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Breed Standard Updates for 2025

Effective January 1, 2025

December 13, 2024


  • Originally posted 12/6/24.
  • The Presa and the Schipperke received additional revisions on 12/13/24.

Companion Group

American Bully Updates with input from the American Bully club and via email feedback to UKC, change the bite section to read:
BITE. The American Bully has a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors or even bite.
Serious Faults: Missing teeth. Overshot. Undershot
Eliminating Fault: Undershot or overshot one quarter inch or more. Wry bite.

Poodle and Multi-Colored Poodle clarifications to height, with approval from UPA.
Miniature - Over 10 inches up to 15 inches, measured at
the withers.
Toy - 10 inches or under, measured at the withers.
Within each individual variety, the judge shall favor the smaller dog when all other factors are equal, including
balance and proportion.
Serious Faults: A Miniature Poodle over 15 inches or 10 inches and under; a Toy Poodle over 10 inches.

Schipperke Breed Standard new standard, submitted by the Schipperke Club. Accepted by UKC. Effective January 1, 2025.
Additional revisions to the preview were accepted. Preview updated 12/13/24
The ideal height at the highest point of the withers should be: Males between 11-13 inches and females 10- 12 inches. Structure should take precedence over size. Fault: Males and females under the size limits by 2 inches and over the size limits by 3 inches.

Guardian Group

Boxer Breed Standard TEETH: Added the following to the faults section. Visible canines, incisors, or tongue when the mouth is closed"

Dogo Argentino Breed Standard clarifications Remove the word "Weight" in the "Height & Weight" header since no weight is included. For consistency, add "Males under 24.5 inches. Females under 23.5 inches" under the DQ section at the end of the breed standard because it is listed in the Height section as a DQ.

Perro De Pressa Canario Breed Standard FOREQUARTERS section should read "Shoulders are muscular and well laid back. The upper arm is of good length and well-angled so that the front legs are set well behind the point of the shoulder. The elbows must be neither too close to the ribs or sticking out."
BODY should read "A properly proportioned Presa is about 20-percent longer (measured from prosternum to point of buttocks) than tall (measured from the withers to the ground), and length of the front leg (measured from point of elbow to the ground) should approximately equal one-half of the dog's height. Females may be slightly longer in body. The withers are slightly elevated. The back and loin are strong but without prominent musculature. The straight topline ascends slightly toward the croup. The height at the croup is no more than three-fourths inch of the height at the withers. The croup is of medium length, wide and slightly sloping. Females normally have slightly wider croups. The loin is moderately short, muscular and deep, with moderate tuck-up. The ribs are well arched. The brisket extends to the elbow. The chest is broad and deep with well-developed pectoral muscles. Ideally, the circumference of the deepest part of the chest should equal almost 1 and one half times the dog's height at the withers.
Disqualification: Croup lower than withers, height at the croup notably higher than the withers.
HINDQUARTERS should read "Hindquarters are powerful and well-muscled. In profile, the croup is sloping. The turn of stifle is moderate with a good bend to the knee. When the dog is standing, the rear pasterns are short, perpendicular to the ground and, viewed from the rear, parallel to one another."
Serious Faults: Severe over angulation, sickle hocks, cow hocks.
Disqualification: Straight rear legs lacking bend of knee.
FEET should read "Fault: Splayed feet, flat feet."
Add "Croup lower than withers, height at the croup notably higher than the withers" & "Straight rear legs lacking bend of knee" to DQ section.

Additional revisions to the preview were accepted. Preview updated 12/13/24
COLOR (updated 12.13.24)
Any shade of fawn, black, and brindle in any combination of these colors. The face must have a black mask that does not extend over the eyes, with or without a white blaze or patch on the head. Minimal white markings may appear anywhere between the chest and the throat, or on the toes.
Serious Fault: Mask that extends over the eyes or masks covering less than 50-percent of the face muzzle.
Disqualifications: Absence of black mask, white markings covering more than 20-percent of the dog, coat color or pattern other than described above.

SIZE (updated 12.13.24)
Desirable height at withers for a mature male is 23-26 inches. Desirable height at withers for a mature female is 22-25 inches, with a tolerance of 1 inch over these limits being acceptable. Minimum weight for a mature male is 100 pounds with a maximum weight of 125. Minimum weight for a mature female is 85 pounds with a maximum of 100 pounds.

Guided by the belief that dogs make a difference by being the best partner a human can have in the field, on the job, or in a competition event, UKC is a community for people and dogs to pursue excellence together. Founded in 1898, UKC has been dedicated to enhancing the lives of Dogs That Do More, and their owners, by providing essential resources to help owners and breeders make informed decisions. The dog-human bond is celebrated through family-friendly programs highlighting the instincts and heritage of purebred and mixed-breed dogs alike at over 18,000 licensed events annually.

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