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OFFICIAL: Twister City Kennel Club (05/24/2019) / Conformation - Monday, Show 2

May 27, 2019

Location: Hutchinson, Kansas

Guardian Dogs

American Bulldog, 2 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB URO1 CH Nobilis' Kylo Ren Of Hdk SPOT, Lynn Carradine-hailey, Polly Dake-jones, Lisa Dake-jones
RCH CH Nobilis' Walk The Line, Lynn Carradine-hailey

Bullmastiff, 4 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Female Puppy BF Valco Bulls Shake Some Action, Amanda Barron, Ammon Barron
CH BOB CH Blackrivers Takingcareofbusatsd, Sue Miller
RCH Listed Entry
RBF Listed Entry
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Tsarskaya Idillia Inpossible T

Perro De Presa Canario, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Sicario De Akiva K9, Kassidy Collier
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Venoi

Rottweiler, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Zlatanrott-house Covic (serbia), Wesley B Poke

Guardian Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Rottweiler, CH Zlatanrott-house Covic (serbia)
2nd) American Bulldog, URO1 CH Nobilis' Kylo Ren Of Hdk SPOT
3rd) Bullmastiff, CH Blackrivers Takingcareofbusatsd
4th) Perro De Presa Canario, CH Sicario De Akiva K9


Dachshund, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Adult Male BMV BM Listed Entry
Open Female BFV BF BOW CH Criscross Hurricane Party Ms, Amanda Barron, Ammon Barron
GRCH BOB GRCH Criscross Make A Wish Ms, Amanda Barron, Ammon Barron

Scenthound Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Dachshund, GRCH Criscross Make A Wish Ms

Sighthounds & Pariah Dogs

Afghan Hound, 2 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Serendipity Tovah, Robin Wilson
RCH CH Asylum I Got Skilz, Robin D Wilson

Azawakh, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
GRCH BOB UWP URO2 GRCH Allal Wa N'sahel's Bagan SPOT, Alberta Evans, R Winn Conaway

Saluki, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM BOB CH Rlou's Noble Kings Before Us, Jeanette Davila

Silken Windhound, 10 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy BM Satsuma Lucky Star At Broadway, Christina Klahn
CH GRCH'PR'Clayborn's Ladybug, Cathi Wester
RCH CH'PR'Clayborn's Leaping For Joy, Cathi Wester
GRCH BOB GRCH'PR'Firebird's Lone Ranger Dna, Russell L Buhrdorf
RBM 'PR'Runways Rolling In The Deep Janis Bastian

Sighthound & Pariah Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Azawakh, UWP URO2 GRCH Allal Wa N'sahel's Bagan SPOT
2nd) Saluki, CH Rlou's Noble Kings Before Us
3rd) Afghan Hound, CH Serendipity Tovah
4th) Silken Windhound, GRCH'PR'Firebird's Lone Ranger Dna

Gun Dogs

German Shorthaired Pntr, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
GRCH BOB EGCH Vomharts Yellowrose Kc I Love U, Audrey Reed

Golden Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH Invalid Entry

Labrador Retriever, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Pathways Gunslinger At Wyntree, Christi Abel

Standard Poodle, 9 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy BM BOW Listed Entry
Female Puppy BF Figz Cotija, April Albin, Tanya Figliozzi, Kerry Hogle
CH BOB Listed Entry
RCH Listed Entry
GRCH EGCH Fleetwoods Go Your Own Way, Zachary George
RBF Rose City's Girl Interrupted Tabatha Gargus
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Symplee Ca Dreamin' @ Rose Cit, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher Segrest
BRACE, 1 Entry
Brace: GRCH Wekay's Lady Marmalade, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher J Segrest
CH Fleetwoods Rick James Super Fr, Julia Vanikiotis

Standard Poodle M/C, 7 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Female BF BOB Panda Bear's Ruby Roo, Olivia Arndt
CH CH So Fetchs Cajun Pablo, Brett Bunch
RCH GRCH Celtichearts Sngs R Bttr, Brett Bunch
GRCH URO1 GRCH Bear Cove Charming Famous Amos, Paula L Cearley
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Symplee Ca Dreamin' @ Rose Cit, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher Segrest
BRACE, 1 Entry
Brace: GRCH Wekay's Lady Marmalade, Kathryn Zimmerman, Christopher J Segrest
CH Fleetwoods Rick James Super Fr, Julia Vanikiotis

