Tournament of Champions entries are open! Entry Deadline: March 10, 2025

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American Eskimo Dog Association Of Oregon

Temporary Listing Number


Sat, Feb 22, 2025, Sun, Feb 23, 2025

Host Club

American Eskimo Dog Association Of Oregon

Held In Conjunction With
Cascade American Pit Bull Terrier Club

Angie Bruner

Jennifer Merrill

Events Offered

Conformation (Altered Conformation, Junior Showmanship, Altered Total Dog, Brace, Brood Bitch, Novice Puppy, Stud Dog, Total Dog/Total Junior, Veteran)


Cowlitz County Event Center
1900 7th Ave.
Longview, WA 98632

Conformation Schedule

Sat Show 1 Sat Show 2 Sun Show 1 Sun Show 2
Entries Open 7:30am 7:30am 7:30am 7:30am
Entries Close 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am
Start Time 9:00am To Follow Junior Showmanship, Show 1 9:00am To Follow Junior Showmanship, Show 1
Junior Showmanship Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Guardian Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Scenthound Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Sighthound Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Gun Dog Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Northern Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
American Eskimo Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Herding Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Belgian Shepherd Dog Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Terrier Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Toy Fox Terrier Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams
Companion Tracey Kallas Sheree Sanchez Jennifer Landers Janet Williams

Pre-Entry Fees

Event Entry Fee Notes
Conformation $35.00
Junior Showmanship $3.00
Non-Licensed $20.00

Day of Show Fees

Event Entry Fee Notes
Conformation $45.00
Junior Showmanship $3.00
Non-Licensed $20.00

Pre-Entry Deadline:
Received By February 12, 2025

Please send Pre-Entries to:
Angie Bruner
1020 Tower Rd
Castle Rock, WA 98611

Exhibitor Entry Forms

Conformation Entry Form (PDF)

Performance Entry Form (PDF)

Coursing Entry Form

Nosework Entry (PDF)

Junior Entry Form (PDF)

General Information

--Offered in conjunction with the Weight Pull event held by Cascade APBT Club--
Total Dog Award: To be eligible for a Total Dog award, a dog must: (1) On the day of the event, compete in conformation with competition and win one of the following classes: Best or Reserve Best Male/Female of Variety, Best or Reserve Best Male/Female, Best of Winners, Champion, Reserve Champion, Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Best of Breed, Group 1 through 4 (providing the group placement has competition), Best in Show, or Reserve Best in Show. (2) Earn a qualifying score in a performance event.
Total Junior Award. To be eligible for a Total Junior award, a junior handler must: (1) Compete in the Novice Junior, Novice Senior, Open Junior, or Open Senior class and earn a 1st-4th placement with competition. (2) Earn a qualifying score in any one performance event on the same day the conformation requirement was met.

-Except for Novice Puppies all Dogs must be permanently registered with UKC, have a Temporary Listing (TL) number, or have a Performance Listing (PL)/Limited Privilege (LP) number by the closing date and time or Day of Show closing to enter the licensed or non-licensed classes. No exceptions will be made. Entries for ineligible dogs will be returned. Dogs must meet the eligibility requirements for the event which they are entering. For requirements, refer to the appropriate event rules and regulations.

-Entries may be submitted Online, using the links above
-Entries may be submitted by mail to our event secretary Angie Bruner at PO Box 861, Castle Rock, WA 98611
-Entries may be submitted by email to
-Receipt of entries will be acknowledged, but this does not constitute confirmation of a valid entry. Proof of payment and valid fully filled out entry combined is required. Please see further information in Payment section. Confirmation of entries will be sent to the email address included on the entry form.
-One armband will be assigned to each entered dog. Entry information will be printed on the back of the armband. Armbands will be made available for pick up at the event.

-Payment may be made through PayPal by credit/debit card to Please retain a receipt or conformation of payment and mail or email your entry with this proof of payment to Angie Bruner at PO Box 861, Castle Rock, WA 98611 or No entry will be accepted without payment.
-Every effort will be made to find all duplicate entries before processing. However, if a duplicate entry is processed, no refund will be made.
-Entry overpayments may be donated to the general trophy fund.
-If, because of riots, civil disturbances, or other acts beyond the control of the host organization, it is impossible to open or to complete an event, no refund of entry fees will be made.

-Confirmation of entries will be made by email after receipt of pre-entries. If you do not receive your confirmation by the pre-entry closing date, please notify the AEDAO by emailing the show secretary Angie Bruner at
-Pre-entry armbands will be available for pick up at the club table.

-Owners are responsible for the accuracy of information on their entry forms. Owners are responsible for any errors made on entry forms, regardless of who may make such errors. Owners and exhibitors are responsible for correcting any errors regarding their entry. If, per the owners records, a dog has completed the requirements for a title after the closing of entries, the dog may be moved up from the entered class to the class for which it is eligible. Move-ups must be requested in writing to the club not later than one half-hour prior to the start of any regular judging at the show in which the move-up is being made.
-Any corrections to entries must be made in writing to the club using the appropriate form provided no later than one half-hour prior to the start of judging at the show.

