Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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OFFICIAL: Silver State APBT Club / Weight Pull - Saturday, Pull 2

November 12, 2016

Location: Fallon, Nevada

Wheels-natural Div: A, 17 entries

Judge: Nancy A Best

MWPPBP: CA GRCH UWPCH'PR'Nevada's Thor Fernandez SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 20.7

30 pound
1st: UWP CH Dynastaffs Divergent, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Janice Snyder, Alexa Keetch, Tiana Keetch, 14.17

40 pound
1st: UWP GRCH'PR'Nevada's Stuck On You, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Janice Snyder And Elizabeth Thompson, 8.72

50 pound
1st: UWP Nevada Lions&tigers&bears Ohmy, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Nancy Best-olds, Susan Best-olds, Janice Snyder, 11.22
2nd: UWP GRCH'PR'Nevada's Good Intentions, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 8

60 pound
1st: CA GRCH UWPCH'PR'Nevada's Thor Fernandez SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 20.7
2nd: UAGI UCD CA RATN UNJ URO2 UWPCH GRCH Bluprints Life Of The Party SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Miles Whitney, Apryl Hall, 20
3rd: UWPV UCD GSJCH CA UWPCH URO1 GRCH C's Smalltown Ladies Love SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, 16.67
4th: UWP URO1 CH'PR'C's Smalltown Hbic SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, 9.02
UWP CH'PR'Nevada's Warrior Princess, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 8.52

70 pound
1st: CA UWPCH GRCH'PR'Nv Larum Gundy Dardevl Dynasty SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, Richard Hueston Sr, 16.06
2nd: UCD UWPV UNJ UAGI URO1 UWPCH GRCH'PR'Bluprints Badger SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Miles Whitney And James Wickert, 12.06
3rd: UWP CH'PR'Nv Larum's Shaken Not Stirred, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 8.66

80 pound
1st: UWPV CH UWPCH'PR'Nevada Thompson Machine Gun SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Elizabeth Thompson Or Janice Snyder, 20

90 pound
1st: UWP'PR'L&c Larums Ballistic Bootjack, American Pit Bull Terrier, Cody Larum, Lisa Larum, 12.2

Wheels-natural Div: B, 17 entries

Judge: Nancy A Best

MWPPBP: UWPV CA UWPCH GRCH Quinlent Awake My Soul, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Janice Snyder And Teri Keetch, 20.54
MWPPBP Vet: UWPV UWPCHX GRCH'PR'Larum Gamblers Gleamn Gypsy Nv, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 20.43

40 pound
1st: UWPV CA UWPCH GRCH Quinlent Awake My Soul, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Janice Snyder And Teri Keetch, 20.54

50 pound
1st: UWPV UWPCHX GRCH'PR'Larum Gamblers Gleamn Gypsy Nv, American Pit Bull Terrier, Janice Snyder, 20.43