Gun Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) German Shorthaired Pntr, EGCH Vomharts Yellowrose Kc I Love U
2nd) Labrador Retriever, CH Pathways Gunslinger At Wyntree
3rd) Golden Retriever, Invalid Entry
4th) Standard Poodle, Listed Entry

Herding Dogs

Australian Shepherd, 5 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM BOW Gemfire's Forged In Dragonfire, Christi Abel
Female Puppy RBF CH Pearlina Patriot Labakan Slova, Brandi Sutton
Open Female BF Seventy Seven Yakutia Star Spa, Brandi Sutton
CH BOB CH Thornapple Where Eagles Dare, Brandi Sutton
RCH CH Briarbrooks Stars And Stripes, Brandi Sutton

Beauceron, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Kafziel Von Der Funkhalde, Ashley Ducato

German Shepherd Dog, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
CH CH Thunderpaws Odin Vom Dergeo, Tammy Peterson
GRCH BOB SGCH 3colors Sharp Dressed Man SPOT-ON, Jessica Mc Rae, Emily Erskin
PUPPIES, 1 Entry

La Catahoula Leopard Dog, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Steel's Occupational Hazzard, Deborah Deters

Pembroke Welsh Corgi, 10 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Male BM Ozblu's Ursa Major, Kimberlie Adams
Female Puppy Valacara Poetry In Motion, Delania Mc Natt
Jr. Female RBF CH Ozblu's Southern Cross, Kimberlie Adams
Open Female BF BOW Listed Entry
CH BOB GRCH Vintage Written In The Stars SPOT-ON, Evangeline Stuck
RCH CH Wind Dials Charlemagne, Candace Longan
GRCH URO1 GRCH Laif Spring Nit Herd SPOT-ON, Evangeline Stuck Dvm, Jenna Dirkschneider

Herding Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) German Shepherd Dog, SGCH 3colors Sharp Dressed Man SPOT-ON
2nd) Australian Shepherd, CH Thornapple Where Eagles Dare
3rd) Beauceron, CH Kafziel Von Der Funkhalde
4th) La Catahoula Leopard Dog, CH Steel's Occupational Hazzard


Jack Russell Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Adult Male BM BOB Listed Entry

Miniature Schnauzer, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB GRCH Wadas Beacon Is Shining, Kim Wadas

W.Highland White Terrier, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Male Puppy BM BOB CH Captain Roquefort Of Alborada, Connie Romano

Terrier Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) Miniature Schnauzer, GRCH Wadas Beacon Is Shining
2nd) W.Highland White Terrier, CH Captain Roquefort Of Alborada
3rd) Jack Russell Terrier, Listed Entry

Companion Dogs

American Bully, 3 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
CH BOB CH Ncbs Nemesis Bad Moon Rising, Seth Leier
RCH CH Dwb Morning Dew Von Wulfsbane, Mary Tyson
GRCH GRCH Obduro's Betos Nice Dreams, Aaron Pelan

Dalmatian, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
BHM BM BOB Jls & Bardolyns First Sergeant, Adolyn Bartels, Julia Soukup

Italian Greyhound, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Female BF BOB Promenade Tiny Dancer, Linda Hughes

Mi-Ki, 2 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Open Female BF BOB Listed Entry
BHF RBF Listed Entry
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NMP BP Trouper

Poodle, 7 Entries
Judge Lila Fast
Jr. Female BFV BF BOW BOB Promenade's Va Va Voom, Linda Hughes
Adult Female RBFV RBF Promenade's Blackberry Muffin, Linda Hughes
Male Puppy BMV BM Pamper Carrot Top At Promenade, Linda Hughes
CH Listed Entry
RCH CH Karalot's Cowboy Casanova SPOT, Debbie Brazzil
GRCH GRCH URO3 Rococo's Don't Stop Til Enuf SPOT-ON, Debbie Brazzil
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Poodle M/C, 1 Entry
Judge Lila Fast
Adult Male BMV BM BOB Promenade's Aristo Waffles, Linda Hughes
PUPPIES, 1 Entry
NFP BP Listed Entry

Companion Dog Group Winners
Judge: Lila Fast
1st) American Bully, CH Ncbs Nemesis Bad Moon Rising
2nd) Poodle, Promenade's Va Va Voom
3rd) Dalmatian, Jls & Bardolyns First Sergeant
4th) Mi-Ki, Listed Entry

BIS German Shepherd Dog, SGCH 3colors Sharp Dressed Man SPOT-ON, Jessica Mc Rae, Emily Erskin
RBIS Azawakh, UWP URO2 GRCH Allal Wa N'sahel's Bagan SPOT, Alberta Evans, R Winn Conaway

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