-Exhibitors are responsible for being available for judging at the scheduled time.
-Every possible effort will be made to accommodate exhibitors who have dogs entered in multiple events, but judges are not required to wait for dogs. Exhibitors are advised to pick up their armbands as early as possible and to notify stewards in all rings affected by the conflict so judges may more easily work around any conflicts.
-When there is a conflict, the exhibitor should inform the steward/judge at the performance ring ahead of time of a possible conflict and make every effort to be available for judging prior to the conclusion of the class. If an exhibitor misses a scheduled judging time, the judge has the discretion to allow that exhibitors breed at the end of the class. However, if and once the judging of the specific class has been completed, the exhibitor shall not be eligible to compete and will be marked absent. The judges decision is final.

-All events are held under the Rules and Regulations of the United Kennel Club. By entering this show/trial, exhibitors acknowledge that they are familiar with the rules and regulations of this sport.
Crating must only be done within the designated crating areas.
-Absolutely no consumption of alcoholic beverages or unprescribed drugs will be allowed while participating in a UKC Licensed event.
-It is expressly understood that exhibitors alone are responsible for the behavior of their dogs and/or children. Any exhibitor whose dogs and/or children create unnecessary disturbances or repeatedly engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior may, at the discretion of the Event Committee, be asked to leave the show site. In that case, no refund of any fees paid will be made.
-UKC, the host club AEDAO, their agents, and their employees assume no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by spectators or by exhibitors, or to any of their dogs or property, and further assume no responsibility for injury to children under the control of their parents or guardians. Parents are required to supervise their children on the show grounds. Children are not allowed to play on any equipment on the show site. UKC, the host club AEDAO, and the facility are not responsible for loss, accidents, or theft.
-The No Smoking rule will be strictly enforced in all buildings, crating areas, and other areas within 25 feet of doors. No use of electronic cigarettes or vaping devices will be allowed in the no smoking areas.
Exhibitors and dog owners are expected and required to clean up after their own dogs including urination upon any event, club or other exhibitors personal property. Any person witnessing a violation of this rule must report it to the Event Committee. The Event Committee may ask any person violating this rule to leave the event grounds. No refund will be made if an exhibitor is asked to leave the grounds.
-UKC and the host club AEDAO will vigorously support any hotel that files a complaint about exhibitors who fail to keep their dogs quiet or to clean up after them. UKC and host club AEDAO will take strong disciplinary action against any offenders.
-UKC encourages exhibitors to present their dogs with the least amount of grooming necessary to enable a judge to properly compare each dog with the standard of its breed. Dogs should be bathed, have clean teeth, and have nails cut to a length suitable for the dog to perform the work for which it was bred. UKC enforces rules against artificially altering pigment, coat color, and/or coat texture with products and/or surgical alterations, as outlined in the UKC Rules and Regulations. The judges determination that this rule has been violated shall be final.
Dogs may not be left unattended on a grooming table or when crated in soft mesh crates or open top exercise pens. No dog may be left unattended in an unlatched or unzippered crate. Except when being judged or when crated, dogs must be kept on leash.
-All exhibitors are expected to abide by the UKC Rules and Regulations and to cooperate with grounds staff, stewards, and club members and volunteers of the host clubs.

--Entry cancellations must be received in writing prior to the closing of pre-entry or before show maximum limits have been reached--
Cancellation requests must be mailed to the event secretary:
Angie Bruner
PO Box 861,
Castle Rock, WA 98611
-Requests must include the dogs UKC registration/TL/PL number, breed, name, and event type entered. Cancellations received by telephone will not be accepted. No refund of entry fees will be made for entries cancelled after the pre-entry closing date and time, except in the case of females that come into season and are entered in a performance event. In those cases, refunds may be obtained by providing AEDAO with a veterinarians certificate verifying that the female came into season after the closing date. The certificate may be mailed, provided the postmark is no later than the date prior to the day of the event, emailed to or delivered by hand to the event chair or event secretary before the start of the event. Cancellations submitted before the close of entries will be charged $5 per entered class. No entries will be refunded after the pre-entry closing date and time or after show entry limits have been reached.
-Entry fees shall not be refunded in the event a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by veterinarian or judge, or barred from competition by action of the event committee. If, in the opinion of the host club, the well-being of dogs, exhibitors, or spectators are at risk due to extreme weather conditions, such as but not limited to, snow or ice storms, hurricanes,tornados, lightning, flooding, or extreme heat, the host club may cancel or stop an event before completion. No refunds will be made in such cases.

This event was last updated on Thu, Feb 6, 2025

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