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OFFICIAL: Carolina All Breed Association (04/12/2019) / Weight Pull - Saturday, Pull 2

April 13, 2019

Hosted By: Carolina All Breed Association

Location: King, North Carolina

Rails Div: A, 11 entries

Judge: Dina M Davis

MWPPBP: UWP Lockenlode Chairman, Jack Russell Terrier, Meaghan Arpe, 32.3

10 pound
1st: UWP Lyric Town Dragon Of Echigo, Chinese Crested, Rhapsody Rhodes, 18.44

20 pound
1st: UWP Lockenlode Chairman, Jack Russell Terrier, Meaghan Arpe, 32.3

40 pound
1st: AP VPN UWPCH'PR'Sevensins' Steel-thorned Roses, American Pit Bull Terrier, Elissa Bradford, Michael Delvecchio, 26.72

50 pound
1st: UWP CH'PR'Se7ens Show Me The Devil, American Pit Bull Terrier, Elissa Bradford, Michael Delvecchio, Josh Rousey, 24.8
2nd: Srk's I'll Fly Flyacrossthesky, American Pit Bull Terrier, Stephanie Lee, David Carter Jr, 10.42

70 pound
1st: AP VPN UWPCH USA UFA GRCH Kayo's Winmor Blame On My Add, American Pit Bull Terrier, Kristina Browne, 25.9

Rails Div: B, 11 entries

Judge: Dina M Davis

MWPPBP: AP2 VPE UWPO UGWPCH Srk's Dirty Pretty, American Pit Bull Terrier, Frances Howell, 36.68
MWPPBP Vet: AP2 VPE UWPO UGWPCH Srk's Dirty Pretty, American Pit Bull Terrier, Frances Howell, 36.68

30 pound
1st: AP2 VPA UWPO UGWPCH Bedlam's Howling Renegade, Staffordshire Bullterrier, Heather Phillips, 66.66

50 pound
1st: AP2 VPE UWPO UGWPCH Srk's Dirty Pretty, American Pit Bull Terrier, Frances Howell, 36.68

80 pound
1st: UWPS AP3 VPE UWPCHX CH Sapphire's Under Investigation, Standard Poodle, Wendy Coffey, 35.3

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