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OFFICIAL: UKC Southern Classic (11/18/2022) / Weight Pull Saturday Pull

November 19, 2022

Location: Belton, Texas

November 19, 2022
Pull 1
Rails Div: A, 20 entries
Judge: Anissa Marie Littlefield
MWPPBP: AI SC UWP Konjo Wusha Of Independence SPOT, Standard Poodle, Stephanie Hart, 29.48

30 pound
1st: UWP UNJ GRCH'PR'Timberlane Casino At Cohills, Rat Terrier, Amanda Hill, Lexi Jones, 19.57
2nd: UWP ARGCH RATN AC AV BA AI RACEA ROM EGCH'PR'Debonair Rock Star SPOT, American Eskimo, Michelle Fitch, Mark Fitch, 11.07

50 pound
1st: UWP Valo The Bright Of Independence, Standard Poodle, Stephanie Hart, 18.13
2nd: CH'PR'Circle 3's Tansy Girl, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kasandra Carpenter, 12.07
3rd: RGCH Stonerun Let Him Into Your Heart, Standard Poodle, Stephanie Hart, 11.1

60 pound
1st: AI SC UWP Konjo Wusha Of Independence SPOT, Standard Poodle, Stephanie Hart, 29.48
2nd: UWPV VPA AP2 UWPCH CH Zbullyz Revn Up The Horsepower SPOT-ON, American Bully, Anissa Littlefield, 26.32
3rd: AP VPN RACEA CA UWPCH EGCH Fantac's Bware Of My Magic Doll, American Pit Bull Terrier, Anissa Littlefield, Amanda Stevens, 20.38
4th: AP VPN MI AN UWP CH Deikahime Go Kaijusou SPOT-ON, Japanese Akitainu, Stephanie Dill, 18.4
UWP CH'PR'Circle 3's Zoe Hart, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kasandra Carpenter, 17.06
BN PN URX UROC UWP ROM RGCH Allal Wa N'sahel's Bagan SPOT-ON, Azawakh, Alberta Evans, R Winn Conaway, 16.42

70 pound
1st: AC RMX URX RACEA UROC UWPV AI ACD NTD RMC4 Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 26.31

90 pound
1st: CH Dark Sun Vom Drachenheim, Rottweiler, Khari Saleur, 10.61

UNL Pound
1st: UWP GRCH Whiskey River's Jager SPOT, Perro De Presa Canario, Chase Alan Veit, Marion D Pate, 12.03
2nd: UWP URO1 CH Claymores Rocket Man Still Stand, Mastiff, Aubree Erickson, 10.21
Rails Div: B, 20 entries
Judge: Anissa Marie Littlefield
MWPPBP: UWPV ARGCH UJJ NC AP VPA UWPCH EGCH Dotcom-fraja Ec Party Princess, American Pit Bull Terrier, Cherilynn Clark, 56.04
MWPPBP Vet: UWP URO1 CH Claymores Rocket Man Still Stand, Mastiff, Aubree Erickson, 10.21

60 pound
1st: UWPV ARGCH UJJ NC AP VPA UWPCH EGCH Dotcom-fraja Ec Party Princess, American Pit Bull Terrier, Cherilynn Clark, 56.04
2nd: RATN BN PN RACES VPA UWPO AP4 UNJ CA UGWPC Horsepower's Run'n On High Octane, American Pit Bull Terrier, Anissa Littlefield, 42.16

UNL Pound
1st: NC URO1 UWPCH GRCH Guardian Del Sol De Terra Presa SPOT, Perro De Presa Canario, Reann Phillips, 25.58

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