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OFFICIAL: Cascade American Pit Bull Terrier Club / Weight Pull - Friday, Pull 2

February 10, 2017

Location: Longview, Washington

Wheels-natural Div: A, 10 entries

JUDGES: Angela Burns, Valerie A Piltz

MWPPBP: UWP CH Aritaur Bibi Dahl SPOT-ON, German Pinscher, Janet Oatney, Ron Dunn, Valerie J Vihlen Schluter, 15.31

40 pound
1st: UWP CH Aritaur Bibi Dahl SPOT-ON, German Pinscher, Janet Oatney, Ron Dunn, Valerie J Vihlen Schluter, 15.31

60 pound
RATN UJJCH USA UFA CA UWPO GRCH UGWPCH Alpine's Lbk Hearts On Fire SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Valerie Ann Piltz, Karen Thomason, Ed Thomason, 29.06

70 pound
UWP GRCH Flipadan M&m's 100 Grand, Irish Setter, Angela Burns, 8.66

80 pound
UWP GRCH Flipadan John's Loyal Companion, Irish Setter, Angela Burns, 8.06

Wheels-natural Div: B, 10 entries

JUDGES: Angela Burns, Valerie A Piltz

MWPPBP: URO1 UWPO GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Sweet Tooth Dandalina Darlin, American Pit Bull Terrier, Angela Bruner, 28.37

20 pound
1st: AP VPA UWPS UWPCHX CH Kalypso's Im Blending, Chinese Crested, Angela Bruner, 28.33
VPA AP USA UFA CAX RATN UWPS UGWPCH GRCH Wmk's Little Oak Kodyak@vntg SPOT-ON, American Hairless Terrier, Valerie Ann Piltz, June Pasko, Sydney Paxton, 30

50 pound
1st: URO1 UWPO GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Sweet Tooth Dandalina Darlin, American Pit Bull Terrier, Angela Bruner, 28.37
2nd: UWPO UGWPCH URO1 CH'PR'Jjax Larums Power Pak, American Pit Bull Terrier, Angie Bruner, 28.26

70 pound
AP VPA CA PTN RATM URO2 UCD UWPS UNJ UGWPCH GRCH Alpineā€™s Ring Of Fire SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Valerie Ann Piltz, Ed Thomason, Karen Thomason, 28.86

UNL Pound
1st: UWPO VPA AP2 UGWPCH Cretan's Bastian SPOT-ON, Saint Bernard, Barbara J Slish Or Raymond Slish, 16.34