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OFFICIAL: Minnesota Mixed Breed Club (05/13/2023) / Weight Pull Sunday Pull 1 and 2

May 14, 2023

Hosted By: Minnesota Mixed Breed Club

Location: Cokato, Minnesota

May 14, 2023
Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 21 entries
Judge: Robin Clark
MWPPBP: URO1 CH UWPCH Winterstarz Scorching Tania Bo, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25.39
MWPPBP Vet: URO1 CH UWPCH Winterstarz Scorching Tania Bo, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25.39

30 pound
1st: AP VPN SE SC UNSR UWP UNFR AN GNJCH NT BA Horskis Ups and Downs SPOT-ON, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Kathryn Horski, 17.69

40 pound
1st: MI MC AP SN UAGII UWPCH PTE CA GRCH Dbl Hlx Rising Star At Snobiz, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 21.25

50 pound
1st: NC AP VPN UWPCH RGCH Snobiz N Dblhlx Got My Game On, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 21.02
2nd: CH AP VPN UWPCH Urban Pulse Catch The Light D, Samoyed, Elizabeth Hanly, Vicki Dice, 18.8
3rd: Listed Entry, 15.51

60 pound
1st: NI NV NC UWP PN CH Spader Hit The Ground Running, Australian Cattle Dog, Samantha Perkins, 11.37
2nd: Listed Entry, 10.74

70 pound
1st: UWP CH URO1 Kataum Inua's Ataciara, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25
2nd: UWP GEJCH Horskis Loco-motive, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Kathryn Horski, 23.87
3rd: UWP Whispering Echos Squirrel, Golden Retriever, Paul Dragovich, 13.93

80 pound
1st: URO1 CH UWPCH Winterstarz Scorching Tania Bo, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 25.39
2nd: Winterstarz Sagittarius A Star, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 8.48
Wheels-artificial Div: B, 21 entries
Judge: Robin Clark
MWPPBP: UWPV VPN AP2 UWPCHX Powderhound's Winds Of Change, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 31.49
MWPPBP Vet: AP3 UGWPCH Winterstarz Orion Nebula, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 26.67

20 pound
1st: UFCH VPA UWPV USCH AP4 UGWPCH CH'PR'Kikid's Foxy Aphrodite SPOT, Alaskan Klee Kai, Debra J Flohr, Daniel R Flohr, Denise Johnson, 34.67

30 pound
1st: URO1 RACEN UWPO AP4 VPE USA UAGII UFA UWPC Jawdis Now A True Bleu Skamfer, Basset Bleu De Gascogne, Christi Skamfer, 30.34

80 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPN UWPCH Anua's High Hopes, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 30.95

90 pound
1st: UWPV VPN AP2 UWPCHX Powderhound's Winds Of Change, Alaskan Malamute, Tony Yarusso, 31.49
100 pound
1st: AP3 UGWPCH Winterstarz Orion Nebula, Alaskan Malamute, Timothy D O'brien, Katherina D Burger, 26.67

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