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OFFICIAL: Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association, Inc. (11/06/2021) / Conformation Sunday Show 2

November 7, 2021

Hosted By: Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association, Inc.

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 1 Entry
Judge Katherine G Short
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Cane Corso Italiano, 5 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female BF Listed Entry
BHF Listed Entry
RBM Listed Entry

Doberman Pinscher, 6 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Female Puppy BF CH Firelite's Spirit Of The Storm, Melvin Sullivan
Jr. Female RBF Kansa's The Fairy Queen, Susan Gresham
Open Female Listed Entry
BHF Listed Entry
GRCH BOB UWP RGCH Coruscates Remember The Buster, Amanda Figueroa, Emily Landrum
RGRCH GRCH Aludra Bad Handsome Man Coruscate, Emily Landrum

Giant Schnauzer, 1 Entry
Judge Katherine G Short
CH BOB UCD RATN UWP ROM CH Verwohnter Teufel Vom Furstenhaus SPOT-ON, Sandra Owen

Great Dane, 2 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
CH Invalid Entry
RCH CH Lady Sansa Of Dynamic Danes, Jennifer Fulfer

Rottweiler, 5 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Adult Female BF BOB CH Southpaws Penelope Von Grist, Keith Scott, Nelson Grist
CH CH Bella Vom Langenshof SPOT-ON, Quinn Webb
RCH CH Amira Vom Langenshof SPOT-ON, Quinn Webb
GRCH URO1 CA GRCH Apache Vom Langenshof SPOT-ON, Quinn Webb
RBF Banya Vom Langenshof Quinn Webb

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Katherine G Short
1st) Doberman Pinscher, UWP RGCH Coruscates Remember The Buster
2nd) Rottweiler, CH Southpaws Penelope Von Grist
3rd) Cane Corso Italiano, Listed Entry
4th) Giant Schnauzer, UCD RATN UWP ROM CH Verwohnter Teufel Vom Furstenhaus SPOT-ON


American Leopard Hound, 1 Entry
Judge Katherine G Short
GRCH BOB RACEN EGCH GRCH(2)'PR'Thndrstrk Skin That Smoke Wagon, Haley Creasman, Effrem Creasman

Dachshund, 5 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Male Puppy BMV BM BOW BOB Winmors Etch A Sketch Msdp, C Holly Lowery Frady
Jr. Female BFV BF Dk's Ain't Nothin But A Hound Dog, Bethany Deakyne, C Holly Lowery Frady
Adult Female BFV RBF Listed Entry
St. BHM BMV RBM Winmors Lil Live Wire, C Holly Lowery-frady
CH CH Winmors Keep Yo Hands 2 Yourself, Jennifer Casse

Plott Hound, 2 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Jr. Female BF 'PR'County Line Keepin' It Real, D B Little, Alan B Little
CH BOB CH CCH'PR'Swampbriar's Son-of-a Revenuer, Alan Little

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Katherine G Short
1st) American Leopard Hound, RACEN EGCH GRCH(2)'PR'Thndrstrk Skin That Smoke Wagon
2nd) Dachshund, Winmors Etch A Sketch Msdp
3rd) Plott Hound, CH CCH'PR'Swampbriar's Son-of-a Revenuer

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Rhodesian Ridgeback, 1 Entry
Judge Katherine G Short
CH BOB CH B'mahoe Hae Taranaki, Melissa Crump

Silken Windhound, 2 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Female Puppy RBF Avalon Foxtrot, Paula Moore, Sandra Moore
Adult Female BF BOB 'PR'Avalon Dragonsong Dna, Sandra Moore, Paula Moore

Whippet, 1 Entry
Judge Katherine G Short
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Katherine G Short
1st) Whippet, Listed Entry
2nd) Rhodesian Ridgeback, CH B'mahoe Hae Taranaki
3rd) Silken Windhound, 'PR'Avalon Dragonsong Dna

Gun Dogs

Brittany, 1 Entry
Judge Katherine G Short
Adult Male BM BOB Dogwood Hollow Breaking Point, Kathryn Baughman

German Shorthaired Pntr, 3 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Open Male BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB Sharpmtn Bellafina, Meghan Bodie
CH CH Gracie Jolene Hunter, Fawn Kovach

Labrador Retriever, 6 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Open Male BM Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry
GRCH SGCH Seadog's Snowy Angel Calais, Captain Lee M Shuler
RGRCH Listed Entry

Standard Poodle, 5 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
Jr. Male Listed Entry
CH CH 1fc How Do U Like Me Now, Kristy Jones, Ray Jones
GRCH BOB GRCH Crystal Creek's 30seconds To Mars, Kristy Jones, Bonnie Winings
RBM Listed Entry

Standard Poodle M/C, 9 Entries
Judge Katherine G Short
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
BHM BM BOW CH 1fc Fun Times Ahead, Ray Jones, Kristy Jones
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
CH BN PN URO1 CH Rose City's Texas Rolling Stone SPOT-ON, Martha J Hartley
RCH BN RACEN URO1 CH Pk's Dun Run Outta Ink SPOT-ON, Paula L Cearley, Kennedy May
GRCH BOB URO1 EGCH 1fc Crystalcreek Wehavethekey Ths SPOT, Ray Jones
RGRCH BN CA RACEN GRCH URO1 Pk's Smitten With This Vixen SPOT, Paula L Cearley
RBF Listed Entry

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Katherine G Short
1st) Standard Poodle M/C, URO1 EGCH 1fc Crystalcreek Wehavethekey Ths SPOT
2nd) German Shorthaired Pntr, Sharpmtn Bellafina
3rd) Brittany, Dogwood Hollow Breaking Point
4th) Standard Poodle, GRCH Crystal Creek's 30seconds To Mars

