Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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OFFICIAL: Hampton Roads Kennel Club (10/01/2021) / Weight Pull Friday Pull 2

October 1, 2021

Hosted By: Hampton Roads Kennel Club

Pull 2
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 14 entries
Judge: Anthony J Flynn
MWPPBP: UWPO AP VPA CH USA UFA RACEN UWPCH Amp's Colby East Meets West, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick-flynn, Anthony Flynn, 25.47

40 pound
1st: UWPO AP VPA CH USA UFA RACEN UWPCH Amp's Colby East Meets West, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick-flynn, Anthony Flynn, 25.47

50 pound
1st: UWPCH GRCH Sapphires See You In The Stars SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 25.3

60 pound
1st: UWP RACEN CH'PR'Gorhams Shaws Sterling Archer, American Pit Bull Terrier, Warren Shaw, Britney Billingsley, 26.23
2nd: UWP EGCH Sapphires Wrapt Round My Heart SPOT-ON, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 20.13
3rd: UWP Ogp No Time To Say Hello, Goodbye, American Pit Bull Terrier, Rachel Richards, 9.1

80 pound
1st: UWPCH Backwood's That's What I Like, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lisa Ridley, 25.12

UNL Pound
1st: Listed Entry, 23.25

Wheels-artificial Div: B, 14 entries
Judge: Anthony J Flynn
MWPPBP: AP VPA UWPO UWPCHX GRCH Smalltown Classic Revolver, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, Danielle Cyr, 35.34
MWPPBP Vet: VPE UWPS AP5 URO1 GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Bossi's Colby God Of Thundah, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 26.94

50 pound
1st: AP VPA UWPO UWPCHX GRCH Smalltown Classic Revolver, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, Danielle Cyr, 35.34
2nd: UCD URO3 VPE UWPS AP3 UGWPCH Ln'l Manor Presents Kinobobeno SPOT, Unrecognized, Lauren Holloway, 30.48
3rd: RACEN RATN UWPS AP4 VPE USA UFA UGWPCH GRC'PR'Bossi's Colby Leprechaun Dlite, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 29.42

60 pound
1st: UWPS AP6 VPE UGWPCH SGCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Guinness Stout, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 30.76

70 pound
1st: VPE UWPS AP5 URO1 GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Bossi's Colby God Of Thundah, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 26.94
2nd: AP VPA UWPV UWPCHX URO2'PR'Ogp Tales2astonish 4 Lilachill SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Connor Richards, 16.67

80 pound
1st: UWPS AP5 VPE UGWPCH CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 31.05

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