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OFFICIAL: North West Silken Windhound Society / Conformation - Thursday, Show 1

December 29, 2016

Location: Ridgefield, Washington

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 3 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Female Puppy BF Sprenkels Sassy B, Melissa Sprenkels
CH BOB CH Casillas Hercules, Angel Casillas
RCH CH Tombstone's Get'em Gator, Thomas Douglas

Great Dane, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM Listed Entry
GRCH BOB GRCH Merrillcrews Ein Geschenk SPOT, Jennifer L Merrill, Sunshine Bjugan

Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Non-Licensed Classes
Puppies, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Rottweiler, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF Listed Entry

Saint Bernard, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
CH BOB CH Vicdorys Prettyinpink Diamonds, Kristen Scott

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) Rottweiler, Listed Entry
2nd) Great Dane, GRCH Merrillcrews Ein Geschenk SPOT
3rd) Saint Bernard, CH Vicdorys Prettyinpink Diamonds
4th) American Bulldog, CH Casillas Hercules


Drever, 4 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM BOW Listed Entry
Adult Female BF CH Tulisydamen Amalia, Jamie Morris, Allen Morris
CH BOB GRCH Westarr Cedarhollow Revolution, Jamie Morris, Cynthia Seeling, Allen Morris
RCH CH Big Time At Cedarhollow De Aradik, Jamie Morris, Carla Cruz, Allen Morris

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) Drever, GRCH Westarr Cedarhollow Revolution

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Silken Windhound, 9 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Int. Male BM CH'PR'Winsome's Here Comes The Sun, Leah Blackwood Or Iola Stetson
Jr. Female BF BOW 'PR'Allagante Samar Navabi, Lori Idsinga
CH GRCH'PR'Allagante Inphenite Axl Rose, Tammy Mills
RCH CH'PR'Winsome's All About Me, Iola Stetson
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Winsome's Breeze On By, Lorraine Strawn, Jim Strawn
RBF 'PR'Windspirit Dancin The Salsa, Karen Sanders, Paul Sanders
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH'PR'Allagante Mai Tai Davan Dna, Iola Stetson And Karen Sanders

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) Silken Windhound, GRCH'PR'Winsome's Breeze On By
2nd) Whippet, CH Shannon Down Hear Me Roar

Gun Dogs

American Water Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
GRCH BOB GRCH Beavercreek's Storm Warning, Lola Thorsness, Linda Mc Grath, Haley Pemble

Golden Retriever, 4 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Female Puppy BF Tanishtagh Slow Down, Gloria Kaczmarski
Jr. Female RBF Listed Entry
Int. Female BF CH Gold Pond Lexi Rose, Jenny Andrehsen, Alice Kay Brown
CH BOB CH Sunset Hhf Walk Among The Stars, Cynthia Leung
Non-Licensed Classes
PUPPIES, 3 Entries
NFP BP Wills Summer Rain Drop, Kelli F Mc Culloch, Katelyn S Mc Culloch

Spinone Italiano, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Spinfandel The Force Is Strong, Elaine Bergenheier, Mary Faeth

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) Spinone Italiano, CH Spinfandel The Force Is Strong
2nd) American Water Spaniel, GRCH Beavercreek's Storm Warning
3rd) Golden Retriever, CH Sunset Hhf Walk Among The Stars

Northern Breeds

Alaskan Klee Kai, 4 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
CH BOB CH'PR'Pocket's Kaskae Ikkuma Cascade, Catherine Lingle
RCH CH'PR'Cascade's Kita Miki V Nitro, Gilbert Lingle Or Cathy Lingle

American Eskimo, 4 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
CH CH'PR'Gadar's Konay, Darby Campbell Or Gary Campbell
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Islands Shelter From The Storm SPOT-ON, Gregory E Mann Or Robert C Brown
VETERAN, 1 Entry
Male Veteran: Best Veteran GRCH'PR'Kiva's Siriusdrms Kajin Breeze, Denise Randall Miller Or Robert A Miller

Northern Breed Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) American Eskimo, GRCH'PR'Islands Shelter From The Storm SPOT-ON
2nd) Alaskan Klee Kai, CH'PR'Pocket's Kaskae Ikkuma Cascade