Northern Breeds

American Eskimo, 1 Entry
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Thunderpas Aragorn, Patrea L Pabst

German Spitz, 2 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
MITTEL 12-15
Open Female BFV BF Kunhegyesi Bleki Calisto-macko, Terry Woods
CH BOB CH Mystic Phantom Vh Bearehofke, Patrea Pabst, Terry Woods

Siberian Husky, 3 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Jr. Male BM CH Taja's Swing Of The Pendulum, Victoria Tesh
Jr. Female BF BOW BOB Listed Entry
RBM Listed Entry

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Julie Hatlas-pepper
1st) Siberian Husky, Listed Entry
2nd) American Eskimo, GRCH'PR'Thunderpas Aragorn
3rd) German Spitz, CH Mystic Phantom Vh Bearehofke

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd, 1 Entry
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
BHM BM BOB CH Canon's I'm Your Hucklebery, Larinda Wilken

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 4 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Open Female BFV BF CH Zeta SPOT-ON, Maria Link
Male Puppy BMV BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Open Female BFV RBF Coureuse Du Loups Du Soleil, Kirsten Moore
Adult Female BFV CH Iris Rose Roberson, Huhyun Lee

Border Collie, 3 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Male Puppy BM BOW Listed Entry
Open Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB BN URO1 CH Chf Avatar Flyin Solo SPOT-ON, Judy L Kinnie

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 1 Entry
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
CH BOB CH Glasshouse Fantasy N Delusion, Joanne White

Czechoslovakian Vlcak, 1 Entry
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
CH BOB CH Trmik Iii Od Uhoste, Joy Clemens

German Shepherd Dog, 11 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Open Male RBM Listed Entry
BHM Astro Vom Woodwolf, Carolyn Woodward
Female Puppy Woodwolfs Natalya Vom Alberdon, Carolyn Woodward, Jordyn Barna, Julianna Barna
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
Adult Female RBF Listed Entry
BHF Listed Entry
CH CH Cross Timbers Candia Lewis SPOT-ON, Emily Lewis, Bryan Lewis
RCH BN URO1 CH Eros Vom Zuflucht, Heidi Owen

La Catahoula Leopard Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
GRCH BOB UWP RACEA SGCH Loukat's Seal Of Solomon SPOT-ON, Chandly Maynard
RGRCH RACEN UJJ GRCH Primetime's Best Kept Secret, Jean C Rothe

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 2 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
CH BOB CH Otreks To Sir With Love, Joanne White
RCH CH Luxberry Yadzawa, Joanne White

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Julie Hatlas-pepper
1st) La Catahoula Leopard Dog, UWP RACEA SGCH Loukat's Seal Of Solomon SPOT-ON
2nd) Belgian Shepherd Dog, Listed Entry
3rd) Czechoslovakian Vlcak, CH Trmik Iii Od Uhoste
4th) Australian Shepherd, CH Canon's I'm Your Hucklebery


American Pit Bull Terrier, 9 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Male Puppy BM BOW Mythos' Singin The Dogstar Blues, Christina Gonzalez
Jr. Male RBM Esoteric's Carolina Reaper, Christen Jones, Sonia Bincarousky, Al Bincarousky
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
CH CH Southpaw's Annie Oakley, Keith Scott, Jodi Hursey
RCH CH'PR'Winmors Sign 'o' The Times, C Holly Lowery
GRCH BOB UWP RGCH'PR'Bwf/Soi Venom Bites Back, Amanda Figueroa, Robert Davis

Miniature Schnauzer, 2 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Open Female BF BOB Listed Entry
RBF Listed Entry

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Julie Hatlas-pepper
1st) American Pit Bull Terrier, UWP RGCH'PR'Bwf/Soi Venom Bites Back
2nd) Miniature Schnauzer, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 4 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Jr. Male BM Sb Vini Vidi Vici, Brittany Holcomb
Jr. Female BF BOW Listed Entry
Adult Female RBF Sb Clever Endevor, Brittany Holcomb
GRCH BOB RACEN URO1 AP VPN UWPV UWPCHX DGCH Ark9s Noschitt Sherlock SPOT-ON, Jonathon Foster, Sondra Peirson, Aaron Pelan

Chinese Crested, 5 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Jr. Male RBM Jeremar's Lovin You Is Easy, Susan Brown
Open Male Listed Entry
BHM BM BOW BOB Jeremar's Don't Stop Belevin, Marlyne Tyre
Jr. Female BF Jeremar's Who's Cryin Now, Marlyne Tyre

Poodle, 1 Entry
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
Jr. Female BFV BF BOB Listed Entry

Poodle M/C, 1 Entry
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
BHM BMV BM BOB Listed Entry

Pug, 2 Entries
Judge Julie Hatlas-pepper
BHM BM Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF BOW BOB Two Moon Goddess Of The Night, Amanda Lunsford

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Julie Hatlas-pepper
1st) Poodle M/C, Listed Entry
2nd) American Bully, RACEN URO1 AP VPN UWPV UWPCHX DGCH Ark9s Noschitt Sherlock SPOT-ON
3rd) Pug, Two Moon Goddess Of The Night
4th) Chinese Crested, Jeremar's Don't Stop Belevin

BIS American Pit Bull Terrier, UWP RGCH'PR'Bwf/Soi Venom Bites Back, Amanda Figueroa, Robert Davis
RBIS La Catahoula Leopard Dog, UWP RACEA SGCH Loukat's Seal Of Solomon SPOT-ON, Chandly Maynard

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