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OFFICIAL: Premier Nationals - Kalamazoo, MI (06/17/2021) / Weight Pull - Sunday Pull

June 20, 2021

Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan

Pull 1
Wheels-artificial Div: A, 46 entries
Judge: Jamie M Robinson
MWPPBP: UWP GRCH Kiroja Puck Bunny, Basenji, Kelli Harmon, 26.33
MWPPBP Vet: UWP Kiskakons Breaking Bad, Alaskan Malamute, Diane L Krieger, Dawn Mc Clellan, Jeff Mc Clellan, 21.82

20 pound
1st: UWP GRCH Kiroja Puck Bunny, Basenji, Kelli Harmon, 26.33
2nd: UWP EGCH Kiroja Hat Trick, Basenji, Kelli Harmon, 26.33
3rd: AP UWP EGCH'PR'Dos 3bf Sleepy Princess, Rat Terrier, Tracey Gillies, Darin Gillies, 12.15

30 pound
50 pound
1st: UWPV AP2 VPA UWPCH GRCH Sisu's Drama Queen, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 21.61
2nd: URO2 WSD Tallulah Poop SPOT-ON, Unrecognized, Izabelle Soo, 13.94
3rd: BN PN RACEA URO1 Walnut Ridge Steel Blue Dozer, Mountain Cur, Mandy Middleton, 8.7

60 pound
1st: UWP Michl R Talk Southern To Me Y'all, American Pit Bull Terrier, Dalana Bewley Huss, 16.57
2nd: AHD UWP NE NI CA URO1 GRCH Koon's La Drama SPOT, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Joanne Martone, 16.57
3rd: VPA AP UWP CH Snobiz Northern Pursuit, Samoyed, Robin Clark, 15.98
4th: RACEA UWPV AP2 VPA UNJCH UWPCH CH Rswd's Can't Touch This, American Pit Bull Terrier, Hannah Krahn, 15.43
VPA AP UWPCH CH Bdk's Time Torn Asunder, American Bully, Amanda Watkins, David Witherspoon, Tonya Schrock, Bruce Watkins, 15.43
UWP CH Soundwaves Doubleup Nipsey, Olde English Bulldogge, Felix Guzman Iii, Vincent Smith, 10.87
UWP GRCH Warrior River's Baldr, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 15.02

70 pound
1st: VPN AP RACEA UWPCH CH Mds/Pk's Lucifer The Dark Lord SPOT-ON, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Christopher Herman, 26.03
2nd: URO1 NC SHR AP3 VPE PTE NHD UJJCH UCDX UWP Shor'line Bondi Beach SPOT-ON, Golden Retriever, Brian T Huss, 16.31

80 pound
1st: UWP CH Anua's Terra, She's Terrarific, Alaskan Malamute, Darrin Fulghum, 17.45
2nd: Aanbuaq Foxie Roxie, Alaskan Malamute, John Krieger, 11.47
3rd: URO1 UWP Creeksuns Winter In June SPOT, Unrecognized, Kristina Metz, 10.9
4th: UAGI AP VPA UWP CA URO2 NC PTS Hugo Vom Vrban Haus SPOT-ON, German Shepherd Dog, Jennifer Harman, 10.21
100 pound
1st: UWP Kiskakons Breaking Bad, Alaskan Malamute, Diane L Krieger, Dawn Mc Clellan, Jeff Mc Clellan, 21.82

UNL Pound
1st: Listed Entry, 14.18
Wheels-artificial Div: B, 46 entries
Judge: Jamie M Robinson
MWPPBP: UWPS AP4 VPE UGWPCH RGCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Guinness Stout, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 34.27
MWPPBP Vet: VPE UWPO AP4 URO1 GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Bossi's Colby God Of Thundah, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 28.13

20 pound
1st: RACEN VPN UWPV AP2 UFA USA UGWPCH PTA URO2 Kiroja Hockeytown Hero, Basenji, Kelli Harmon, 30.16

30 pound
1st: UWPCH GRCH Darkmoon Kiroja Unleash Dragon, Basenji, Kelli Harmon, 30.75

60 pound
1st: UWPS AP4 VPE UGWPCH RGCH'PR'Bossi's Colby Guinness Stout, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 34.27
2nd: UWPO VPA AP5 RATO URO1 UWPCHX GRCH J Cross' Halo SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 15.98

70 pound
1st: VPE UWPO AP4 URO1 GRCH UGWPCH'PR'Bossi's Colby God Of Thundah, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belynda J Crick Flynn, Anthony J Flynn, 28.13
2nd: RACEN UWPO AP2 VPA UWPCH CH Worrywort Under A Lookingglass, German Shepherd Dog, Amanda Watkins, 18.34
3rd: AV VPU AP5 UAGII SC PTE UWPS RATN NN UCD U Dandelion's I Shot The Sheriff SPO, Portuguese Water Dog, Dalana Bewley Huss and Brian Huss, 16.3

80 pound
1st: RACEN CH UWP Mischievous Nymph, Alaskan Malamute, Colleen Lack, 22.2
2nd: UWPO AP3 VPE UWPCHX GRCH Sisu's Trekker SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Amanda Tikkanen, 20.97
3rd: UWPS AP4 VPU UWPCHX URO1 GRCH Monaghan's Syrotuck SPOT-ON, La Catahoula Leopard Dog, Joanne Martone, 15.09

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