Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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OFFICIAL: All American Bulldog Club (10/08/2020) / Conformation - Thursday Show 2

October 8, 2020

Hosted By: All American Bulldog Club

Location: Shipshewana, Indiana

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 10 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Male Puppy BM Mojos Proud To Serve #204, Morgan Goff
Female Puppy RBF NC Mojos America At Its Best, Keri Goff
Jr. Female Listed Entry
Open Female BF BOW CH Jemm's Fame And Fortune, Jamie Robinson
Adult Female Jemm's Never Say Never, Jamie Robinson
BHF CH Jemm's Welcome To The Future, Jamie Robinson
GRCH BOB GRCH Mojos Prophets Of Rage Aka Riot SPOT-ON, Keri Goff
RGRCH RGCH Eliana's The Man In Black, Elizabeth Robinson

Bernese Mountain Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB EGCH Thalassa's Long Island Flavor SPOT, Alexis Kunkel

Boxer, 3 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Adult Female BF Listed Entry
CH BOB URO1 AI CH Rambo's Wicked End Game SPOT-ON, Laura Rambo
GRCH PTN EGCH Dolce Infinito Von Rambo SPOT, Laura Rambo

Doberman Pinscher, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Jr. Male Invalid Entry
GRCH BOB DGCH Keterdobes In Pursuit Of Honor, Marcy Nichols

Olde English Bulldogge, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
BHF BF Listed Entry
CH BOB Listed Entry

Perro De Presa Canario, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Female Puppy RBF Pwas Creature Rajner, Alisha Rajner
Jr. Female BF BOB CH Bearclaws Sangre De Vida Anna, Alisha Rajner

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Bernese Mountain Dog, EGCH Thalassa's Long Island Flavor SPOT
2nd) Doberman Pinscher, DGCH Keterdobes In Pursuit Of Honor
3rd) Olde English Bulldogge, Listed Entry
4th) American Bulldog, GRCH Mojos Prophets Of Rage Aka Riot SPOT-ON


Bavarian Mountain Hound, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
CH BOB CH Alexis Roy, Conrad William Beeler

Beagle, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
CH BOB CCH Coldwater I Want You Back, Erin Fischer-hill, Cael Fischer, Tim Hill

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Bavarian Mountain Hound, CH Alexis Roy
2nd) Beagle, CCH Coldwater I Want You Back

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Basenji, 4 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH BOB Listed Entry
RCH Listed Entry

Borzoi, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB EGCH Kirov Skorost Sveta At Mystiqe, Ameera B Hoffman, Kevin Hoffman, Raphael Finkelstein

Irish Wolfhound, 3 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH BOB GRCH Mc De's Seinn Erin Go Bragh, Sally A Mc Namara
RCH CH Darmon's Mcde's How Sweet Limric, Sally Mc Namara

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Basenji, Listed Entry
2nd) Borzoi, EGCH Kirov Skorost Sveta At Mystiqe
3rd) Irish Wolfhound, GRCH Mc De's Seinn Erin Go Bragh

Gun Dogs

Brittany, 3 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH CH K Star Sparkle De Rosebud B-best TAN, Mary Kathy Shannon
GRCH BOB GRCH K Star Hope Pour Tea-z-man TAN, Mary Kathy Shannon
RGRCH GRCH K Star Hope Pour Brewella TAN, Mary K Shannon

English Springer Spaniel, 3 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Male Puppy BM Stonehenge Ruffhouser, Dawn Harbison, Greta Dalrymple
CH Invalid Entry
GRCH BOB EGCH Crownroyal T.g.i.f., Lora Luce, Jennifer Kettleson, Brittani Cornelius

Field Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB SGCH Killara A Dark & Stormy Nite, Lori Carver, Dorothy O'neil, Karen Balinski

Standard Poodle, 3 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF BOW Dan Ds Light Up The Darkness, Bonnie Winings
GRCH BOB SGCH Jacknic's Dilly Dilly, Kathleen Esio-king

Standard Poodle M/C, 5 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Adult Male BM Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW CH Begonia's Bluebird In My Heart, Lynelle Mellecker
CH GRCH Penny For Your Thoughts N'co., Pamela Litz, Michael Litz
GRCH BOB EGCH Chapel Hill Matilda's Lamour, Elaine Bolbach
RGRCH GRCH Chapel Hill Matilda's Liebe, Elaine Bolbach

Sussex Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
Male Puppy BM BOB Kamands Tornado Alley At Seabreez, Lori Carver

Wirehaired Point. Griffon, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
Male Puppy BM BOB Listed Entry

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Field Spaniel, SGCH Killara A Dark & Stormy Nite
2nd) Standard Poodle, SGCH Jacknic's Dilly Dilly
3rd) English Springer Spaniel, EGCH Crownroyal T.g.i.f.
4th) Sussex Spaniel, Kamands Tornado Alley At Seabreez

Northern Breeds

Akita, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Am's Bound Wolf At Tokuguay, Samantha Siekerman
GRCH GRCH Tokuguays Guns N Scarlet Roses SPOT, Samantha Siekerman

Alaskan Malamute, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB RGCH Wildwood's Winkler, Janette Slusher
RGRCH GRCH Spiritruns Ohmygosh Evvys Here, Janette Slusher

Japanese Akita, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
Open Female BF BOB Anzu No Hana Go Shiranuisou, Claire Matthews

Karelian Bear Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB RGCH Tsarshadows Flames Of War, Maureen Griffin, Dawne E Deeley

