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OFFICIAL: Michigan American Pit Bull Terrier Club (02/25/2017) / Conformation - Sunday, Show 1

February 26, 2017

Hosted By: Michigan American Pit Bull Terrier Club

Location: Whitmore Lake, Michigan

Guardian Dogs

Bernese Mountain Dog, 2 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
Int. Female BF BOB CH Harmony's Too Wild To Be Tamed, Debra Henning
CH CH Harmony's Fool, I Am Woman, Deena Tanel

Boxer, 4 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
Female Puppy BF BOB Listed Entry
Adult Female RBF Listed Entry
CH CH Schmidts-gc Walking In Memphis, Tammy Davison

Bullmastiff, 4 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
Female Puppy Invalid Entry
Jr. Female BF Safety Of Flatland Galadriel, Nance Darrow, Kimberly Stefanik, Webb Boyles
Adult Female RBF Gridiron's Elit Playmaker, Terry Blount
CH BOB CH Aspire's Awakened One, Lauren Angheld, Nance Darrow, Webb Boyles

Cane Corso Italiano, 4 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF CH Dixie's Your Killing Me Smallz, Lisa Walling, Pamela Dixon
CH BOB CH Black Pearl Guardiano Dei Reali, Ayalla Ruvio
RCH UNJ CH Blue Ridge Bullet Proof, Pamela Dixon, Stephanie Dixon, Steel Campbell, Jo Anne Campbell
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Doberman Pinscher, 7 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
Adult Male BM Keystone's Legacy Thorn, Kim Davis, Janice Brown
Jr. Female BF BOW BOB CH Ashtrick N Kcove Irish Royalty, Heather Mc Kinnon
Adult Female RBF Catoms Taste The Rainbow Vwolf, Holly Peterson
CH CH Benchmark's Dark Waters, Riley Carter
RCH Listed Entry
PUPPIES, 2 Entries
NMP Listed Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Dogue De Bordeaux, 2 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
CH CH Gentleheart Mistress Of Mischief, Kimberly Theobald, Terese Worful
GRCH BOB GRCH Grand Master's Leap Of Faith, Kimberly Theobald

Great Dane, 1 Entry
Judge Sally A Davidson
Jr. Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Rottweiler, 1 Entry
Judge Sally A Davidson
Female Puppy BF BOB Kirche's Indigo Night Of Cirmj, Mary Wroth

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Sally A Davidson
1st) Cane Corso Italiano, CH Black Pearl Guardiano Dei Reali
2nd) Bernese Mountain Dog, CH Harmony's Too Wild To Be Tamed
3rd) Doberman Pinscher, CH Ashtrick N Kcove Irish Royalty
4th) Boxer, Listed Entry


Beagle, 5 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Male Puppy BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF BOW Listed Entry
CH NV NE NI CGRCH Till's Balancing Act, Rebecca Vander Weele
GRCH BOB CGRCH Till's If Dreams Come True, Tricia Till
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Copper Sky Aerial's Park N Go, Rachel Lucas
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Female Veteran: Best Veteran CGRCH Till's Summer Sunshine At Mesa, Tricia Till Or Lawrence Till

Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Non-Licensed Classes
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Stanley J Matsumoto
1st) Beagle, CGRCH Till's If Dreams Come True

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Basenji, 2 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
GRCH BOB UWP PTA URO1 GRCH Kiroja Hockeytown Hero, Kelli Harmon
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Female Veteran: Best Veteran PTA URO1 CCB UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Kiroja Hart N Soul, Kelli Harmon

Borzoi, 3 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
CH BOB GRCH Nickolai Windragon At Freeflight, Deborah L Dine
RCH CH Ubiquitous Spirit Majove Bohemia, Ameera B Hoffman, Jamie Lynn Bobrowski

Irish Wolfhound, 3 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Darom Mc De's Lord Larkin, Gail Morad
CH CH Bainbridge A Day In The Life@mcde, Sally Mc Namara
RCH CH Mc Des Seinn Grainne Ni Mhaille, Sally A Mc Namara

Rhodesian Ridgeback, 2 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
Jr. Female RBF Shamwari Crowned "n" Pride&pearls, Cheryl Holt
Adult Female BF BOB CH Shamwari's Forever Blu, Laura L Brodt

Whippet, 2 Entries
Judge Stanley J Matsumoto
CH BOB CH Starline&wyndham Hard Not To Like, Kelly M Hart
RCH Listed Entry

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Stanley J Matsumoto
1st) Irish Wolfhound, CH Darom Mc De's Lord Larkin
2nd) Basenji, UWP PTA URO1 GRCH Kiroja Hockeytown Hero
3rd) Whippet, CH Starline&wyndham Hard Not To Like
4th) Borzoi, GRCH Nickolai Windragon At Freeflight

Gun Dogs

English Pointer
Judge Richard Klatt
Non-Licensed Classes
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran UCD URO1 CH Mi-ti's Image Is Everything, Liz Mc Leod

