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OFFICIAL: Middle Georgia Kennel Club (09/03/2021) / Weight Pull - Saturday Pull 1

September 4, 2021

Hosted By: Middle Georgia Kennel Club

Location: Perry, Georgia

Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 19 entries
Judge: Dina M Davis
MWPPBP: CH RACEA CA UWPCH Smalltown's Red Warrior, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, Jason Cross, 25.22

40 pound
1st: AP VPN UWPV UWPCH EGCH'PR'Bluprints Out 4 Blood W/ Cross, American Pit Bull Terrier, Jason Cross, Apryl Hall, 20
2nd: AP VPA UWPCH Blue Ribbon Bunny, Australian Cattle Dog, Aleah Cromer, 18.79

50 pound
1st: CH RACEA CA UWPCH Smalltown's Red Warrior, American Pit Bull Terrier, Crystal M Muller, Jason Cross, 25.22
2nd: NN UJJ AP2 VPA SC RATN UWPCH URO1 GRCH Kayo's Irish Charm Of Pixley SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Lisa Pixley, 18.54
3rd: UWP Esoteric's Riptide Replica, American Pit Bull Terrier, Christen Adkins-jones, 16.9
4th: RACEA CA UWP GRCH Fantac's Bware Of My Magic Doll, American Pit Bull Terrier, Anissa Littlefield, Amanda Stevens, 10.82

80 pound
1st: UWPV VPA AP UWPCH GRCH Cross Check's Warrior Rvr Havoc, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Kayla Cooper, 18.61
2nd: Listed Entry, 8.73

90 pound
1st: URO1 UWP Shepelsky's Uno, American Bulldog, Flora Shepelsky, 19.4
100 pound
1st: UWPV AP VPN UWPCHX CH Superiormastiffs Keepn Secrets, Dogue De Bordeaux, Gefforey Busick, 25.61
2nd: Listed Entry, 14.26

UNL Pound
1st: AP VPN UWPCH CH Blue Diamonds when he reigns, Dogue De Bordeaux, Gefforey Busick, 16.29
Wheels-artificial Div: B, 19 entries
Judge: Dina M Davis
MWPPBP: AP2 VPN UWPV UJJ CH UWPCHX Plk's Carbonado Knight Blade SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nigel Hambrick, 25.09
MWPPBP Vet: AP2 VPN UWPV UJJ CH UWPCHX Plk's Carbonado Knight Blade SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nigel Hambrick, 25.09

50 pound
1st: UWPV VPN AP UWPCH CH Mcguire's The Unseen One V Mk SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Christina Gonzalez, 22.29

60 pound
1st: AP2 VPN UWPV UJJ CH UWPCHX Plk's Carbonado Knight Blade SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Nigel Hambrick, 25.09
2nd: AP VPN UWPCH Misty Q, Unrecognized, Brook Mollins, 15.38

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