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OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club-RQE (07/15/2021) / Weight Pull - Sunday Pull 1

July 18, 2021

Hosted By: All American Bulldog Club

Location: Shipshewana, Indiana

Rails Div: A, 38 entries
Judge: Jamie M Robinson
MWPPBP: AEGCH UWPO USA UFA CA UNJ AP2 VPA UWPCH UR Cpw's Snapping Dragon SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Stevens, Lawrence Stevens, Kendra Williams, 47.86
MWPPBP Vet: AEGCH UWPO USA UFA CA UNJ AP2 VPA UWPCH UR Cpw's Snapping Dragon SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Stevens, Lawrence Stevens, Kendra Williams, 47.86

10 pound
1st: Listed Entry, 29.22

20 pound
1st: UWP GRCH Sky Hi's No Time 4 Losers @ Tek, Tibetan Spaniel, Amanda Quinn, 43.08
UFA AP VPA UWPCH CH Jemm's It's My Pleasure, French Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 28

30 pound
1st: NN AC UWP ALCH CA USR UFCH Hopes Carry Me Back SPOT-ON, Shetland Sheepdog, Natalee Yates, Kenneth Rushing, 27.46
UFA UWPV AP2 VPA UWPCH EGCH Jemm's Enjoy The Show, French Bulldog, Jamie Robinson, 27.07

40 pound
SGCH Crownroyal T.g.i.f., English Springer Spaniel, Lora Luce, Jennifer Kettleson, Brittani Cornelius, 10.65

50 pound
1st: AEGCH UWPO USA UFA CA UNJ AP2 VPA UWPCH UR Cpw's Snapping Dragon SPOT, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Stevens, Lawrence Stevens, Kendra Williams, 47.86
2nd: RACEN UWPS GNJCH VPE AP2 UWPCHX USA UFA GR Bpb Star Of The Show, American Bully, Tiffany Clevenger, 46.9
3rd: Listed Entry, 31.69
4th: UWP URO3 WSD Tallulah Poop SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Izabelle Soo, 23.14
RACEN UWPO AP3 VPA UWPCH EGCH Sisu's Drama Queen, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 15.85

60 pound
1st: RACEN UWPO AP VPA UNJCH USA UFA UWPCH EGCH Bpb Jazzy Belle, American Bully, Tiffany Clevenger, 45.1
2nd: RACES UWP GRCH Warrior River's Baldr, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 35.44
3rd: UWP GRCH Fanta-c's Lil'ss Kicker @ Mmwd, American Pit Bull Terrier, Tonya Schrock, 33.04
4th: UWP Bdk's Into The Fire, American Bully, David Witherspoon, Rachel Ashley, 25.88
UWP CH Soundwaves Doubleup Nipsey, Olde English Bulldogge, Felix Guzman Iii, Vincent Smith, 20.66

70 pound
1st: UWPV VPE AP2 UWPCH CH Bdk's Time Torn Asunder, American Bully, Amanda Watkins, David Witherspoon, Tonya Schrock, Bruce Watkins, 41.69
2nd: UACH UJJCH NV URX IA UROC UAGI RMC UWP UCD Royal's Furrari Freedom Ride SPOT-, White Shepherd, Skylar Copeland, 18.08
3rd: UWP Buckbeak The Blue Hippo, Unrecognized, Camryn Finnan, 14.53
UWPV VPA AP2 UWPCH EGCH'PR'Buckeye Bets Qp To Keep It SPOT-ON, American Pit Bull Terrier, Beth Robinson, 25.75

80 pound
1st: UCD UWP ROM CA Rojewskis Captain Dirk, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Debra Rojewski, 39.19
2nd: AP VPN RACEN CH UWPCH Mischievous Nymph, Alaskan Malamute, Colleen Lack, 38.67
3rd: UWP CH Anua's Terra, She's Terrarific, Alaskan Malamute, Darrin Fulghum, 26.34
4th: URO1 UWP Creeksuns Winter In June SPOT, Unrecognized, Kristina Metz, 16.07

UNL Pound
1st: Listed Entry, 21.71
Rails Div: B, 38 entries
Judge: Jamie M Robinson
MWPPBP: UWPS AP2 VPE UWPCHX'PR'Chohan's Legacy Of The Fallen, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Watkins, Bruce Watkins, 65.26

30 pound
1st: UWPCH GRCH'PR'Cb Mighty Little Toot, Rat Terrier, Carol Quinn, 59.67

40 pound
1st: RACEN UWPCH CH Atl's Adira Flame, American Pit Bull Terrier, David Witherspoon, 53.82

50 pound
1st: UWPS AP2 VPE UWPCHX'PR'Chohan's Legacy Of The Fallen, American Pit Bull Terrier, Amanda Watkins, Bruce Watkins, 65.26

60 pound
1st: UWPO VPE AP5 RATO URO1 UWPCHX GRCH J Cross' Halo SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 19.95

70 pound
1st: UWPV AP2 VPA UWPCH EGCH Ppks Keekz Dutch Roll It Up, American Bully, Vincent Smith, 44.21
2nd: RACEN UWPS GJJCH VPE AP5 USA UFA CA UGWPCH FS Bpb Hhk Little Girl Big World, American Bully, Tiffany Clevenger, 37.4
3rd: RACEN UWPO AP3 VPA UWPCHX CH Worrywort Under A Lookingglass, German Shepherd Dog, Amanda Watkins, 37.22

80 pound
1st: UWPV RACEN AP2 VPA UWPCH CH Pancho Witherspoon SPOT-ON, American Bully, David Witherspoon, 48.45
2nd: UWPO AP4 VPE UWPCHX GRCH Sisu's Trekker SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 32.12

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