German Shorthaired Pntr, 6 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Adult Male BM BOW BOB CH Shotgun's Miracle Max, Karen Bentley
Female Puppy Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF Listed Entry
BHF RBF Flying M Cc's A Covergirl, Beth Moore
CH CH Hotwired's Tip The Balance, Cassaundra L Frabutt
PUPPIES, 2 Entries
NMP BP Listed Entry
NFP Listed Entry

Golden Retriever, 8 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Male Puppy BM BOW CH Veritys Taxi To Mccarran Airport, Cindy Collins
Adult Male RBM CH Laurell's Movin Down The Track, Martin W Lee
Female Puppy BF Gazebo's Rockets Red Glare, Dianne D Baker
CH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Windmere's Play It Again, Jennifer Boucher
RBF Gazebo's Whole Lotta Rosie Dianne Baker

Labrador Retriever, 4 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Jr. Female BF Whistler Farms' Rainey Daysice, Marc G Hettig
CH BOB CH Red Birch's Doin' It My Way, Barbara Christman
RCH CH Walker Tucker Texas Ranger, Melissa Anne Walker
GRCH GRCH Red Birch's Keepin The Faith, Barbara Christman

Spinone Italiano, 1 Entry
Judge Richard Klatt
Jr. Female BF BOB Katya Theogonia Black, Denise Hanna-nosko

Standard Poodle M/C, 2 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Female Puppy BF BOB Angel's So Sweet And Sassy, Rhonda Rysztak
RBF Angel's The Wrong Side Of Heaven Rhonda Rysztak

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Richard Klatt
1st) German Shorthaired Pntr, CH Shotgun's Miracle Max
2nd) Labrador Retriever, CH Red Birch's Doin' It My Way
3rd) Spinone Italiano, Katya Theogonia Black
4th) Golden Retriever, GRCH Windmere's Play It Again

Northern Breeds

Alaskan Malamute, 1 Entry
Judge Sally A Davidson
Male Puppy BM BOB Kasaan N Sigma's Noble's Realm, Connie L Kobert-wilkins

Chow Chow, 1 Entry
Judge Sally A Davidson
Female Puppy BF BOB Flamingstar I Put A Spell On U, Tina Alexander, Cathy Clapp

Samoyed, 3 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
CH CH Kolinka's Dancing Trouble Kara, Nancy Gray
RCH CH Oro Blanco Llamaradaporlanieve, Jeffrey Liddicoat Or Margarita Liddicoat
GRCH BOB GRCH Oro Blanco Reina Del Universo, Jeffrey Liddicoat, Margarita Liddicoat

Siberian Husky, 4 Entries
Judge Sally A Davidson
Female Puppy BF Grays Sterling Silver Tin Lizzie, Cathy Gray
CH CH Glenn's Lady Gabriella, Margie Glenn
GRCH BOB GRCH Gray's White Lily Of Lace, Cathy Gray And Sanford Gray
RBF Ruby Blu Page Theresa Page

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Sally A Davidson
1st) Samoyed, GRCH Oro Blanco Reina Del Universo
2nd) Siberian Husky, GRCH Gray's White Lily Of Lace
3rd) Chow Chow, Flamingstar I Put A Spell On U
4th) Alaskan Malamute, Kasaan N Sigma's Noble's Realm

Herding Dogs

Australian Cattle Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Richard Klatt
CH BOB PTS URO1 CH Rouflers Simply Irresistible, Nicole Fochtman

Australian Shepherd, 1 Entry
Judge Richard Klatt
CH BOB CH Northbay Kraftbrewd Dirtyblonde, Nellie Morack

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 7 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Male Puppy BMV BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BFV BF BOW Woodlawns Bliss At Bluemoon, Sherry Sanchez
Male Puppy BMV RBM Pilote Prive D'eroudur, Barbara Arney
CH Listed Entry
RCH CH Domburg Give Me Some Sugar, Cynthia M Fellows, Nikki Swap
GRCH BOB CH GRCH NBOB Domburg Moves Like Jagger, Cindy Fellows, Nikki Swap, Linda Collins

Berger Picard, 5 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Male Puppy BM Lambda Marvel At The Boy, Bill Szlinis, Mary Szlinis
BHF BF BOW CH Lambda Meant To Be, Laurie Marlow, Sharon Marlow
CH BOB CA GRCH Lambda Lets Stay Together, Shari A Fischer
RCH CH Lambda Laugh Out Loud, Laurie Marlow, Sharon Marlow
GRCH CA GRCH Francois De La Vie En Rose, Bill Szlinis And Mary Szlinis

Bouvier Des Flandres, 2 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
GRCH BOB GRCH Robbins Dancing With Desires, Rebecca Allen-robbins, Emily Robbins, Tim Robbins

Briard, 1 Entry
Judge Richard Klatt
CH BOB CH Jase Noir Du Roi Du Berger, Jan Wynne, Jack Wynne

