UCD UROC VPE UWPS AP7 UEWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 36.73

50 pound
1st: UJJ ROM UCD UROC VPE UWPS AP7 UEWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 36.73
2nd: VPN UWPO AP UWPCHX CH Mythos' Idratherseeurstarexplode, American Pit Bull Terrier, Christina Gonzalez, 36.43
3rd: AP3 VPE UWPS GRCH RACEA CA UGWPCH Smalltown's Red Warrior SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, Jason Cross, 30
4th: AP2 VPA UWPO CH UWPCHX'PR'Tyndall's No One Fights Alone, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lynsey R Tyndall, Gary L Tyndall, 25.43

60 pound
1st: CH AP2 VPE RACEN UJJ UWPO URO1 UWPCHX Super Nova SPOT, American Bully, Francis Wise, 31.09

80 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 35.77

September 3, 2023
Pull 2
Rails Div: A, 32 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: UWPO URO1 NGRCH NBOB AP2 VPA UWPCH SGCH'PR'Morghem's Bullitt SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Caden Morghem, 46.43
MWPPBP Vet: AP VPA UWPCH Uzliks Selkie Smooth SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Joscelyn Uzlik, 45.64

40 pound
1st: UWPCH CH URO2 Crystalcreek Only Way 2 B Sure, Standard Poodle, Genny Anderson, Bonnie Winings, 47.11

50 pound
1st: UWP Bernstein's Tequila On The Rocks, Standard Schnauzer, Heidi Kluess, 26.36
2nd: UWP RACES PN URO3 GRCH Dawson Hollow's Bookworm SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Covington, 11.52

60 pound
1st: UWPO URO1 NGRCH NBOB AP2 VPA UWPCH SGCH'PR'Morghem's Bullitt SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Caden Morghem, 46.43
2nd: UWP URO1 GRCH'PR'Alpha's Morghem Barrett M107a1, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tamer Morghem, Harold Griffin Jr, Caden T Morghem, 46.38
3rd: AP VPA UWPCH Uzliks Selkie Smooth SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Joscelyn Uzlik, 45.64
4th: UWPV AP VPA USJCH RACEN UWPCH URO2 WSD CH Esoteric's Foretold In Bones SPOT-O, American Pit Bull Terrier, Joscelyn Uzlik, 46.43
UWP GRCH Sb Partner In Crime, American Bully, Brittany Holcomb, 21.89
CH UWP'PR'Bartin's This Is The Way, American Pit Bull Terrier, Erin Tinsley, 22.31
DASH UWP USJ CA RACEM UJJ EGCH Primetime's Best Kept Secret, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Jean C Rothe, 46.33

70 pound
1st: UWPV VPN AP RACEM UWPCH UNJ URO1 GRCH Dawson Hollow's Manganiello, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Michelle Covington, 46.29
2nd: UWP URO1 EGCH Sb Knightfall, American Bully, Krista Roque, 45.51
3rd: CH UWP'PR'Bartin's This Is Why Im Hot, American Pit Bull Terrier, Erin Tinsley, 45.57
4th: AP VPN RACEN CA UWP SGCH Thrutheeyesof Toddiusvongriseo SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Krystal Cliver, 46.14
CH Ark9 Emeryb Noschitt Major, American Bully, Sarah Emery, 10.6
UWP DASH NE NHD CA CH RACEN Cutlass Z Oceanov Domu, German Shepherd Dog, Quin Sweeney, 32.19

80 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 46.03
2nd: Listed Entry, 46.11

UNL Pound
1st: UWPCH Rybo's Hercules Of Dsxlb, American Bully, David Lagos, Barry Lagos, Alex Lagos, 45.33
2nd: UWP CH Sobo Followed The White Blaze, Greater Swiss Mtn. Dog, Eric Gartz, 24.15

Rails Div: B, 32 entries
Judge: Rachel E Richards
MWPPBP: UJJ ROM UCD UROC VPE UWPS AP7 UEWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 65.92
MWPPBP Vet: UJJ ROM UCD UROC VPE UWPS AP7 UEWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 65.92

50 pound
1st: UJJ ROM UCD UROC VPE UWPS AP7 UEWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 65.92
2nd: AP2 VPA UWPO CH UWPCHX'PR'Tyndall's No One Fights Alone, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lynsey R Tyndall, Gary L Tyndall, 66.3
3rd: VPN UWPO AP UWPCHX CH Mythos' Idratherseeurstarexplode, American Pit Bull Terrier, Christina Gonzalez, 66.19
4th: AP3 VPE UWPS GRCH RACEA CA UGWPCH Smalltown's Red Warrior SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, Jason Cross, 65.78

60 pound
1st: CH AP2 VPE RACEN UJJ UWPO URO1 UWPCHX Super Nova SPOT, American Bully, Francis Wise, 65.27

70 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 66.23
2nd: RACEN URO1 AP2 VPA UWPO UGWPCH DGCH Ark9s Noschitt Sherlock SPOT-ON, American Bully, Jonathon Foster, Sondra Peirson, Aaron Pelan, 34.57

80 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 65.64

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