Samoyed, 6 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH BOB UWP CH Snobiz Northern Pursuit, Robin Clark
RCH CH Snobiz N Dblhlx Got My Game On, Robin Clark
GRCH EGCH Snowchiens Chasing The Dream 2, Mary J Hancock
RGRCH GRCH Snowchien Olympic Gold N Sochi, Mary Hancock

Siberian Husky, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB RGCH Grays Sterling Silver Tin Lizzie, Cathy Gray

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Karelian Bear Dog, RGCH Tsarshadows Flames Of War
2nd) Alaskan Malamute, RGCH Wildwood's Winkler
3rd) Samoyed, UWP CH Snobiz Northern Pursuit
4th) Siberian Husky, RGCH Grays Sterling Silver Tin Lizzie

Herding Dogs

Australian Cattle Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
BHF BF BOB Showgait's Holy Ghost, Tricia Suchanek

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
CH BOB CH Mds/Pk's Lucifer The Dark Lord SPOT-ON, Jordan Janssen

Border Collie, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
Open Male BM BOB CH Yoshi Felty, Phillip Felty

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB GRCH Rubad Love The One You're With, Nancy Willoughby

German Shepherd Dog, 4 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH ALCH CH Izzara Vom Royale, Alyssa Mannon, Gail Bauer
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB PTM AI UWP SC SGCH Quinn Vom Royale, Gail Bauer
RGRCH GRCH Sir Rufus Of Nevermore, Jennifer Thompson

Shetland Sheepdog, 4 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH Listed Entry
RCH CH Northacre's Dancing With My Heart, Carolyn Ferch
GRCH BOB GRCH Phoenix Romyldale Flash O'insight, Pamela Moore, Kathy Belville

White Shepherd, 4 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB RGCH Braehead's All About Me, Susan A Ewart
RGRCH NBOB PTN URO2 GRCH Matryoshka Iz Beloy Brigady SPOT, Taylor Gracie, Jean Reeves

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) White Shepherd, RGCH Braehead's All About Me
2nd) Cardigan Welsh Corgi, GRCH Rubad Love The One You're With
3rd) Shetland Sheepdog, GRCH Phoenix Romyldale Flash O'insight
4th) German Shepherd Dog, PTM AI UWP SC SGCH Quinn Vom Royale


American Pit Bull Terrier, 4 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Open Male BM BOW CH Esoteric's Foretold In Bones, Joscelyn Uzlik
Jr. Female BF UWP CH Smalltown Classic Revolver, Crystal M Muller, Danielle Cyr
Open Female RBF CH Bdk's Whiskey Girl, David Witherspoon
GRCH BOB VPN AP UWPCH EGCH'PR'Buckeye Bets Qp To Keep It, Beth Robinson

Norwich Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
GRCH BOB SGCH Fishback's Commodore Perry, Kelly Foos

Staffordshire Bullterrier, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Open Female BF Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Takedowns The Juice Is Loose, Cassandra Arnett, Amy Johnson

Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, 4 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Male Puppy RBM CH'PR'Aspen's Killin Time, Deborah Botruff
BHM BM BOW Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF CH'PR'Aerie's Light In The Dark, Mary Bitzer, Caeli M Kunkel
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Aspen's Hunk Of Burninlove@ark, Mary F Bitzer

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Norwich Terrier, SGCH Fishback's Commodore Perry
2nd) Staffordshire Bullterrier, GRCH Takedowns The Juice Is Loose
3rd) Teddy Roosevelt Terrier, GRCH'PR'Aspen's Hunk Of Burninlove@ark
4th) American Pit Bull Terrier, VPN AP UWPCH EGCH'PR'Buckeye Bets Qp To Keep It

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 8 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Open Male BM BOW Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry
CH Invalid Entry
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH EGCH Prince Charmer SPOT, Heather Kuzma
RGRCH UNJ UWPO VPE AP3 UFA UWPCHX GRCH Bpb Mr. Bubbles, Jordan Janssen

Chinese Crested, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
CH Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Pardon Me, Jane Ward

French Bulldog, 7 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Male BM BOW CH Hb's Teenytinytimmy@ Perseverance, Julie Lechuga
Jr. Female BF CH Jemm's Mad About You Of Eliana, Beth Robinson
CH CH Jemm's The Notorious One, Jamie Robinson
RCH GRCH Jemms Girlz Wanna Have Fun S-b, Jamie Robinson
GRCH BOB UWPV AP2 VPN UWPCH GRCH Jemm's Enjoy The Show, Jamie Robinson

Italian Greyhound, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Open Female BF BOB Celtic Uwharrie What Time, Candace Laybourn Morris

Miniature Pinscher, 1 Entry
Judge Brenda Landers
CH BOB CH Emmoo Blu Begining, Jennifer Kirchhofer

Papillon, 2 Entries
Judge Brenda Landers
Adult Female BF CH Polar Wings Unabashedly Beautiful, Jennifer Harman, Marcia Mcdiarmid
GRCH BOB AN SI USA UFA EC UACHX UROC EGCH Windcrest Wild Card SPOT, Jennifer Harman, Anthony A Harman

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Brenda Landers
1st) Papillon, AN SI USA UFA EC UACHX UROC EGCH Windcrest Wild Card SPOT
2nd) French Bulldog, UWPV AP2 VPN UWPCH GRCH Jemm's Enjoy The Show
3rd) Chinese Crested, GRCH Pardon Me
4th) Miniature Pinscher, CH Emmoo Blu Begining

BIS Karelian Bear Dog, RGCH Tsarshadows Flames Of War, Maureen Griffin, Dawne E Deeley
RBIS White Shepherd, RGCH Braehead's All About Me, Susan A Ewart

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