German Shepherd Dog, 4 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Male Puppy BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Jr. Male RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
Adult Female BF CH Worrywort Lounge Singer, Linda Lipford, James R Hughes, Kendra Williams

Shetland Sheepdog, 1 Entry
Judge Richard Klatt
CH BOB CH Lira Vivace, Nancy Heinrich

White Shepherd, 5 Entries
Judge Richard Klatt
Male Puppy BM Sayber King Of The Kassel, Eric Downing, Penny Downing
Female Puppy BF BOW CH Sayber Castleburnside Devils Diva, Jennifer Chamberlain
CH CH'PR'Von Tasz Classic Combo, Diana L Updike
GRCH BOB GRCH Child White Goddess, Linda Lipford, Kelli Harmon
PUPPIES, 4 Entries
NMP Worrywort Von Der Randfurt, Linda Lipford
NFP BP Invalid Entry

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Richard Klatt
1st) Belgian Shepherd Dog, CH GRCH NBOB Domburg Moves Like Jagger
2nd) Briard, CH Jase Noir Du Roi Du Berger
3rd) White Shepherd, GRCH Child White Goddess
4th) Berger Picard, CA GRCH Lambda Lets Stay Together


American Pit Bull Terrier, 5 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
BHM BM BOW BOB CH Fanta-c's Eat Your Heart Out, Amanda Stevens, Eric Battle, Larry Stevens
Female Puppy RBF Gwlk Red Like Roses, Amanda Watkins, Bruce Watkins
Jr. Female BF Esoteric's Kiss My Ash, Amanda Watkins
CH CH Fanta-c's Forgotten Warrior, Amanda Stevens, Kendra Williams, Larry Stevens

Border Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
Int. Female BF BOB Listed Entry

Kerry Blue Terrier, 4 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
CH BOB GRCH Valtera's Lord Of Castle Ross, Michelle Mills, Scott Mills, Terese Worful
RCH PTN CH Valtera's Finders Keepers, Terese Worful
GRCH GRCH Valeras Runs The Ring Of Kerry, Terese Worful

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: John F Davidson
1st) Kerry Blue Terrier, GRCH Valtera's Lord Of Castle Ross
2nd) American Pit Bull Terrier, CH Fanta-c's Eat Your Heart Out
3rd) Border Terrier, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
Jr. Male BM BOB Thompson's Tommy Thunder Rocks, Robert Thompson

Bichon Frise, 2 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
Int. Female BF BOB CH Glbf's Enchanting Elle, Elizabeth Martin
BHF RBF CH Great Lakes Motor City Flash, Elizabeth Martin

Brussels Griffon, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
Male Puppy BM BOB Listed Entry

Chihuahua, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
CH BOB CH Todd Chiappetta, Heidi Chiappetta

Chinese Crested, 10 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
Male Puppy BM Kountry Tyme Blessings At L'chaim, Lois M Gardner
BHM RBM Chaparral Bronze Star, Shelley Hennessy
Female Puppy RBF Jansen Kiora Dutchess Heart, Candice Radziewicz, Jan Spiker
Adult Female BF BOW Listed Entry
BHF Chaparral Carbon Star, Shelley Hennessy
CH BOB CH An Li's Love You To The Moon, Kimberly Stefanik, William Deller, Webb Boyles
RCH CH Valtera's I Stole The Bear, Terese Worful

Dalmatian, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
Male Puppy BM BOB Eh&jj Perfect Storm At Iontach, Shannon Dobbins

English Bulldog, 3 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
Adult Male BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF Listed Entry

French Bulldog, 2 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
Adult Male BM CH C And D's Why Knot The Teddy Bear, Pat Kurth
CH BOB CH C And D's Boss Mon Spanky, Pat Kurth

Havanese, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
GRCH Invalid Entry

Miniature Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge John F Davidson
Female Puppy BF BOB Keepsakes Dezigner Lace, Barbara May

Pug, 5 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
CH CH Exquisite Tucked In At San-su, Susan L Wade, Sandra L Wade
GRCH BOB GRCH Exquisite My Real Mc Coy, Jeffrey Greer, Jessica Di Perna, Mary Di Perna

Yorkshire Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge John F Davidson
Jr. Male BM Majestik Kella Jump Jack Flash, Sandra Kellogg
CH BOB CH Majestik Rhyme Or Reason, Sandra Kellogg

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: John F Davidson
1st) Pug, GRCH Exquisite My Real Mc Coy
2nd) Chihuahua, CH Todd Chiappetta
3rd) Dalmatian, Eh&jj Perfect Storm At Iontach
4th) French Bulldog, CH C And D's Boss Mon Spanky

BIS Pug, GRCH Exquisite My Real Mc Coy, Jeffrey Greer, Jessica Di Perna, Mary Di Perna
RBIS Belgian Shepherd Dog, CH GRCH NBOB Domburg Moves Like Jagger, Cindy Fellows, Nikki Swap, Linda Collins

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