Herding Dogs

Belgian Shepherd Dog, 9 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Adult Male BMV BM Listed Entry
Int. Female BFV BF BOW CH Athos Bellatrix, Suzanne Loegel
Male Puppy BMV RBM Savanna Monami Trade Winds, Claudia Weiss, Jill Thomas
Int. Male Listed Entry
Adult Male RBMV Aftershock Game On At Aquila, Elaine Oxborrow
Adult Female BFV RBF Beau Shado Emmalein, Lisette Peeters Weem
RBFV Listed Entry
CH BOB CH Verseaus Queen Of Everything, Penny King, Ramona Kraft

German Shepherd Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Male Puppy BM BOB Worrywort U'lee Of Turk H&s, Linda Lipford, Brenda Starr

Min American Shepherd, 5 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Male Puppy BM CH Pleasantwoods Purecountry Jasper, Brenda Hector, Mark Hector
Jr. Male RBM CH Lone Pine's Forever In Blue Jeans, Kelli Reichert
Female Puppy BF BOW BOB CH Pleasent Woods Eyes Of Jade, Brenda Hector, Mark Hector
Jr. Female RBF CH Nwaloha Paisley Pleasant Woods, Brenda Hector, Mark Hector
CH CH Lone Pine's I'm Beri Special, Kelli Reichert
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Pleasant Woods Cowboy Clancy, Brenda Hector, Mark Hector

White Shepherd, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
GRCH BOB CA UWP UNJCH GRCH Dw's Worrywort Hijack My Heart, Linda Lipford

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) Belgian Shepherd Dog, CH Verseaus Queen Of Everything
2nd) Min American Shepherd, CH Pleasent Woods Eyes Of Jade
3rd) White Shepherd, CA UWP UNJCH GRCH Dw's Worrywort Hijack My Heart
4th) German Shepherd Dog, Worrywort U'lee Of Turk H&s


American Pit Bull Terrier, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
BHM BM BOW BOB Listed Entry
Jr. Female BF 'PR'Country Star's Lighting My Way, Kathleen Williams, Angela Bruner
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Gwlk's Fate's Proposition, Suzanne Loegel

German Pinscher, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
CH BOB URO1 CH Dabneys Pink Gardenia SPOT-ON, Janet Oatney And Linda Krukar
RCH UWP CH Aritaur Bibi Dahl SPOT-ON, Janet Oatney, Ron Dunn, Valerie J Vihlen Schluter

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) German Pinscher, URO1 CH Dabneys Pink Gardenia SPOT-ON
2nd) American Pit Bull Terrier, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 13 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Male Puppy RBM Listed Entry
Jr. Male BM CH Rib The Carpenter Of Blb, Abel Villarreal Jr, Autumn Villarreal
Female Puppy RBF Listed Entry
BHF BF BOW CH Mtn. Pride's Top Of The World, Elizabeth Peterson
CH BOB GRCH Dicksons Huggybear Luvn Ur Ladies, Bobby Lee Dickson, Jasmine Marie Sadow
RCH CH Mtn Pride Kj Ride Or Die, Kim Jordan
GRCH GRCH FS Incredibullz The Simple Man, Tina M Karbonski

Chihuahua, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Male Puppy BM BOB Chula's Victory Lap To Kandiland, Helene Benson, Gina M Schag

Dalmatian, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Female Puppy BF BOB CH Blackflash Blazing Beauty, Katherine Sorensen

French Bulldog, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Havanese, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB CH Es Ti N Lil Pawz Warrior Winner, Charles P Mc Carthy, Cheryl Mc Carthy, Elaine Cirimele, Shih-tso Joe Chen
Jr. Female BF CH Oh La La Rouge Cinnbarmm, Margaret Mc Robbie

Papillon, 2 Entries
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM BOW BOB CH Firerose Troy The Charmer, Helen Dohrmann
Adult Female BF CH Firerose Oh Star Bright, Helen Dohrmann

Pekingese, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
BHF BF BOB Listed Entry
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Tibetan Spaniel, 1 Entry
Judge Elizabeth Mckennon
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Tamziln Aquila Ready Set Go, Elaine Oxborrow

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Elizabeth Mckennon
1st) Dalmatian, CH Blackflash Blazing Beauty
2nd) French Bulldog, Listed Entry
3rd) Havanese, CH Es Ti N Lil Pawz Warrior Winner
4th) American Bully, GRCH Dicksons Huggybear Luvn Ur Ladies

BIS Belgian Shepherd Dog, CH Verseaus Queen Of Everything, Penny King, Ramona Kraft
RBIS Silken Windhound, GRCH'PR'Winsome's Breeze On By, Lorraine Strawn, Jim Strawn